Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 294

Chapter 294: Simple Tricks

Pursing her lips and looking at the metal orb in her hand, Lina shoved the orb back to GD. "This is yours, I already have one. What will you do if you don't have one for yourself?"

GD smiled wryly: "As long as you have one then it's fine." GD only cared about keeping Lina alive. He did not expect so many unforeseen variables. 

Lina herself was worried about GD. She had known him since she was young and he had always taken care of her. At first, she thought of him as her older brother but as the years continued on, she started harboring other feelings for him. But she dared not express these feelings.

With unneeded thoughts in mind, GD and Lina headed to where they had blasted a large hole in the ground. They ended up needing to dig almost two kilometers down just to reach the top tunnel. When GD entered the tunnel he frowned. The tunnels were not very wide. "Everyone, make room, and spread out down the tunnel. Form groups of ten and begin searching. Kill anything that moves!" 

Although they were fighting on a completely different battlefield from what he had originally planned for, GD did not think that some tunnels would stop him from achieving the goals that the higher ups expected him to achieve. 


While the Machine Empire was trying to adjust to the new terrain. Mei was rushing through the tunnels with a group of immortals following behind her. It had been decided that Mei, Tang Guanting, and Grandpa Mu would split up and each would lead a group to begin hunting down the Machine Empire. But for Mei, this was not just a hunt to kill the Machine Empire but a form of revenge for what they did to Nomi. 

Mei sped through the tunnels at lightning speed, causing the immortal cultivators to do their best to try to keep up. During the past year and a half, Mei had not been sitting around idle. When she wasn't helping set up traps and dealing with other war related preparations, Mei cultivated nonstop. She was now no different than those from the clan leaders and sects. She had reached the soul transformation stage from the core shattering stage in less than two years. Her cultivation speed was truly unheard of.

This was also the same for Frey and Loeri as well. They both reached the core shattering stage at the same time. Tang Yu unfortunately began falling behind and only reached the core condensing stage. But none of them would be participating in this war. Mei found that this war was too dangerous to let them join in.

As Mei rounded a corner she halted her steps and made a hand signal to stop the group of immortals behind her. Just around the corner was a group of ten Numbers from the machine race. Mei could finally test out her armageddon grenades on the machine race to see if they worked as well as she hoped. She took one out of her space and pulled the pin and tossed it up into the air above the group of Numbers. 

A bright flash of light shined down on top of the ten Numbers from the machine race, quickly dimming as a large magic circle appeared in the air. The Numbers all looked up at this magic circle not understanding what was happening. When suddenly a ray of light engulfed the group. When the light dimmed all that was left, was a scorch mark on the ground. 

"Seems these work very well. A lot more powerful than I had expected. At least with this much power, I will not need to worry about the others being unable to kill the members of the machine race." Mei was very satisfied with this outcome. She had not been able to test her armageddon grenades well enough to see if they would be able to kill members of the machine race, so this test was very satisfactory.

Similar scenes were being seen throughout the entire tunnel system, the tunnel system stretched out across the entire mainland and had several floors. To call it a tunnel system was an understatement. It was more like a labyrinth than anything. It was a large winding maze that made it very difficult to map out. There were also many traps lining the entire place as well.

Some of these traps were just simple rooms. With a small treasure chest inside. Mei had come up with the idea of setting up simple traps like this to see if they were effective. Surprisingly enough the members of the machine race could not resist opening these chests and were instantly vaporized as the whole room lit up. After witnessing this scene for herself Mei couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that it really did work.josei

"It seems that it is human nature to be greedy." Mei mumbled to herself. 

The members of the machine race army were slowly being killed off. In a matter of twenty minutes around ten thousand had been killed. This of course was just a fraction of the Machine Empire's forces and its true power. Mei figured the ease of killing that they were experiencing now would change quickly once word spread throughout the Machine Empire's ranks. 

Mei's thoughts were truly not too far off. Once word began to spread GD had called back all his lieutenants in order to change their strategy. "As you have heard, there are many traps in the tunnels. Some so obvious yet our men are still falling for them. From now on dedicate three people to scanning the surroundings for anything that might be out of place. We can not allow ourselves to be killed off in such an embarrassing manner. We are the machine race of the great Machine Empire! Nothing and no one can stop us from reaching our goals! Not even them!" 

No one was sure who this "them" GD spoke of but his words were still enough to inspire his lieutenants. With renewed vigor, they quickly ran off to lead their units.


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