Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 362

Chapter 362: Aide From The Alliance Part Two

"Before we accept I need to ask Dolnar a question." Alicia had one thing bothering her that she had to ask.

"Alright go ahead." King Augustus did not like the fact that they were getting help from the devils but any extra strength at this time was a good thing.

"Dolnar, why is your master an enemy of Bergath?" Alicia turned and asked Dolnar. 

"It seems the two had a run in a long way back. Bergath is very powerful, the power he is showing now is nothing compared to his true power. Although his power is equal to his Majesty's, the race he has gathered to become his army is also very powerful. If we lose the war here, unlike the war of devils and gods where each side went their own ways and a balance between the races gave way to peace, if Bergath were to continue to take over Phantasia, there would be no peace." Dolnar explained.

But his words sounded too contradicting causing Alicia's brow to furrow. "Your words do not make sense. Your master also wants to take over the world does he not?"

"He does not want the world, he just wants a section of land for his own. We Devils may think nothing of the lives of the other races, but we are not so big to say that we want world domination anymore. It's more that we can't. If his Majesty tries to take over the world those who are watching would intervene and this world would be on the verge of destruction. Plus, now with your current strength, it would be tough to take over this world as it is since it doesn't seem like you have even used your true power yet, isn't that right little girl? Even I am not dumb enough to attack you anymore." Dolnar lips curled up as he let out a laugh.josei

Alicia rolled her eyes and contemplated over everything he had said. "We accept the contract. But I warn you. If you so much as harm a single hair on any of my allies and my people's heads I will hunt you and your race down until none of you are left." 

Alicia released her aura pressing it down onto Dolnar. Dolnar brow started to sweat as his smile froze. He came to a realization that Alicia was much, much stronger than she let on. Letting out a dry cough Dolnar tried to compose himself acting as if her pressure was nothing. "Calm down little lady, the contract says it clearly if we do anything we will die." 

"Humph! Get your people ready. They must follow my orders. We will try to push the line back." This battle was being held at the border of what was formerly known as Fernilia. This was the country that Alicia had destroyed during the war a few years back out of rage. 

"As you command!" Dolnar let out a laugh and gave a bow. He began to find Alicia even more interesting than before.

Alicia turned to the mirror and bitterly smiled at the two queens who were looking back at her. "And so there we have it. We have a lot of reinforcements. Even some we do not like too much..."

"What will you do in the future if they try to take over land someplace?" Queen Mittens asked.

"We will stop them of course. We can not allow the devils to claim territory so easily. It would stand as a front for their first step of invasion of other lands. They are only helping now because they see Bergath and his army as a serious threat. Otherwise, they would not have shown themselves like this. Not to mention all the lies he was spitting out. I could feel the killing intent and bloodlust coming from Dolnar. He couldn't cover it up. Well until I pressured him just now. After which he retracted it all." Alicia explained.

"We of the Fey will assist when the time comes." Queen Angelina said with a smile.

"When that happens I will be very grateful. Because there will no doubt be more wars ahead of us. In a few more years Alastine's defense will be bolstered. I have a very powerful ally that will deliver a means for us to pull through any situation in the future. But I have a feeling this battle will not go as easy as we hopeā€¦." Alicia had no idea at the time that the words she spoke at this time were something she wished she could take back.

"Then that is good. Let us hope that in the future they will not be needed." Queen Angelina couldn't imagine what Alicia was talking about but if she said they were powerful then they must indeed be powerful.

"The reinforcements we sent will be there in a few days' time. If we were notified sooner we would have sent them out faster." Queen Mittens and Queen Angelina gave an apologetic bow.

"No this is not your fault. So please do not say it like that and Queen Angelina, Queen Mittens thank you. When this is all over let's have tea." 


Three weeks later...

"Keep running! If we can steer them away from the capital long enough for one the Evangelines to get here then everything will be fine." 

"Princess we already lost half our men to just one of them though!" 

"I know!" Alicia's face was not looking good. While fighting against Bergath and his men on even ground for almost a month, dark clouds began to form overhead and a large magic circle had formed in the sky. After that, all hell broke loose and Bergath's laughter resounded across the lands.

"But princess!"

"Shut up and run!" Alicia yelled. This was the first time in her life that she had ever felt such fear. 


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