Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 337

Chapter 337: Confrontation

Nhoshara Kingdom…

Standing outside the massive black gate that had two large treants stood standing guard truly amazed Alicia. She had seen treants in games but never saw one in real life until now. She found them to be very majestic with how they towered over everything in sight.josei

After checking in with the guards and passing through the gates Alicia was stunned to see a city built up inside. It was not so much fantasy like but more like a modern style city that you would see on Earth. Large tall buildings filled the sky. Only a patch of the sky was visible from where Alicia stood. Off in the distance, Alicia could see a gothic style castle. 

"What is the meaning of this!? Queen Angelina, you may be the ruler of the Fey but you can not just go and break the laws like this! " A small figure floated over and shouted. It was not a fairy but a male spirit. His body was red in color which made Alicia think that he was a fire spirit. He was older in age since he had a long red beard and wrinkles on his face. 

"Delic, I would watch your mouth if I were you. This here is a representative of the humans that come from Alastine. Do you wish to start a war with a country that can destroy us with a flick of a finger?" Queen Angelina quickly defended Alicia and her group.

"Humph they are just mere humans? What can they do? If they dare send an army to the Fey, I will just burn them all up as I have done in the past." Delic did not waver under Queen Angelina's threat. 

Queen Angelina smiled and leaned over and whispered into Alicia's ear: "Can you use your power and slam him to the ground a few times. It is the only way he will submit. I would do it but it would be meaningless if I did." 

Alicia did not know if she should laugh or cry but she understood very well that showing your strength is the only answer sometimes. "Then it would be best to take care of them all at once. We should call a meeting and I will deal with it then." 

"This is also true. I like this idea." Queen Angelina thought this was a very good idea. If someone with such overwhelming strength were to show their superiority it would help things move faster. The council members that hated humans would be more willing to form an alliance with Alastine than make enemies out of them. 

"Unfortunately you will not be able to do that. Since you will not be allowed to enter this city. Guards escort our guest out." Delic who was a huge supporter of the anti human faction wanted no part in any alliance that would join them with humans. 

There were two factions in the Nhoshara Kingdom. One side wanted more open trade with humans while the other side wanted to restrict humans from ever entering the lands of the Fey. A few hundred years ago the two sides almost went to war. At that time Queen Angelina made the two sides compromise and form a truce by restricting humans from entering the cities and only allowing trade on the main road that passed through the Nhoshara Kingdom. But now with Queen Angelina bringing humans in this truce was now broken. 

"I will say this now if anyone touches me or my people I will not be responsible for the destruction that will ensue." Alicia's eyes narrowed as she saw a group of guards walking over with swords drawn.

"Delic, stop this now or even I will not be able to help you. You do not seem to be able to tell but this girl and the people who follow her are much stronger than you. And you have it wrong the four humans at the side are servants of Princess Alicia. Although Princess Alicia and Blake look like humans they are of different races. One is of the gods race and the other is of the ancient celestial race. On top of that accompanying her is also a dragon and a fairy!" Queen Angelina was worried Alicia would go on a rampage if she was attacked. Which was why she was trying to diffuse the situation to the best of her ability.

"Fey who side with humans are no different than a dirty human!" Delic did not care if they were of different races to him, anyone who associated with humans was a human.

"So you are also saying I am a human?" Queen Angelina vampiric power suddenly burst forth from within her. The pressure she exuded weighed down on Delic. 

Delic frowned but still stood tall. "Queen Angelina, are you really going to side with these humans and attack me? The way I see it you are no different than the dirty humans as well! All guards come! Arrest Queen Angelina as well for conspiring with the enemy!"

Alicia frowned, she had no idea what had crawled up this man's butt and died but she knew he was very prejudiced against humans and also was not a fan of Queen Angelina. He was even using her as an excuse to frame Queen Angelina and arrest her. 

