Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 355

Chapter 355: Young Love

In a lush garden within the castle walls, Alicia sat on a bench looking out over the man made pond surrounded by many kinds of flowers. Her head rested on the shoulder of the young man next to her. Her fingers intertwined with his as their hands lay on top of the young man's lap. Not moving her head and only gazing out over the water, Alicia tightened her grip on the young man's hand. "Blake, when do you want to get married?" 

"Hmmm? Whenever you are ready to get married. As soon as you have your coming of age ceremony you can get married at any time. As long as I can be by your side like this I do not mind waiting even one hundred years or more to get married. To me, this is nothing more than a formality. What matters is that I love you and that you love me." Blake looked down and gazed warmly at Alicia as he said this. This caused her cheeks to grow hot. His every word melted her heart. 

After spending seven years in the cultivation world, Alicia realized how much she missed Blake. She thought about him every day and was a major part of her driving force to return home. At some point in time over the years, she had fallen deeply in love with this young man. She couldn't think of anyone else she would rather spend her life with than him.

"Mmm… What you say is true, but for a girl, their wedding day is the happiest moment of their life. It allows them to proclaim their love to everyone in an open fashion. Being able to hold the hand of the man you loved as you profess your unconditional love in front of so many onlookers is what makes a wedding so special." Alicia replied.

"Oh, so you wish to tell the world how much you love me?" Blake teased. He could see an imaginary puff of smoke floating up out of her head with how red her face was getting. He smiled inwardly at this because Alicia had not changed over the years at all. Although she no longer ran away when feeling overly embarrassed, instead she would only squeeze his hand tighter and lower her head trying to hide her embarrassment. 

But to his surprise, Alicia nodded her head ever so slightly to answer his question. Followed by faint soft spoken words. "I do." 

Blake smiled and leaned over towards Alicia causing her to lift her head. Their faces were so close they could feel each other's breath. They gazed into each other's eyes, getting lost in their own little world. It was only when Blake finally leaned in all the way and placed his lips onto hers that Alicia closed her eyes allowing the man she loved to take her lips. 

This was not the first time they kissed but this was the first time she felt a hint of passion. Their clumsy kiss was nothing to look at, that was for sure and this kiss only lasted a mere minute. But to them, it was a deep expression of their love for one another that made this kiss memorable to them.

Bright red flushed cheeks Alicia buried her head into Blake's arm not daring to look at him in the face. "Che… Only a kiss!? They've been together for this long and they only kiss? How come Blake didn't try to cop a feel?" 

"Big Sister! They will hear us!" Hearing the whispering voices behind them made Alicia want to find a hole and crawl into it! She turned her head around to see a group of young ladies spilling out from behind a small hedge. josei

"Ahahaha…. Alicia fancy meeting you here." Starla got up off the ground scratching her head in embarrassment as she laughed. 

Catherine and Blanche also did the same. It was not just those three either, Loeri, Claire, Rose, Annelia, even Jasmine, Jade, Wendy, and Nora were there as well. And floating in front of them looking at both Blake and Alicia with a huge smile on her face not perturbed by her actions at all, was Frey. "Mother and Father are going to make Frey a little brother or sister now?" 

Frey's words embarrassed Alicia even more but for everyone else, these words caused an uproar of laughter. 

While everything was happy in the castle. In another land, a figure stood in front of a massive army. "For the past few years, we have been through many hardships! I will now bring you to a land of fertile ground. We will take back what was once rightfully mine and live a life without hardships! There is no reason to stay hidden in caves or underground. Show this world who truly are! You are the rightful heirs to Phantasia! One of the most powerful races of all! We will fight to take back everything that belongs to you! Alastine will be our first stepping stone! We will not stop there! We will also push forth and take back every land and body of water. They all belong to you, the original race of Phantasia! The Phantasiams!" 

A loud roar filled the skies as a name began to be chanted over and over: "Adrian, Adrian!"

A new chapter was now beginning for the world of Phantasia, a world with many more secrets to hide. Alicia and the rest had no idea that dark days would soon be upon them. That an enemy more powerful than any that has come before was about to lay siege on to her homeland.


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