Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 332

Chapter 332: Healing King Augustus

Alicia smiled, she felt warm in her heart. She knew that King Agustus was not saying these words just for show. He truly meant what he was saying. She was happy, in this life she was able to have a father who cared for her like this. 

"Dad, even when my birth parents show up, you will always be my father here on Phantasia. I will never treat you any differently than before." Alicia said as she hugged King Augustus. King Augustus gave her a new life and a path to her dreams. "Let's see if I can heal you." 

"Alright give it a try." King Augustus did not have any hope of this working but if Alicia wanted to give it a try he would not stop her. 

Alicia checked King Augustus's magic points and frowned. They were not just dried up but had their life force sucked out of them. Normally you could not cure such a thing. Once the life force of a certain part of one's body was used up it would become useless and never be able to be used again. Thinking of everything that King Augustus, this father of hers, had done for her. Alicia came to a firm decision. "Blake, can you leave the room while I treat my father. I need absolute concentration."

"Okay, Just tell me if you need anything." Blake readily agreed and walked out of the room. 

Once it was just the two of them Alicia took a deep breath before letting it out. "Dad, I will be putting you to sleep while I do this so you will not be in pain. I will wake you up when I'm done."

"Haha, that would be very much appreciated!" King Augustus smiled and laid down on the couch closing his eyes. 

Alicia cast a sleeping spell to put King Agustus into a deep, deep sleep. "This process..." Alicia knew the process would be painful but not for King Augustus, the one who would be in pain would be her…

In another part of the castle, Blake was walking around waiting for Alicia to finish her treatment of King Augustus when he ran into Grandpa Mu. "Lad, why are you here and not with your little wife?" 

"She said she needed to be alone while she tried to cure..." As he spoke a cry of pain could be heard coming from the direction Alicia was in.

"That idiot!" Grandpa Mu's face paled as he disappeared from where he stood racing towards Alicia's direction. Blake followed right behind him, he was not sure what was going on but he could tell from Grandpa Mu's expression that something bad had just happened.

The door burst open and Grandpa Mu found Alicia passed out on the floor. He quickly rushed over and checked her vitals. "This stupid girl!"

"What happened!?" Blake came in seeing Alicia passed out lying lifelessly in Grandpa Mu's arms. 

"She used her own life force to try to heal her father! How could she be so stupid his life was not in any danger!" Grandpa Mu's expression was grave. He did not know how much life force she used but she was barely alive! 

"What!?" Blake's face turned pale, he rushed over and placed the palm of his hand on Alicia's cheek. "Akari you can not do this to me. In this life and any life after I can only be with you." 

"You! What are you doing? If you do that!" Grandpa Mu watched in shock as a white light formed around both Blake and Alicia. Blake's face contorted in pain but seeing how color was being restored to Alicia's pale complexion he did not care for the pain at all. He was just glad he was able to restore some of Alicia's life even if it meant giving up half of his life force to save her.

Blake's eyes slowly closed as he passed out. Grandpa Mu was amazed that this young man would go so far Alicia. He knew the two were engaged and loved each other but this went beyond just your typical love. Blake was willing to give up everything for Alicia as long as it meant she could be saved. He could tell Blake loved Alicia from the bottom of his heart and soul. Letting out a sigh he waved his hand lifting the two up. He then looked at King Agustus who was sound asleep on the couch. "Old man you were lucky your daughter loves you to the point that she almost died trying to heal you. Similarly, your daughter is lucky that her little husband loves her so much that he is willing to do the same for her. Luckily neither of them drained their Magi Points to the point that they will lose any of their strength. But life force can never be regained through simple means. They will need to be careful from now on or in the future they will really end up dying..."

The next day Alicia woke up to a handsome face sleeping soundly right next to her. Alicia blushed not understanding why Blake was in the same bed as her but she did not scream or try to run away. She knew Blake more than anyone. She knew he would never do anything to her. She remembered that she over exhausted herself during the process of healing King Augustus. But she did not remember anything other than feeling very tired. Alicia reached up and poked Blake's cheek as she smiled warmly at the handsome sleeping face.josei

"To think I will get to wake up next to this handsome face every day in the near future… Wait what am I thinking!" Alicia felt embarrassed at her own thoughts. But she still couldn't resist sweeping a lock of hair back on Blake's forehead. "It should be fine if I enjoy this moment for a little while longer right?"

Alicia snuggled into Blake's chest and closed her eyes. She had missed Blake dearly during her time on the cultivation world. There was never a day that went by that she did not think about him. Taking in the familiar scent of the man she loved Alicia fell back asleep. 

When she next awoke she was greeted by two deep blue eyes gazing down at her. "Good morning..." Alicia said faintly as the blush on her cheeks reached all the way to her ears. 

