Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: Free For All

On a stage further away, Loeri stood tall looking indifferently at all the humans in front of her. She felt bored. Before they reached the battle stages Mei had told her many times not to kill anyone. So now she couldn't just burn these humans to a crisp in one go. She actually had to exert herself to actually punch and kick them. Letting out a depressed sigh Loeri heard the announcement of the battle starting. She stretched out her arms and cracked her knuckles. When she saw a few humans running towards her she snorted, spun her body, and swung her tail. The humans who ran towards her did not expect her to attack with her tail and were instantly sent flying back into the crowd clearing a path in the crowd for Loeri to walk through. She immediately gained everyone's attention on the battle stage.

On another stage, Nomi was wielding his sword masterfully as he parried and attacked anyone who came at him. In no time at all he had already taken out quite a few people. Seeing his strength, the weaker cultivators looked at each other and nodded. They all charged at Nomi to try to outnumber him with numbers. But unfortunately, their plan was for naught. Because in Nomi's eyes these young teen cultivators although close to him in cultivation were not as fast as his mother. Mei had pounded into him that the speed of his sword was a must. He not only learned to use his sword quickly but also gained a good understanding of the law of wind which allowed him to come up with a few techniques of his own. With the onslaught of about ten or so young teen cultivators charging towards him Nomi crouched down dug his foot in and just as the group of young teen cultivators slashed down with their sword his body disappeared reappearing behind them. 

The young teen cultivators all stood there stunned for a moment until a splash of blood formed on each of their shoulders and legs causing them to yell out in pain and fall to the ground. They did not even see what happened. At one second the young boy was standing in front of them and a second later he was behind them getting ready for the next attack. 

On Tang Yu's stage, she danced around as people tried to stabbed out at her. Wherever she went she left a trail of fire under her feet as she turned the whole stage into an inferno with the law of fire. Many tried to take her down but no matter who tried ended up collapsing onto the ground screaming out in pain.

Frey's stage was a little different, the sounds of a little girl yelling and squealing as she made sound effects as people fought filled the air. "Boom! Wham! Pow! Oh! That hurt! Whoosh! Ahhh!" Frey who was just flying this way and that way adding in her own commentary was being completely ignored by everyone on her stage. There seemed to be some kind of weird agreement to stay away from the little fairy. No one was sure who spread the word but there had been a rumor going around that if you meet a fairy in the tournament it was best to give up right away of face something even more terrifying than hell. josei

This rumor spread quickly throughout everyone who was signing up to be in the tournament. So right now that rumor was showing its effects as every single person there dared not even try to start anything with the little fairy in fear that they would end up in the little devil's clutches. None of Mei's group knew about this rumor since they were in seclusion the entire time. Luckily for Frey, she could just fly around and everyone would ignore her.

As for Mei, she came under attack at the start of the match. Thirty cultivators quickly charged at her with swords drawn. Mei frowned seeing this. She could tell that they were all of weaker cultivation. Because of this, she did not want to use any spiritual power so she could get some practice in. She drew her sword and readied herself as the group attacked her.


Metal against metal sounded out as sparks flew as she blocked the first attack. She then kicked out to her side to sending another cultivator into the crowd. The first cultivator was pushed away allowing Mei to do a few bicycle kicks and putting a bit of space between them. She stomped her foot and stepped forward while at the same time activating both the law of wind and law of fire. She thrust forward and a blade of raging fire that had wind mixed into shot forward slamming into three cultivators who were about to attack her. They screamed out in pain and rolled around on stage as they caught on fire. 

She quickly dodged an attack from the back sending her foot out once again knocking the cultivator back. When the group of cultivators realized that she had only used law so far in her attacks they each started having second thoughts about attacking her. Mei raised her sword and pointed it at the group of young cultivators who were trying to recollect themselves. She raised her other hand and made a 'come' motion with her hand causing the group of cultivators to grit their teeth and charge right at her!


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