Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 299

Chapter 299: Building An Army Part Two

Alicia Was surprised that Tang Guanting wanted to do such a thing. But this was also very helpful as well. "If Uncle Guanting wishes to do so then I have no objections. When the time comes I will send you all into my space. But I must warn you, no one is to touch Wendy." 

"Wendy?" Both Grandpa Mu and Tang Guanting asked. 

"I will let you meet her. I wanted Grandpa Mu to check her for any tracking devices anyway." Alicia checked her and did not find anything out of ordinary but she was also not very proficient when it came to robotics. With a wave of her hand, she sent both Grandpa Mu, Tang Guanting, and herself into her space. 

"This is Wendy. She is the daughter of the ruler of the Machine Empire. In other words, she is basically a princess." Alicia pushed Wendy forward who had her head lowered and nervously played with her fingers. 

"Where did she come from and how do you know she is the princess of the Machine Empire?" Grandpa Mu asked, he was a bit confused as to where this little girl even came from. From all his years dealing with the Machine Empire, he knew they would never send a child out to fight. This went against their laws.

"Out of all the Empire Soldiers she was the only one to have a defensive item that was strong enough to block my attack. That with the story she told me and the fact that there were no other children her age in the army the Machine Empire sent. To me, this sounds like she was not lying at all. Which is why I wanted you to check if she has a tracker or not. Can you tell if she has one or not?" Mei asked.

"One moment." Grandpa Mu knelt down to be at the same height as Wendy. "Little Lady I need to check your arms and legs. Can you take them off for me?"Grandpa Mu asked not really elaborating on anything. 

Wendy looked at a grandpa Mu a little confused as to what to do. If she took them all off, wouldn't she fall down? Falling hurts! Alicia let out a laugh at Wendy's confused and panicked look as she said: "Wendy just one at a time is fine. When you get to your legs you can lean on me. " 

Giving a dry cough Grandpa Mu realized his mistake and nodded. "Yes, one at a time is fine." 

"Oh.." Wendy reached up and disconnected her arm. 

Grandpa Mu first inspected the connection point at her shoulder. Once he found nothing wrong he began inspecting the arm. This was a long process since he had to inspect every component. "Hmm. I am not sure if this is a new version or not. There seems to be an extra chip in the palm of the hand. Wendy, do you know what this chip does?"

Wendy looked where Grandpa Mu was pointing and nodded her head. "My father told me it would keep me safe if I was ever in trouble. It was what protected me from that blast earlier." 

"I see. This is indeed some advanced technology. Your father must have worked hard to make this chip possible. Are you the only daughter in the family?" Grandpa Mu figured since the little girl was talkative that he might as well get some information about the top of the Machine Empire.

"I am the only one left…" Wendy's voice began to lower as she spoke. "Father told me that at one time I had two older brothers and a sister. But they were plotted against from the forces that wish to take over my father's position. He told me when I was born that he made sure to keep it to the utmost secrecy. Everyone who was there during my birth is now dead... I snuck out because I was always stuck inside the tower with no one to play with..." 

Tears rolled down the little girl's face causing Alicia's heart to break. To think the little girl knew so much at her age. But she also understood why a father would say these things to his daughter. It held a very heavy meaning and warning. He basically told Wendy that all those who are not me are dangerous. Do not trust anyone besides me. Alicia patted Wendy's head gently. "If I could I would tell your father you are safe and that nothing will happen to you." 

"You may be able to do just that. This chip has video communication in it and it is a very protected channel as well. One second I will activate it." Grandpa Mu did some tinkering on the chip and a large holographic screen appeared in the air.

"Wendy! Wait who are you all!?" A middle aged man whose body looked completely human appeared on the holographic screen.

Alicia stepped forward with Wendy. "I am guessing you are Wendy's father and the leader of the Machine Empire am I right?" 

"Hah! Leader? I wish. My power grows less and less every day due to the factions doing whatever they want. But yes I am Wendy's father. I beg of you please do not harm her. I do not know how she got out of the tower but she is truly a good girl and has never done anything wrong. My name is Felix. May I know young miss's name please?" Felix was very polite in his way of talking and one could tell how much he cared for his daughter.


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