Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 320

Chapter 320: The Planet Farlan Part Three

Grandpa Mu and Alicia's faces turned black. Why was it that as soon as they entered the alley some two bit thug had the courage to threaten them? "What should we do?" Alicia did not want to cause a scene so she could only ask Grandpa Mu's opinion. 

"For now just ignore him. He seems to be someone who only all talk, plus even if he launches an attack it is not like he can hurt us at all." Grandpa Mu was sure of this. The two bit thug had barely any magic power in him. Even if the two bit thug actually tried to do anything to them it would not matter at all. 

"Okay, we will ignore him." Alicia nodded her head and continued walking. No longer paying attention to the two bit thug behind them.

The two bit thug heard the conversation between Alicia and Grandpa Mu and was instantly enraged. He was literally treated like an annoying fly! There was no way he was going to put up with this. "I did not want to hurt the two of you but since you are asking to die then so be it!" 

A wave of magic power could be felt in the air as the man shot a fireball at Alicia. He figured Alicia was the weakest since she was just a little girl. He had planned to take her as a hostage and ask for ransom from the old man, later on, to get even more money out of them but the two did not know what was good for them. He felt it was regretful but he could not let people treat him as a fly or he would be laughed at by the others!

The fireball slammed into Alicia who did not even dodge causing the two bit thug to laugh out loud. He thought now that Alicia was set on fire the old man next to her would beg for mercy. But things did not go as planned. The two, one old man and one little girl just continued to keep walking at a leisurely pace as if nothing had happened. The two bit thug was truly shocked. He had no idea why this had happened. "What!?" 

Confused and embarrassed the two bit thug launched a few more attacks at Alicia only to receive the same results. "I do not believe that I can not take you down!" The two bit thug shouted. 

He waved his hand and was about to send out another fireball but his target had suddenly disappeared. He did not know why but he suddenly felt a cold chill run down his spine and felt a sudden burst of fear exploding inside him. It was only when he heard a young female's voice right beside his ear that he understood why he felt this fear. 

"You're annoying!" Alicia had enough. Although the fireballs did not hurt they were still annoying! She could only take being hit so many times before he snapped. She disappeared from where she stood and reappeared at the two bit things side. She whispered two words before spinning her body around and giving the two bit thug a roundhouse kick to stomach sending him flying through the air. 

The two bit thug had no idea why he was suddenly airborne. Everything had happened so fast he did not even see what had happened. He had heard the girl's voice and then the next second he was flying through the air and slamming into a brick wall of one of the nearby buildings before passing out. 


A few hours later… 

"Hey Dreak, you okay? Why are you sleeping out here?" A young man with a cigarette looking object in his mouth asked.

"Huh? Why am I..." The two bit thug also known as Dreak, woke up after being knocked senseless, looked around confused. He couldn't remember what had happened to him today. Everything from the time he met Alicia and Grandpa Mu to the point that he was kicked by Alicia had vanished from his memory.


Back to present….

Alicia dusted her hands off and reappeared back at Grandpa Mu's side. Grandpa Mu took a side glance at Alicia who acted as if she had not done anything and chuckled. "He really annoyed you huh?" 

"You try being hit repeatedly by fireballs over and over. If it wasn't for the layer of spiritual qi wrapped around my body I am afraid my hair would have been burnt! It's like having a fly or some other kind of bug zipping around your head over and over. It would annoy you as well!" Alicia snorted. She did not want to get involved with the two bit thug but he would not stop tossing fireballs at her! 

"Alright, alright there is a group of people up ahead let's ask them if they know where the black market is." Grandpa Mu was amused by Alicia. But when he thought about what he would do if he was being repeatedly hit by fireballs he couldn't help but agree with Alicia. At least she only kicked him. He, himself would most likely have ended up burning the two bit thug to ashes. 

This was the difference between someone with a mindset of a knight and those who lived by the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth code. This was the one rule that most followed from the higher races. Law did not mean a thing to them. Killing others was usually a daily thing for these higher races. 

"As long as they do not try to rob us in the process.."josei

***Author's Words ***

I wanted to add in a word of thanks to all those who are purchasing privilege and supporting this novel! I truly appreciate everyone's support. Once again thank you!



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