Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 210

Chapter 210: Traumatic Experience Part One

Emperor Caspin's eyes went wide in disbelief. His all powerful wife was suddenly beheaded just like that. His eyes glazed over with tears as he yelled out. "Tehlarissa! Tehlarissa!" He ran forward towards his wife wanting to hold her in his arms only to suddenly have someone appear in front of him. The world suddenly spun in a circle before him. He had no idea what was going on until he saw his own body still running towards his wife. Only then he knew that he too met the same fate as his wife.

"Who said you were going to be able to live as well?" King Augustus's cold voice echoed throughout the hall. Dudley had relayed a message to him with everything that had happened up until this point. King Augustus was so angered that as soon as he was done in Mytheth Lenora he used translocation magic to appear here. 

"Royal Father!" Alicia was surprised to see King Augustus so soon, she figured things would have taken a bit more time to settle. josei

"Everything is fine. The Elven King took his own life a little while ago, so I took a quick trip to the Beastmen Kingdom and removed the spirit that was possessing the Beastmen King. He is now back to normal. We can not find any fault with him since he was under the control of a wandering soul." King Augustus explained. He had decided it was not the right time to tell Alicia about certain things. This included his past.

'That quick?' Alicia thought to herself, she felt like something was off but she decided not to pry too much. Not thinking too much of it Alicia decided her job was now done. "Then Royal Father, I will be on my way. I will leave the rest for you. Blake and I both need a much needed rest."

"Mmm! Leave the rest to me. I will call you later for a full report." King Augustus watched as Alicia gave him a nod then disappeared with Blake. He knew things would take a bit of time to settle down. He had never expected such a large scale war would ever have taken place. He formed a ball of magicule in his hand and let out a sigh. "To think I am so weak!"

He had to rely on his youngest daughter to pull through. He only willingly sealed himself because he had faith she would get to him before the old monster figured out his trick. "There has to be a way to restore my Magi Points." 

King Augustus started to form a plan in his head. "Once Alicia is old enough and ready, she can take the throne. When that time comes I can go out and search for a way to fix this body." 

King Augustus did not want to leave everything to Alicia every time something happened. He wanted her to be able to grow up following her dreams. But he knew that the coming years were going to be a turning point for Alastine as they tried to incorporate the new countries into their own. That also meant fighting off uprisings as well. "It seems we still have a lot of work to do."

Back in the capital, Alicia towards Princess Catherine's room where she was recuperating to see Prince Nicholai and Princess Blanche standing at the door. "Third Brother? First Sister?"

"Third Sister, Second Sister has finally woken up." Prince Nicholai answered.

"Big Sister Catherine!" Alicia's body flashed into the room and appeared next to Princess Catherine's bed scaring the two doctors who were doing check ups on her. But Princess Catherine did not answer. She just sat there staring blankly. Seeing this, Alicia felt something was terribly wrong and asked: "Wh-What's wrong with her?"

"Shock… Not only was she beaten when she was captured but I am afraid..." The doctor's voice was grim. "I am afraid the trauma from the war was too much for her. She has gone into a state of living comatose. Unless she comes out of it herself she will be nothing more than a living doll right now." 

Alicia looked at Princess Catherine her eyes welling up with tears, she sat down next to her and grabbed her hand. Prince Nicholai and Princess Blanche both walked into the room and sat next to Alicia. Princess Blanche took one look at her little sister and started to cry. Prince Nicholai sat there with a worried expression on his face. 

As for Alicia, she wiped her eyes and then closed them before sending waves of holy magic into Princess Catherine's body. As the magic from her body flowed into Princess Catherine, Alicia's body began to faintly glow. The holy magic she was sending out became more refined and flowed straight towards Princess Catherine's brain. 

"It's dark, it's cold. They won't stop beating me! I want to go home!" A young girl was curled up into a fetal position on the cold ground in the dark tent. Blood dripped from the corners of her mouth and the wounds on her body. She does not know how many days she had been captured for. All she knows is that every day that woman comes and beats her. She remembered that Starla and Annelia were doing their best to protect her but ended up being beaten and chained up so they could no longer move. Even her little brother jumped on top of her trying his best to ward off some of the attacks, he suffered an even harsher beating and ended up chained up like the other two.

The girl's tears rolled down her cheeks as she softly asked herself: "Is this what we get for trying to defend our homeland?"


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