Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 345

Chapter 345: New Goals For The Future

Alicia stood in front of Queen Mittens and explained the situation to her. Of course, she left out a few things. She did not tell her about the Origin visiting this world. Alicia kind of wished she could meet the origin but she knew it would not be good to oppose that old man. "So I will not be putting a barrier up for the time being. I will check back once a month to see if he is still down there or if the chaos qi dissipates before I show up, send someone to let me know if it is not near the time I would usually show up." Alicia explained but paused her words before thinking for a moment saying: "Your Majesty, Queen Mittens, I would like to appoint someone from your castle as an ambassador to Alastine and the same goes with your country as well Your Majesty, Queen Angelina. I think if all aligned countries have an ambassador in Alastine. I think it will make the rest of your nobles and officials much more at ease." 

"It is good that you mentioned this your Highness, Princess Alicia." Queen Mittens smiled and nodded to Queen Angelica. "The two of us had thought of the same thing. We will each send one person to be a liaison between our countries. As for me, I will be sending Meowskins. He is my most trusted aide and prime minister of Felinenia." Queen Mittens replied.

"I will be sending Solicia. She is my younger sister and also my closest aide." Queen Angelina added in. The two queens had talked quite a bit before Alicia left for the forbidden lands. They wanted to form a council between countries that would work together during major problems. And with such a powerful princess Alastine was the best place for such a council to be formed. At least with the security that Alastine could provide they did not need to worry about their representatives being harmed.

"This works out well because we already have people from the beastmen, elves, and dwarves. Although the elves are under Alastine rule we wanted to have an elf on our council to make sure that the daily lives of the elves would not be changed in a harmful way." Alicia said. She felt this would work out very well since they already had a council as a go between when it came to race relations.

"Since that is settled, Meowskins will make his way to your capital city in a few days Queen Angelina." Queen Mittens said with a smile.

"We will welcome him with open arms. If he has any issues please let us know right away we will take care of him as a respected guest." This was a given, those who were going to become council members' social status was only lower than that of a king or queen. Not to mention the cat sith's ability to hide was unparalleled making them perfect assassins. So if one were to truly anger the cat sith race they would have to worry about losing their neck. 

After the small meeting, Alicia said her goodbyes and headed back to the Nhoshara kingdom. She had planned to have each of the Fey races put a member of their race on the council. Alicia still had to wait two more days before the next council meeting which she spent idling around the castle doing nothing. 

Finally, it was time for the council meeting. Alicia stood in front of the entire council which seemed to be much more well behaved than last time. At least now there were not as many hateful looks. Whether or not they still hated Alicia and humans was another story. "As I said last time I only wish to befriend the Fey and offer you protection. As well as a collaboration so that not only will you see that not all humans are bad but also so that humans will not be afraid of the Fey. Of course, this fear has been less and less since the beastmen began freely walking the streets of our kingdom. I just hope you can put your prejudices aside and do what is more beneficial for your kingdom." Alicia paused and looked the entire council over. There was still one empty seat but she felt that that person who should be sitting in that seat did not deserve to be on this council.

She had two reasons for this. One, Delic was the leader of the anti human movement and second, he was power hungry and wanted to take Queen Angelina's position. She did not see him as a person who should be around during such an important decision so he would not try to sway his fellow human haters. She had found out from Queen Angelina that Delic's voice carried a lot of weight which was why the guards were so willing to arrest their own queen just from his command alone. Which was why he was still being used as a pothole filler in the streets of Nhoshara.

"We of the anti human side wish to ask one thing before we vote." One Fey elder stood up.

"Please go ahead." Alicia smiled at the old man. The Fey elder nodded his head and stepped forward.

"I wish to ask in this alliance will the kingdom of Alastine swear to assist the Fey whenever the Fey comes into danger from an outside foe?" The Fey elder asked.

"Yes, that is right. Everyone within this alliance is not allowed to harm the other. If a foe from the outside is bearing down on any of the alliance members then as part of the alliance each nation will send troops out to assist. This means not only will Alastine send troops but also the dwarves and beastmen. Elves are counted as Alastine troops but as the biggest of the nations, the kingdom of Alastine will send more troops than the rest.

