Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 201

Chapter 201: Retaliation!

After taking two days to rest, Alicia was with Blake staring out over the edge of the capital. Behind her were ten thousand newly created magi machines. These machines were in the shape of large platforms that had a pedestal setting on top of it. The pedestal had a familiar magic circle engraved onto it but on a much smaller scale. At the ends of the platforms were two oval shaped objects that had a large number of magi circuits engraved into it that hooked up to a small magic circle on the back. Along its edges were where hundreds of magic cannons were mounted.

Using the levitation magic circle that Alicia used to raise the capital into the sky. Alicia had a bunch of platforms that could hold one hundred people each made. These platforms were like floating battleships that could transport a lot of people.

"I know I caused the blacksmiths of the capital a lot of trouble making them rush these things but it was well worth it." Alicia looked out over the thousands of soldiers waiting for her to speak and smiled. 

"Alastine, for now, is safe! The people we could save are also safe! What we need to do now is reclaim what belongs to us! We need to make those who have suffered and died due to this war losses not go in vain! 

"Today is the day we will begin our retaliation! We will show these countries that we are not weak just because we stay neutral. We will show them that we chose to stay neutral and stay out of this world's politics not because we are weak but because we are too strong! We will start with the Dwarves! They took our lands, we will turn around and take theirs!" 

A loud roar sounded out from the crowd as all the soldiers, knights and mages, got to their designated platform. The morale of the people of Alastine was high. They knew what was left of their home would never fall. They knew with the princess as their support they would not lose! This was their only chance to take revenge for their loved ones who had died in the war. When the notice came that Alicia was going to strike back, there was a large fight over who would get to go. Every soldier, knight, and mage of Alastine wanted revenge!


Dwarven camp, two weeks away from the capital...

"Sir we got word from our scouts. The thing that appeared in the sky is actually the capital of Alastine." A young dwarf soldier said as he walked into the tent.

"What the hell are those damn elves doing?" A short stout man who was wearing metal armor that had magicules running through lines and connectors that were welded on to it all over the place. 

"General Dekgrag I heard that they were forced to stop due to the earthquakes earlier. " A young dwarf soldier replied. 

"Forget it! We will push forward and claim as much land as possible. Destroy any human settl..."josei

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!

Loud explosions began going off in rapid succession, causing General Dekgrag to jump up and rush outside to see what was going on. He looked up in the sky in horror when he saw thousands of floating platforms hovering overhead. At the forefront, on the biggest platform, was a young girl with golden hair and dark blue eyes. She was dressed in leather armor but it did not hide her blossoming beauty. 

"Dwarves of Grogandon! You have invaded my Alastine Kindom's lands, as such, you will be sentenced to death! Fire at will! Kill every last one of them! No mercy!" Alicia shouted at the same time she casted a barrage of large fireballs sending them hurtling to the ground below.

General Dekgrag looked at the massive attack heading towards his army, he knew this was the end. He took the magi rifle from his back and pointed it at Alicia. "By the Dwarven God Mormic, I will descend to hell, but not before taking you with me!" 


He fired his magi rifle sending a blast of magicules straight at Alicia. Alicia did not even move, instead, she waved her hand dispersing the Magicules that made up the bullet into nothingness, before sending a massive fireball at her attacker. General Dekgrag looked at Alicia with wide eyes as he yelled out "You damn monster!"


"Princess the dwarves have all been wiped out. " A knight came over to Alicia to report.

"Good now let's head to Grogandon! Remember do not kill the innocent! We are not like others! We will follow and abide by the knight's code and our own morals! We will show a sign of force and make them surrender to us!" Alicia would not make the same mistake again. She will make the dwarves surrender and become a vassal state under Alastine rule. If they refused she would make it so that they couldn't refuse.

When she was done speaking she walked over and sat down next to Blake at the edge of the flying platform. Blake turned his head and looked at his future wife and smiled. "We haven't named these new flying magi machines yet." 

"Hmmm… I am not sure what to call them. You come up with a name for them." Alicia hated making names up for things since nothing good ever came to mind.

Blake thought for a minute before saying "The Fan'tal"


"Mmm, in god's tongue it means, New Beginning."

"Fan'tal, Fan'tal. I like it! From now on these magi machines will be known as Fan'tals!"


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