Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 285

Chapter 285: A Trace Of Hope Part Two

Mei's eyes widened at grandpa Mu's words, she pushed herself out of the hug and looked at him. "Grandpa Mu what you said just now is it true? If there is still a shred of life in him he can be saved?"

Grandpa Mu looked at the hopeful eyes of Mei and smiled. "Alicia, let's just say it's a slim chance. For now, let me check if he still has a bit of life left in his body we might be able to save him. But we need to make sure we seal his body fully as well. But first…." 

Grandpa Mu turned to the frozen stiff old man who had shown up first. To try to stop the people from the Machine Empire. "Daoist, I must thank you for earlier. You helped keep the Machine Empire at bay. But now I think you need to hold a coalition meeting with all the top clans and sects on this lower plane. The Machine Empire may have suffered a defeat today but they are well known for exacting revenge. They will be back and with a larger army. But I must ask that you keep my and this girl's presence here a secret. When the time comes we will come to help but we do not want any trouble in the meantime."

"There is no need to worry about that Celestial Mu." A familiar voice sounded out from nowhere. A crack appeared in the sky and Tang Guanting appeared. He looked down at the old cultivator and nodded his head then he turned his attention to Grandpa Mu and Mei. "Young Miss Mei it is good that you are safe!" 

"I must apologize. The immortals I asked to protect you, were not fast enough to protect your son." Tang Guanting said while bowing his head.

"Uncle Guanting it's not your fault even I couldn't save him… Wait, where are Tang Chin and the rest?" Mei just now realized that if he said they were trying to save Nomi then where did they go? 

"Unfortunately the attack was too strong and too quick, they didn't have time to create a barrier around themselves and have passed. Only Tang Chin was lucky enough to escape but he was seriously hurt in the process and had to use an emergency teleport talisman. He will not be able to do much of anything anymore... " Tang Guanting had a look of regret in his eyes. 

Mei looked at Tang Guanting with a serious expression. She owed Tang chin a lot he had helped her greatly these past few years. "If he is alive I might be able to heal him. If anything it is worth a try. If there is a chance for my son to be able to live again then there is a chance we can fully heal Big Brother Chin." 

"Then I will have someone send him to Young Miss Mei. If he can be healed then he will be your personal guard from this day forth. He will even follow you back to your world." Tang Guanting made a firm decision, if Mei could really heal Tang Chin then Tang Chin will follow her for the rest of his life. Being saved by someone from being a cripple for the rest of their life is the same as incurring a life debt. Tang Chin would be reborn and Mei would be the one he owes his new life too. 

Mei was confused as to why Tang Guanting would send Tang Chin to Phantasia with her but it seemed Tang Guanting was not going to change his mind on this. Mei also figured having another powerful ally was good as well. Tang Chin was not bad looking either, he looked to be in his twenties. Mei knew that this was not his real age but he still looked young. 'Maybe Big Sister Blanche will take a liking to him...' josei


Phantasia, Alastine Kingdom...

"Ahh Choo!!" Blanche rubbed her nose as she looked around her wondering where she suddenly felt that chill from. "Is someone plotting against me?" 


"Then I will do what I can to help Big Brother Chin." Mei said with a smile. 

"Then I will leave him to you then, Young Miss Mei. I feel rest assured that Tang Chin will have a chance at a new life." Nodding his head as Mei and turning his gaze to Grandpa Mu, Tang Guan Ting said: "As for the matter of the lower realm. Celestial Mu does not need to worry about anyone finding out about your involvement. I will make sure of it. The Tang Family will also be temporally moving its operations to the lower realm along with some of our close allies. The Tang Family will be stationed outside Young Miss Mei's sect, to ensure her safety. Fellow Daoist I will need you to hold a meeting with the heads of the lower realm. In a few days time. We will need to gather every power as soon as possible." 

The situation was very serious now. It was not like this was a war between factions or sects, this was a whole different race of people from another planet trying to invade their realm. They needed to prepare and gather their forces as soon as possible. Because the Machine Empire would never accept such a loss as they did today. 

After speaking with Tang Guanting a bit more, Mei and Grandpa Mu went into her space to check on Nomi in her bedroom. Mei's eyes watered up once again seeing Nomi frozen and all burnt. She stood there nervously waiting for the final verdict from Grandpa Mu. 

"Seems we are in luck. His soul is still with his body and there is still a thread of life in it as well. I will be sealing his body now so that his soul does not leave the body extinguishing the last flicker of life he has. As of now neither you nor I, are powerful enough to bring him back. But we can keep him in this state until you are powerful enough. Out of everyone in the clan, even more so than your mother, you should be able to revive him." 


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