Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 260

Chapter 260: Three Old Books Part One

Mei found herself being reprimanded by Bai Hong for even thinking of fighting a core formation cultivator, when she returned to the mountain peak. The pills she took quickly healed her wounds, luckily she was not seriously hurt during the fight. Mei was mostly happy that things were finally settled between her and Xie Wen. The next day Mei's wounds were fully healed, so she decided to go tackle a mission.

When she got to the mission hall she was greeted by the same old man who was sitting behind the counter seemingly sound asleep. The other disciples all looked at Mei with a hint of fear and respect. Fear was that she held her own in a fight against a core formation cultivator at the first stage of the qi gathering realm and respect because she allowed Xie Wen one free hit at the start of the fight as a way of apologizing. 

She went and grabbed a mission to take on some rank one metal armor rhinos. These metal armor rhinos were very difficult to fight and very viscous. They had three horns made of metal that were jagged. These horns were what they used to shred their prey with. Their mouths were also filled with three rows of jagged teeth as well, which could easily sever someone's arm if bitten. After making her selection she walked up to the counter where Elder Sun was. This time though Elder Sun did not ignore Mei and opened his eyes once she reached the counter welcoming her with a broad smile. "Come for another mission?"

"Yep, hopefully, things will go smoothly." Mei answered.

"Just remember your life is more important than the mission so if you can't handle it then get out of there as quickly as possible." Elder Sun said with sincerity. 

Mei smiled and bowed her head as she said: "This disciple has put your words in her heart." josei

After saying goodbye to Elder Sun, Mei left the sect and headed to the location where she could find her target. This time she would need to kill ten of these rhinos. The rhinos were located almost a week away. Mei did not plan to use magic at all during this journey. Since she was in the world of cultivation she would do as they do. She had two reasons for doing things this way. First was because she did not want to bring attention to herself, the other was so that she could learn more about this world's cultivation and better her techniques with this world's standard before implementing other things into them. 

Mei wandered out of the sect and onto a long dirt road that led to a small town. This town could be called a small city since it was always busy. Many merchants had set up shop here to sell goods since cultivators from all over would pass through this place. It took her almost an hour to get to the town but when she did, she saw the hustle and bustle of the street as cultivators went to and fro from each shop buying what they needed. It was a very lively scene.

Some of the stands were made with wooden frames that had a cloth covering the top of them. While others were more elaborate and were made of stone and wood. But there were also those that were just a cloth laid on the ground with the seller's items spread out. Mei continued walking through the crowd looking at this and that. Not realizing her beauty was making the heads of many young men turn. It wasn't until two men walked up to her that she discovered that beauty can also bring about trouble in this world. "Hey there young miss, do you like candy? This brig brother has lots of candy at his place. How about you come with this big brother and I will give you plenty of candy." 

At this moment, after hearing this man's pickup line, Mei really wondered what was with both Phantasia and this cultivation world that made everyone think that she loved candy so much she would follow anyone who had it. She turned and looked at the man who just spoke and was holding out his hand with a bunch of rock candy in it. She didn't say a word as she reached out and poked the candy. A few seconds later the man who was standing there with his hand stretched out turned into an ice cube. She did not use magic but the law of ice to freeze the man. After freezing him she calmly walked away disappearing into the crowd. The other man who was also there stood there in shock for a few minutes and did not come back to his senses until Mei had completely disappeared, before screaming in fear and running away. 

Mei came to a four way intersection where she saw an old man sitting at the corner of an alleyway on a ragged old blanket. On the blanket were three old books that looked as if they were going to fall apart if touched. Mei walked over and looked at the old man who was leaning his back against the wall with his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. But before she could say ask about the books the old man's eyes opened and looked at her. 

"Hmmm… You're a strange one… you are only in the qi gathering realm yet hold more power than even those in the core formation realm could handle. MMm… Maybe it's fate young lady these now belong to you. You could call this destiny." The old man said as his body suddenly disappeared into thin air. 

Mei stood there stupefied not even knowing when the three books appeared in her hands. She looked down at the place where the old man was once, to find nothing there. Just dirt. 


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