Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 324

Chapter 324: Gathering Of Talents Part One

The once proud god was now just like a little kid who was bullied at school. He had tears running down his face and snot flowing from his nose. Some of the jewelry he once had on his body was now broken on the ground. Alicia who had caused this scene showed no sympathy whatsoever, she lifted the scruff the god's robes and flew back to where Grandpa Mu was. 

The same group of people was still sitting in the same place. When they saw Alicia land on the ground with the God they had all revered in such a beaten condition they were completely shocked. The girl who was trying to persuade Alicia from not trying to fight the god was even more shocked. She never thought the little girl she tried to warn was so strong! 

Alicia walked into the door she had entered before dragging the sobbing god behind her. She then knocked on the big metal doors leading to the room with the same pattern as the old man did. The door opened allowing Alicia to walk inside. "I brought the god!" 

Grandpa Mu burst out laughing. He really found Alicia's methods to be quite comical. He looked at the black and blue god and shook his head. This god realmed cultivator really chose the wrong place to be. "What do you plan to do with him?" 

"Mmmm… I think I will put a contract on him. He took over this world and caused a lot of harm to it. He will live out his days here restricted from training his cultivation any more and he will need to follow Tereax's commands. He can only leave when this world is as prosperous as it was before." Alicia said as she waved her hand. She ripped out a piece of the god's soul before putting an imprint on what was left.

"With this, you can get him to clean up the mess he caused. He will be at your beck and call. This was one of the reasons why I kept him alive and only gave him a thrashing instead. The other reason was because he can be of use to you if this ever happens again. He will be here to atone for his sins for a long long time. Since he will never be able to leave this planet again." Alicia had thought it through. She did not want to leave this world after helping it only for it to fall in the hands of someone else later on. With the god here on this world at least Tereax could have some peace of mind for a good long time.

Tereax had tears rolling out of his eyes. He had waited for this day for a very long time. "Miss Alicia I must thank you for your assistance on this day!" 

"Remember I did not do this for free. I did this because I need something from this world. I am sure Grandpa Mu has already filled you in on what that is?" Alicia had one goal here, the god here was not part of it. But since she was asking for a favor she saw no reason to not help out. 

"Yes he did, you are looking for talents, right? I can prepare one hundred of the best and brightest Farlane has to offer." Tereax had no problem getting some people to assist Alicia. He already had quite a few people in mind. 

Alicia was stunned when she heard the number of talents he was going to get her. She had only thought she would be able to at most bring back four said talents. She never thought that she would be bringing back one hundred people! "Tereax you said one hundred?" Alicia had to ask to confirm this was what she actually heard.

"Yes, that is right. I know some of the best of the trade that would be more than happy to follow you." Tereax replied with a smile. "For now you should go ahead and take a look at Farlan. If you head all the way north you will see a small seaside city it is a perfect resting place. Meet back here in ten days' time." 

"Then we will take you up on that offer." Grandpa Mu said as he stood up. 


Alicia stood on the white sandy beach and looked out over the ocean in front of her. She took a deep breath and smiled. "A small vacation is always welcomed." 

"You deserved it, you have been working so hard all this time." Grandpa Mu had to hand it to Alicia for her ability to keep pushing through all the obstacles that she had to face. A break once and a while is also a good thing.

"This reminds me of the time I went on vacation with mom and dad back on Earth. We swam in the ocean, had a cookout, and even lit fireworks. It was really good time." Alicia sometimes missed those days where she could act like a kid and not have a single worry in the world. But that was her past life and not this life. She had many responsibilities and millions of people who relied on her. She would not let their trust and the faith that they have in her go to waste. 

"Haha! I can't see your mother as the type to go out and play. But it's good to know she is doing well. When we are done here, we can finally return to Phantasia and you can then go out and explore the world."


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