Pet Beasts of the World: Hundred-Fold Multiplier System

Chapter 166 - Growth

Chapter 166 - Growth

Chapter 166: Growth

After spending a month with the demons, although he was not used to it at first, Fang Yuan gradually realized that the personalities of the demons and humans were similar.

“Big Brother, are you leaving today?”

Fang Yuan had already changed into the demon’s signature animal skin clothes because Leila had told him not to rely too much on the trainers’ equipment when she was training with Fang Yuan. These things would lose their effectiveness in the demon world.

Many humans were strong in the real world, but they did take advantage of the equipment. When they arrived in the demon world, they were dumbfounded when they could no longer use the equipment.

When Fang Yuan heard this, he remembered that he had asked Nero if he knew the concept of “equipment”. Nero had the same reaction. It did not even know what equipment was.

Due to this, Fang Yuan was even more convinced that Nero was not an ordinary pet beast. Although it had a scientific name, it should be a pet beast from the demon world. As for why he was captured by the black market merchants, he might have to return to the real world to find out from the organization.

“Yes,” Fang Yuan nodded. A group of purple, blue, and brown-skinned children pulled Fang Yuan’s clothes, not letting him leave. In the end, Leila gave each of them a knock on their heads.

“Fang Yuan is going to remove the curse on us. Don’t delay his journey.” josei

Seeing Leila’s stern look, Fang Yuan could not help but laugh. He said, “It’s okay. Isn’t teacher Huang Ying not here yet? I’ll play with the children.”

“Children?” Leila said, “They look young, but in fact, they’re already three to four hundred years old.”

“Is that so?” Fang Yuan looked at their innocent looks and said.

“Yes, but it has been a long time since the demon race had a new life. These children will never grow up, and their memories will only remain for one day.”

This was what Leila told herself in the demon race’s cave last time. These children’s magic cores had been destroyed. Although they could maintain their lives, they had permanently lost their memories and learning abilities. As long as they fell asleep, their memories would be wiped out. Fortunately, they could stay awake for a long time. They could sleep only once a month.

This was a very cruel thing. After Fang Yuan left, they would not be able to recognize him the next time they saw him.

Touching the heads of the children, Fang Yuan felt a bit sad, but he could not say anything.

“Do you understand the meaning of your mark now?” Huang Ying’s figure descended from the sky. A phoenix appeared above everyone’s head. Huang Ying jumped down from the sky and made a simple cushioning posture, then, he stood in front of Fang Yuan.

“This is too cool.” Fang Yuan looked at the height of the phoenix. If he jumped down from such a high altitude, he would definitely be limping.

On the way back, Fang Yuan did not ride on his Xiao Jin. Instead, he sat behind Huang Ying.

“Fang Yuan, next, you will have to challenge the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.”

“En.” Fang Yuan nodded. He felt the wind on his face, and it was a little stinging.

“I’ll give you a month to say goodbye to your family.”

“Why?” Fang Yuan asked curiously.

“Once you enter the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, you can’t leave this arcane realm anymore,” Huang Ying said.

“Then I won’t do it!” Fang Yuan was a bit upset. “I still have my parents and friends. How can I live in the arcane realm for my whole life?”

At this point, Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something and stammered, “Could it be that you guys...”

Huang Ying nodded.

“We can’t leave the secret pavilion for our whole life. Once we challenge the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, we can’t leave this secret realm until we reach the peak.”

“Oh, I see.” Fang Yuan let out a sigh of relief.

“Hmm? It seems that you are very confident?” Huang Ying said with a smile.

“So far so good. At least I haven’t lost so far,” Fang Yuan said confidently. “And I gradually know that I can’t lose. If I lose, everything will be over.”

“Don’t think too highly of yourself.” Huang Ying laughed loudly. “Even if you lose and die in the demon world, we will continue to guard the Heavenly Secret Pavilion and wait for the next miraculous youth to appear.”

“Do you know that after challenging the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, other than not being able to leave this arcane realm, our lifespans are the same as the demon race’s. We will almost never see the passage of time...”

Although he could not see Huang Ying’s expression, Fang Yuan felt that he must be extremely lonely at this moment.

“Then Teacher, how old are you exactly?”

“I can’t remember. If it’s not 500, it should be 400,” he replied. “Fang Yuan, now you know how abnormal you are. You haven’t even entered the academy for a year, yet you are actually already on equal footing with us old men.”

“Not bad,” Fang Yuan thought to himself. He was using a year as a hundred years, which was about the same as the system’s reward.

Landing on the bridge in front of the academy, Huang Ying said to Fang Yuan, “Come down.”.

Knowing what Huang Ying wanted to do, Fang Yuan also consciously stood on the bridge. The iron golem descended from the sky. As Fang Yuan was carrying a magic core, it had triggered the defense mechanism of the war machine.

It was during his first time in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, and he was beaten half death by this guy.

It was different now.

Just as its iron fist was about to land on Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan’s body disappeared like a shadow.

It was Ah Li.

After pulling away from the iron golem, the iron golem didn’t even know where Fang Yuan was.

At this moment, Fang Yuan was standing on the stone pillar with Ah Li.

“So you are also a demon.” Fang Yuan now had the ability to see through the magic core. The inner part of this iron golem was actually a magic core.

It was filled with hatred towards the demon race. Therefore, once a demon approached it, it would attack crazily.

It was not created by the academy.

Huang Ying nodded to Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan activated his trainer skill.

With the help of the trainer skill, Ah Li’s flames became even thicker.

Its high-temperature flames completely covered the iron golem. The iron golem reached out to block it, but its hands were melted. It then used its arms, and it was melted again.

In the end, Ah Li’s flames lasted for about 30 seconds, and the iron golem completely melted, including the magic core in its body.

However, after the flame disappeared, the green light on Ah Li’s body seemed to be attached to the melted iron golem and gradually turned into an egg.

Ah Li jumped down with Fang Yuan on its back. Fang Yuan picked up the egg and handed it to Huang Ying.

Huang Ying shook his head and smiled, “This is yours.”

“Do you think it will remember that I hurt it after it hatches again?”

“I don’t know anything about philosophy.” Huang Ying was biting a bristlegrass in his mouth. They were standing at the school gate, looking at the signboard of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

“But I believe that it will be glad that its soul has been freed.”

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