Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 301

Chapter 301: Building An Army Part Four

Top side, outside the barrier, Alicia hovered in the air above all the clan and sect leaders along with their disciples. "Young Miss Mei?"

The Ling Clan leader looked up at the familiar face but the eyes and hair did not match the image of the girl they had grown to know over the past few years. "To answer your question Mei was just my alias. My real name Is Alicia Von Alistine. I am a member of the human race of the planet Phantasia and at the same time a mix between a cultivator and celestial. I am the taboo that those above dislike because as I grow, I will threaten their positions. I gathered you all here for one reason. Those who are behind the attack from the Machine Empire will return in a few years' time. But I will no longer be on this world. When I finish up what I need to do in the Immortal Realm I will be heading back home. What happens to this world after I leave will be out of my hands and there will be nothing I can do about it. They were not just bent on capturing me but taking over this lower plane as well.

" I will now give you all an option. Form a contract with me and follow me as my soldiers and be given the chance to cultivate a cultivation method that will make you all stronger than you could ever imagine or stay here and wait it out and see if this world gets taken over by the Machine Empire. The contract will not control you personally, it is to ensure that you will not harm me, those close to me, or the planet you will be going to. You will also need to serve as one of my soldiers in my army. But as you know I take good care of those who fight with and for me. I will give you a while to answer. In two years' time meet me back here with those you wish to bring with you. That is all. I must now go to the Immortal Realm to finish up my business." 

Alicia turned to leave. She said what she wanted to say. She now wanted to deal with the objective at hand and find the object that was needed. "Wait! Me- Alicia! My Souring Cloud Sect will join with you!" Sect Master Li yelled firmly. He did not need to even think about it. The little girl he watched grow up was beyond his expectations on how fast and powerful she grew in a short time. He wanted to see with his own eyes just what she was able to accomplish. He had no problem lending her the reins of the sect since she was capable of doing what she said. If they could all become powerful beyond what they could ever imagine then why not take this time to better themselves.

"Is Master Bai, coming to?" Alicia asked.

"Little girl you would miss me too much if I didn't go." Bai Hong said as he stepped forward. "So of course I will be going."

Alicia smiled and nodded her head, she would indeed miss her Master. He might be a little weird but he had taken good care of her during her stay here in this world 

"My Ling Clan will also follow!" 

"The Flying Phoenix Sect will also follow."

More and more sects and clans stated their wish to follow. More than seventy percent of all the people here instantly agreed to follow Alicia, this was more than a million cultivators from both righteous and devil sects and clans. Alicia smiled and was glad so many were willing to follow. With such powerful people in Alastine, it would be a kingdom that would never have to worry about being invaded again. Because no one would dare to do so with such military might. 

Alicia had no idea that her army would one day transcend the stars and move to other universes. Where she would one day meet the Origin and the left hand of the Origin. This of course was far off into the future. 

Alicia did not form a contract with everyone right away. She decided to give everyone time to think it over in case they change their minds or regret their decision after they formed the contract and moved to Phantasia. 

With everything set for the time being, Alicia decided it was time to head to the Immortal Realm. Grandpa Mu and Tang Guanting were going to go with her. As for the five old men who had originally wanted to cause trouble for Alicia? They were still being pressed to the ground by her magic. She decided she would punish them by leaving them there until the day she decided to leave.

The three made their way through the tear in the plane. When they entered all three were shocked to see the destruction at hand. A large area of the Immortal Realm looked no different than the north side of the mainland in the Mortal plane. It was completely erased. Alicia suddenly felt a bit guilty. She wondered how many lives were lost due to her actions. Seeing Alicia's face turning downcast, Tang Guanting chuckled. "Don't worry the people who died here are all from those old men's sects and clans. I spread the news far and wide about the attack and only a few came with me to relocate so we could protect the mortal plane. Those that died were just selfish people who cared not for anyone else but themselves. " josei

Tang Guanting did not dare bring up the women and children that were caught up in the attack as well. But he didn't need to since Alicia had already figured this was the case. Letting out a sigh Alicia truly felt bad but she had no choice at the time. And did not realize the attack would be so powerful. "In any case let's make a monument for those who have died here."


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