"Alicia… No Akari… I hope you will never do something so stupid again. How could you almost use all your life force to heal your father? I know you wished to cure him but what about your own life!? You may not die naturally but that does not mean you can not die!" Blake's brows furrowed as he began lecturing Alicia.

Alicia shrank back because she knew she was in the wrong but she had no other way to cure her father. She wanted to do something in return for everything he had done for her. Tears began to well up in Alicia's eyes as she lowered her head in guilt. She knows she made Blake worried but she had no other options. Seeing Alicia's guilty expression, Blake's gaze softened. Letting out a sigh Blake said softly: "As long as you understand… Plus I can't be completely angry at you since we are now the same."

Alicia was confused. She did not know why she and Blake were the same now. "Why are we the same?"

"That is because your little husband used half his life force to save you! You two are ridiculous! One uses almost her entire life force to save a healthy man while the other gives half his life force to save his little wife. You two are going to give this old man a heart attack!" Grandpa Mu's voice filled the room as he walked in with two bowls in his hands. 

"Blake you!? Why!?" Alicia felt the tears in her eyes begin to spill. 

"Why? I have told you before you are my only one in this life or any next life! If you die so do I!" Blake said resolutely. 

"How are you two fighting when you are in each other's embrace like that. Don't you feel embarrassed to be doing that in front of others? Kids nowadays. " Grandpa Mu couldn't help but tease the two. He had brought them to a side room in the castle to let them rest. Since there was only one bed he just placed them into it without a second thought.

Alicia's already blushing cheeks turned into a full head blush as she pushed off Blake and scooted as far as she could to the edge of the bed. Her actions caused both Blake and Grandpa Mu to laugh. "You two need to eat. I will have both of you stay here and rest for the next few days. Blake, I want you to watch over her. Don't let her wander about." 

Alicia felt like she was being treated like a little kid. Although to her she was actually already twenty years of age, she was only thirteen on Phantasia. "Shouldn't I move to another room or at least bring in another bed?"

"What for?" Grandpa Mu looked at Alicia with a teasing smile as he continued: "Wasn't it you who said earlier that you wanted to enjoy this moment for a little longer before snuggling up into Blake's chest?"

"What!? You heard that!" Alicia never felt so embarrassed in all her life she quickly took the blanket and covered her head. She had no idea anyone was around when she was talking to herself!

"Okay, I will have someone bring in another bed." Grandpa Mu thought this was a reasonable request.

"No this is fine she can stay here. We have to make her wishes come true." Blake said teasingly. 

"Blake!" Alicia started to get up out of bed. only to be pulled back by Blake. She immediately hid back under the covers.

"Alright, alright, I was joking. Don't move around so much." Blake nodded to Grandpa Mu who went out of the room and ordered someone to bring in a second bed. Blake propped his head up with his arm and pulled up the cover to see Alicia looking back at him. He smiled and asked: "How are you feeling?"

"A little weak. I had no idea I used so much life force while healing Royal Father. It looks like I owe you my life once again, Blake." Alicia said as she reached out her hand and placed it on Blake's.

"You owe me nothing. You are my life, if you die, I die. If it required me to use all my life force I would rather you live than myself." Blake took Alicia's hand into his and leaned over kissing Alicia's forehead. 

"That's not fair..." Alicia really did not know how to take such a confession. She interlocked her fingers with Blakes and scooted back over closer to him, resting her forehead on his chest. She really did feel more at ease when she was near Blake. The tiredness that she felt swept over her and soon her soft breathing could be heard once again.

When they came in with the new bed, Blake told the workers to be quiet so that Alicia would not be woken up. He wondered what Alicia had been through. He knew her time in the other world was different from this world and that she had lived there for a few years. She had told them the things she had to go through but never went into the finer details. She didn't tell them if she was scared or if she felt like crying. He knew deep down inside that she was probably worried about how she was going to get home. Just knowing she must have been scared made Blake heart ache, since he knew he could not do anything for her with his current strength. "It looks like I will need to get stronger faster." 

"You can… She has a way for you to grow stronger." A familiar voice came from the doorway. 

"Your Majesty, should you be up?" Blake asked as he looked at King Augustus who was standing at the door.

"I am fine unlike the two of you. I just wish you two would not be so reckless. If I knew she was going to use such a method on me, I would not have let her treat me. And you! How could you do the same as her!? If something were to happen to me who would take care of my precious daughter for me? I have already entrusted her to you so you need to make sure you do not do anything stupid that will threaten your own life. If you make her sad I will resurrect you and kill you myself!" King Augustus scolded. But his eyes showed warmth. He was mad but happy at the same time. Blake was willing to give up his own life force to save Alicia. How could he truly be angry at the young man? "Anyway, I owe you my thanks this time around. Also… When Alicia goes on her journey I want you by her side. Protect her for me."

"You have my word. I will make sure no harm comes her way."


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