Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 358

Chapter 358: Coming Of Age Ceremony Part Three

King Augustus Stood behind her and smiled while nodding his head in an approving manner. He was right in wanting to give his position up to this daughter of his. She was truly the right person for such a role.

Alicia raised her hand to quiet the crowd down since she still had more to say. Once they were quiet enough Alicia continued. "On this day there are many things that will be announced." Alicia turned and grabbed Blake's hand and pulled him forward. "Some of you know that Blake is my fiance and for those who did not well, now you know. In one month's time from this date, Blake and I will be getting married. He will be marrying into the royal family. At that time we will hold a public wedding and anyone who wishes to join may join." 

Alicia wanted to share her joy with everyone. She wanted everyone to know that she was the wife of Blake and Blake was her husband. If this was still earth and she had never died she would be around forty years old on this day, if she were to calculate the time she spent on the cultivation world in as well. This wedding was something she was truly looking forward to. Even though she should be around forty years old, the fact that she had little to no experience with the opposite sex when it came to more intimate matters, made her become shy about such things and nervous when it came down to it.

Now that Alicia was done speaking, King Agustus stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Citizens of Alastine, besides my daughter coming of age and her announcement of her wedding. I have two more things to announce. First, as of today my daughter, the Third Princess of Alastine, Alicia Von Alastine, will be knighted and enter the ranks of the elite knights of Alastine." 

Another uproar of cheers filled the air. Alicia felt kind of nervous. Her dream was about to come true. King Augustus had been waiting a long time for this day. He could finally help his daughter complete her dream. "Charles the sword."

"Yes, your Majesty." Prime Minister Charles opened a long wooden rosewood box and pulled out an ancient looking sword. He then handed this word to King Augustus.

"Alicia Von Alastine, kneel." King Augustus's voice was like thunder as he spoke. Alicia smiled and drew her sword, stabbed it into the stage, and kneeled in front of King Augustus. King Augustus smiled as he said: "By my name as King of this great Kingdom of Alastine, I dub thee a royal knight of the elite order, You must uphold the knightly virtues and come to the beck and call when your homeland is under siege. You are from this day forth a protector of the innocent and the shield for your king. From this day forth you will be bestowed the knightly name, Gabriel, a messenger of your kingdom and be known from this day forth as Alicia Gabriel Alastine." josei

King Augustus drew the ancient sword from its sheath, it gave off a faint glow as he tapped each of Alicia's shoulders. He then resheathed the sword and looked proudly down at Alicia. "I, Alicia Gabriel Alastine, swear upon my sword to serve and protect the Kingdom of Alastine, it's people and my king!" 

"Well said!" King Augustus let out a joyful laugh. Alicia smiled and stood up. More cheers could be heard from down below. 

King Augustus let the crowd settle down once again before he once more began to speak. "On this wonderful day. I King Augustus Alastine, have one more announcement to make. After many discussions between the other royal family members, the court officials, and nobles. I have decided upon who is the next heir to the throne. I am sure some of you might have guessed who that is and it is strange for the person to not be male. But this decision is one that has been unanimously agreed upon. The next heir to the throne is none other than my daughter Alicia Gabriel Alastine. She will now have the title of Crown Princess of Alastine." 

This announcement made the crowd go crazy. The loud roar of the crowd even shook the land. This was the absolute approval from the masses in his selection for the next heir to the throne. Alicia was in disbelief in how much they all approved of this. She suddenly felt nervous and wondered if she would be able to become a ruler who can live up to the citizens' expectations that they hold of her. 

Blake interlocked his fingers with her and leaned in before whispering into her ear. "Do not worry about the things in the future. As long as you stay true to yourself nothing will go wrong."

"I just hope I can do the things that are expected of me." 

"I am sure you will do fine. Have you not helped this kingdom grow to what it is now? Without you, this kingdom would have been lost at the hands of the elves and the empire. But you were able to turn the tides of war and create a place where everyone is able to live free no matter their race or gender." Blake did his best to comfort Alicia. 

"At least I will not be in this alone. As you will be my King." Alicia said with a smile.

Blake nodded his head and pulled Alicia into a hug. The display of affection for each other was shown to all causing the crowd to go into another uproar but this time it was hoots and hollers, telling them to get a room. Alicia's face went completely red.


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