"Wait!" Alicia suddenly shouted. Her voice echoing throughout the entire city. The sudden shout startled Delic since her voice was extremely loud. "Delic, I normally would never get involved in another country's politics. But this time I will have no choice. If you wish to arrest Queen Angelina then I will have to step in. She has done nothing wrong. You have no idea why I even came here and assume we are here to cause trouble. But this is not the case. The kingdom I come from Alastine wishes to form an alliance with the people of Nhoshara. To be honest you will gain more from it then Alastine will. But here you are letting your prejudices take precedence over what is good for the people of Nhoshara. Are you even fit to serve as a council member of this kingdom? Because from what I am seeing you are nothing more than a power hungry mongrel that wishes to overthrow the Queen." 

"You! Dirty human how dare you insult me!" Delic's whole body suddenly turned into fire as he raised his hands into the air creating a massive fireball. Alicia's words seemed to hit the truth of the matter and because she had figured it out he would not let her live another day. Or so he thought anyway. 

As Queen Angelina cried out in shock, yelling for Delic to stop. Alicia casually waved her hand and the massive fireball that looked as if it could destroy a city instantly disappeared. "What!?"

Delic had no idea what had just happened. He was about to release his fireball when it suddenly disappeared. He, the spirit of fire who controlled all flames, had his own fire extinguished by a mere human! "It does not matter what kind of spirit you are. In front of me, your power is nothing more than child's play. Plus you should not be waving fireballs around in the public, look at the walls and property around you. You charred and burnt the citizen's property out of your own rage. At least no one else got hurt. How old are you that you can not even hold your anger in? It is people like you who send your own soldiers to their deaths due to greed of wanting other people's lands. Rulers like that never live long. "

"You!" Delic was seething in anger. He was thousands of years old but here he was being scolded by some brat who still smelled of her mother's milk!

"Me what? You need to control yourself. Otherwise, something bad like this will happen. Gravity!" Alicia casted gravity magic the same magic she used on the old cultivators from the Immortal Realm. Delic who suddenly felt like his whole body weighed tens of times more than it had before slammed into the ground face first. He was not even able to move an inch and could only give a side glance at Alicia in anger. "This is your punishment. The people here whose property that you destroyed can now do as they please with you. And as for you guards if you do not wish to end up like Delic here I would suggest not coming any closer." 

Everyone who was watching the show were stunned at what had just happened. The human girl nonchalantly dispersed Delic's magic and even made him kiss the ground with gravity magic. A sudden round of applause was heard all around. The peoples whose property was just destroyed by Delics magic began to clap and cheer. The guards who were rushing forward stopped in their tracks and dared not to take another step forward. They lowered their swords and stood out of Alicia and her group's way. Alicia nodded at them as she said: "Soldiers who understand the situation will always live longer. Do not let someone like Delic bring you down. Queen Angelina is a good queen. She cares about the people of Nhoshara and it is because she cares that she wanted to have a meeting with the council. I hope you will never make the same mistake again."

The soldiers lowered their heads, only one stepped forward and said to Alicia: "Your words are wise, I will keep them in my heart." He then turned to Queen Angelina and bowed deeply. "Your Majesty, I am sorry for my earlier actions. I was almost led astray!" 

"Situations like this can happen to anyone. I do not fault you or anyone else for that matter. Just do not let it happen a second time." Queen Angelina smiled and helped the guard stand up straight. She then nodded to the other guards before taking the lead to bring Alicia to the castle.

Behind them, Alicia could hear someone yelling out: "Now to deal with this fool! You dare burn my business!" 

Alicia did not need to turn back to know that Delic was being punished with kicks and punches. She knew that Delic was probably oppressing his own people. He spoke a righteous cause but oppressed those of lower status than him. He abused his power and was greedy for even more power, that he was willing to try to take Queen Angelina down with a false charge. At least now he would not be able to move for a while. Alicia figured she would release him once the meeting was over only if he was being sent to prison. 

"Princess Alicia I am sorry that you had to get involved with an internal conflict like that and also thank you. You saved me back there. Delic knows I would never attack the guards which is why he was using them as a shield. I would have been easily captured. If it was just him I would punish him but he never goes anywhere without his guards. He would use them as shields to block any attack I made." Queen Angelina gave her thanks.

"I did what I did because I can not stand people like that. And also feel free to call me Alicia without my title and I will call you Angelina as well. " Alicia said with a smile. 

"Then Alicia let's work together to make this Alliance happen!"


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