Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 364

Chapter 364: The Beginnings Of A Desperate Battle Part Two

"So what should we do then?" King Augustus was beginning to get worried. If the enemy was stronger than Alicia then they were definitely stronger than him. He had no idea such a powerful being existed here on Phantasia. 

"Well, as far as I know, the shield surrounding the capital will be strong enough to hold them back. Combined with my shield as well as the other mages it should be secure enough to keep our citizens safe. But the lands around the capital will more than likely be lost. I will need to go back out and poke at these new enemies and see just how powerful they are. If I can fight them that would be good but from the amount that kept crawling out of that crack, I am not sure how many will be roaming around. Before entering this space I had transferred myself to the demonic forest. Royal Father is your space still located here?" Alicia asked.

"Yes, I never took it down the entrance is still by the old tree, why do you want to use it?" 

"Yes, It will become our new base of command. It will be easier to have you giving out orders to the soldiers from a central location. We will need to begin guerrilla warfare." Alicia explained.

"Just like we did when fighting the Machine Empire?" Tang Guanting asked.

"Yes, just like that. It is effective and the best part is, is that we know the layout of the land better than our enemy. Adrian may have been the crown prince but he is not very good at commanding. In fact, Bergath is the one commanding Phantasiams. You could say that Adrian is along for the ride for fame and glory. So if we were to set up many small units and run around doing what damage we can to the enemy. We may be able to reduce their forces or at least put them in a disarray. " Alicia hated having to fight in this fashion but in a situation where the enemy was so much stronger, they had no choice. 

"We should go with this plan. How do you want to break up the teams?" The one to speak, who was normally quiet during the command meetings, was Dolnar.

"We will need to have a max of four men per unit. We will need to select the best people to lead these small teams. Following central commands orders is a must. The leaders of each race will be stationed in the command station. A fairy should be placed in each group. Their ability to confuse the enemy will come in very handy." Alicia went over how things should be set up and which areas they will concentrate their efforts on. 

"Tech… Well looks like I will be left out of the fun!" Dolnar grumbled.

"Dolnar you are the only one who can keep your people in line. If something happened to you they would begin a slaughter and then their lives would be lost unnecessarily." Alicia said.

"Oh? You care if my devil race dies? You truly are a saint. That halo suits you well." Dolnar gave a mocking grin as he reached over to try to touch Alicia's halo, only to have his hand slapped away by Alicia. Rubbing his hand Dolnar said in a low voice but loud enough for everyone to hear: "What I wouldn't give to see that halo turn black."

"Watch your mouth!" Blake stepped forward, his hand on his sword hilt. Alicia grabbed his arm and shook her head to tell him it wasn't worth it. 

"Geez! Relax sir knight, I was only joking." Dolnar raised his hands and stepped back.

"In any case, as of right now your devil race is one of my allies for this war. I don't want my allies dying needlessly." Alicia explained leaving no room for further discussion on the topic. "If everyone agrees to my plan, please raise your hand. We will then begin planning it all out and appointing team leaders."

Seeing all the hands go up Alicia was satisfied and nodded her head. "Alright, then we will begin preparations as soon as I get us to Royal Father's space." 

After saying a few more words and dismissing the meeting, Alicia exited her space. She looked up into the sky and saw the dark clouds still looming over her head and frowned. "His magic is still in the works. Our battles ahead will not be easy."

Alicia made her way to the familiar section of the forest. The place where she had met Berlin at when she was younger. A smile crept up on her face as she took in the sights that she had not seen in a long time. "This and many other places I wish to protect, I just hope they will not get destroyed during this war."

Alicia arrived at the entrance of King Augustus's space and quickly entered it. The same small cottage was present just like before. She did not want anyone entering the cottage so she quickly set up a barrier around it before waving her hand and bringing all the leaders of each race out. "Royal Father, I will leave the accommodations to you. I placed a barrier around the cottage."josei

"Un that's fine. I will set up tents for our soldiers and houses for the commanders." King Augustus went right to work setting up everything needed for the army. Alicia brought the soldiers out of her space and had them all gather. 

"We will be changing tactics. We will have to lower ourselves to guerilla warfare in order to try to put a dent into the enemy's forces. With the sudden appearance of those monsters, we are now at a big disadvantage. But this does not mean we have lost! We will continue to attack our enemies until not a single one is left standing!" Alicia looked out over the soldiers that were gazing back at her. She raised her hand into the air and swirled her finger a few times creating a massive magic circle hovering overhead. A golden light shined down over every soldier there...


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