Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Dragon God Part Four

As they got closer to the floating island a group of dragons made their way over. There were five dragons in total. One of them was even larger than Darktorn and was in the lead of the other four. "Darkthorn what is the meaning of this? Why did you bring back these humans and demon?" 

"Just one of these humans is strong enough to beat up our young one here and among them, there is one of our kind." Darktorn then went on to explain Loeri's situation.

"Hmmm… I see. If that is the case then that makes things different. Loeri and Loeri's contractor my name is Lelvis I am the leader of the imperial guard who protects the Dragon God Veltorus. You and your friends are welcome to the dragon country of Serpantania. Darktorn they will be under your care. You know what to do if trouble arises." Lelvis said as he turned to leave only to be stopped when Alicia called out to him.josei

"Is your ruler really of the god realm? I can sense a powerful being here but they do not seem to be that much more powerful than me..." Alicia did not care if she angered the dragons here. She was not very happy with how besides Loeri they were treating everyone else as expendable objects. The look of disgust Lelvis gave her is what angered Alicia the most. She could only think of how the fairies were so prideful and now it seemed the dragon race was the same way. Loeri was prideful as well but she also knew when to apologize and did not look down on others.

"Impudent!" Lelvis shouted. "A lowly human has no right to talk about the dragon god!"

"Oh? So just because you think you are stronger than someone else you think you have the right to look down on us?" Alicia finally released her demi god aura that was as powerful or even stronger than a god realm cultivator's aura.

Lelvis was hit full on by her aura causing him to almost fall out of the sky. The look of astonishment showed on his face as he looked at Alicia. "You! You're not human!"

"That is right, I am not human. I am a celestial and cultivator mix. It was your wrong assumption that made you think I was human. And to be honest I am not different from a human. I just have different genes running through my body. But one thing I can not stand is when other races look down on others for being weaker. But let me tell you this now. My friends may be humans but they will one day stand at the top and be stronger than any dragon here including your so-called dragon god!" Alicia said as she gave a disdainful look towards Lelvis.

Not wanting to bow down at all Lelvis snorted and yelled out: "You expect me to bow down just because you are stronger? The only one I bow down to is our dragon god! Only he is worth my loyalty."

"Who said anything about loyalty? I never asked you to bow down either. I am just saying that your view of the world is too narrow. You need to smarten up or one day you and your dragon clan will meet its end! Have you never thought that maybe just maybe one day a powerful enemy will surface? So powerful that even with every dragon here plus your dragon god you would be helpless?" Alicia asked a flurry of questions as she looked at Lelvis. Darktorn and the other dragons only stood to the slide not getting involved. When they felt Alicia's aura they immediately backed away from Lelvis. This was because none of them were stronger than Lelvis and they also did not want to provoke a powerful being. 

"Humph! Let them come if they want to come. I do not believe we can not fight them off." Lelvis still wouldn't agree to anything Alicia had said. Whether they were powerful or not he did not believe his race would not win.

Alicia sighed as she looked at the stupid dragon in front of her before turning to look at the others. "What about you all. Do you all agree with Lelvis? If you ran into a powerful foe that you knew you couldn't defeat, what would you do?" 

"Alicia, I would most likely seek help from the outside. I think during those times it is best to set aside our pride as dragons to seek help." Darktorn decided to speak honestly not caring for the glare he was getting from Lelvis.

"I agree with Darktorn." "As do I!" "Same here!" "Mhm yes, what Darktorn said makes sense." 

The other four dragons also agreed with Darktorn leaving Lelvis standing there in disbelief. "You all are not fit to be dragons! You side with these… These… These humans!" 

"It is not that they are fit to be dragons or not, it is the most common sense answer one would give. Would you rather our race be wiped out or would you prefer to seek help and live to see another day? Pride is nothing if you are dead." Loeri suddenly spoke up. She couldn't take this stupid farce anymore. She never realized there were such stupid people within her race and one who was of high ranking.

"You have no right to speak you halfbreee..." 



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