" If the enemy is strong and an all out war is needed then we will be voting on what to do at that time in the alliance council. Today I wish to also ask as members of the council of all the Fey people to choose one person to reside on the council for the alliance. This council will allow for each race to have a say in what happens with matters from here on out when dealing with outside issues or things like black market trade. Anything that affects all our nations will be under the jurisdiction of the alliance council. And I as its leader will make sure no one will be discriminated against." Alicia explained.josei

The council members all fell into deep thought. Each one looking at the other before many shouts began to fill the hall. "I am in favor of her Highness Princess Alicia's proposal!" 

"So am I!"

One after another the Fey council members from both sides shouted out their agreement. In the end, it was a unanimous vote. Alicia was happy about this. It would make things much easier to deal with the Fey if each race had its own representatives.

That night Alicia stopped near the window in the room provided to her within the castle. She looked up at the stars in the sky and let out a small sigh. "To think I would be doing politics at such an age before I even got a chance to become a knight my roles have become much more diverse. I will check out the last of the places on this map and meet the races within the land of the Fey before heading back. But after I finish up here I will be back to being Alex and roam this world…" 

A knock came on her door and it slowly opened. A familiar voice floated into her ear. "Alicia?"

"Blake? Why are you here so late?" Alicia blushed. She was only wearing a long white nightgown which made her feel a little embarrassed to be seen. But not enough to tell Blake to leave. 

"I was just checking on you since you seemed to be out of sorts since earlier. Is all this too much pressure on you? If you need help I am sure the King will be glad to assign someone else to assist you." Blake was very concerned about Alicia. He had noticed that she seemed to always be in deep thought after the meeting with the council.

Alicia smiled and walked over to Blake giving him a hug. "No, it's fine. It's not that it is too much. I just feel that the path I had wished to take has diverged a lot as of late. But forming an alliance with the Fey was very important as they are the closest nation that we are not allied with yet. Once we finish up here and I talk with the other hidden tribes here in the Land of the Fey I will go back to being Alex. I want to spend the rest of my time learning about this world before going back to Alastine. Only then will I feel I have the right to take the role as a knight and feel much more comfortable in the position as Princess." 

"I do not know why you think you are lacking so much. How many can say that they have created formal ties with the Fey? How many can say they have the ability to do whatever they please in this world? You have long been able to become a knight. But yet you still refuse." Blake never understood why Alicia was so adamant about not accepting her promotion to become a knight. She had enough credits and proved her worth to do so since long ago.

"Even if that is the case… My dream was always to be a knight. But I am strict on myself and I see my own flaws. I act irrationally at times and this could cause even more people to get hurt..." Alicia closed her eyes as she rested her head on Blake's chest. The summer wind blew through the window causing her golden hair to flutter. 

"Akari… Even after this trip, even if you still have these flaws. I suggest you take up your post as a knight. Fulfill your dream while you can. Who knows what will happen in the future… Don't let all your efforts go to waste. You are in fact the strongest person in Alastine. If anything you could rule the whole country. I am sure your father would be willing to hand over his position if you asked, with a big smile on his face." Blake said as he rubbed Alicia's back gently. He then broke their hug and took off his jacket placing it around Alicia's shoulders.

Alicia looked up at Blake and smiled. She knew what he said was right. She herself knew she was procrastinating on accomplishing her dream. She felt that once she did she would have nothing to look forward to after that. But now that Blake had her thinking about it. There was a lot to look forward to. Much more than just becoming a knight. "You are right. I promise when we get back I will not find fault in myself and finally accomplish my dream. By that time I will also be of age and we can finally begin planning our wedding." 

"Haha, that is true. But to think I will be the first person in the history of Alastine to become a prince by marrying into the royal family." Blake let out a laugh. He then leaned down and kissed the top of Alicia's head. "We will leave the future for later, for now, get some rest."

Alicia nodded her head and bid Blake a good night before turning in. Although she did not need to sleep she still liked to lay down and rest once and a while. She knew the days ahead were going to be long. But now, she decided she would make this journey a journey to find a new goal for herself after she became a knight. 


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