Phoenix Phire

Chapter 601 - First Meal

Chapter 601 - First Meal

The sleeping man turned onto his side, pausing there for a moment while drifting between sleep and consciousness. Nix sniffed once and then repeated the action before one eye cracked open. "I smell chicken... Is Hyai making chicken?"

"Who's Hyai?" A soft voice spoke from the chair placed near the bed. The brown-haired woman smiled widely and pushed her protesting hair behind both ears.

Nix pulled himself to a sitting position, turning to face the young woman. "I remember you, Cadie, right?"

Cadie nodded. "Well met, once again. Your friends arrived the night before last."

"Inferno is already here?" Nix glanced around the room; it was somewhat Spartan with only a large bed, one table, and two chairs. Embers still glowing in the fireplace accounted for the comfortable warmth. "How long was I sleeping?"

"A bit over two days." The woman moved to the corner where a small wooden keg had been placed. "Pon left this for you; I believe he called it Toma."

Nix laughed suddenly, smiling at the woman as she tapped a spigot into the miniature barrel. "Beer and chicken? The last time I had those two things together, I woke up someplace weird."

"I'm sure you did." Brown eyes filled with warmth stared for a moment before gesturing for him to join her. "Sit, please. Let's enjoy our first meal together."

"Better a first meal than a last one." Nix sat across from her, filled with questions but unable to ask the ones he wanted. "I appreciate all you've done for me."

She winked at him and dished two plates. "I don't have any seasoning or a proper oven, but enjoy the food."

Nix bowed his head slightly, "Thank you."

Over the next hour, Cadie filled Nix in on their Caravan's situation and how Trident was barely making ends meet. For his part, the Inferno Leader told her about Fey's recent activities and life at Haven.

"Haven sounds wonderful." Cadie leaned back in her chair and smiled at her companion. After some prodding, he had opened up about his Inferno family and the people close to him. "I'd like to visit one day."

Nix nodded slightly. "Fey would like that." He smiled at her words while choosing his own very carefully.

An hour later, shortly before noon, Nix worked with Pon and Cadie as Inferno joined up with the nearly fifty surviving members of the Caravan. Using salvaged lumber from buildings within the town, the wagons were modified to accept skids. They were somewhat cumbersome and much heavier than the sleds Inferno had made, but with four dire wolves per team, they were confident the job could be done.

Elan Mtui was handling the logistics of putting a wagon train consisting of thirty wagons back onto the trails. Nix had several dozen low-level dire wolf puppets and was forced to ask for volunteers from within the town.

/Inferno: Pon: Those bastards actually asked to get paid?

/Inferno: Nix: A few of them did. I told them their pay would be 'not starving to death.'

/Inferno: Floyd: All they have to do is follow the fucking wolf in front of them.

/Inferno: Pon: Whoah... Language.

/Inferno: Nix: No kidding. Where'd you learn to talk like that?

/Inferno: Elan: We'll need our experienced pullers as team leads, which should make the transition easier. Deidra is about to brief the team. Join Caravan, please.

/Caravan: Deidra: Read the following brief; if you have questions, ask them after you've finished reading.


Inferno's mission is to open the supply line within the Vespri Province. We'll be connecting New Dharta to Trident, Trident to Vetri, Vetri to Indix, Indix to Kephor, and Kephor back to New Dharta.

Your part of this mission is to inhabit the dire wolf puppets and help transport supplies to Vetri. At that point, you may leave the puppets in place. Vetri is approximately seven hours, barring any mishaps.

Nix gestured for Cadie and Pon to step back; when they complied, he gripped the sides of the upsidedown wagon and returned it to its original position. "We'll leave at first light. What's for dinner tonight?"

Pon's old face creased in a wide smile. Since Nix missed the last part of their journey, he wasn't aware of the menu. "Feathered serpent."

"We're eating Kukulkan?" Nix grimaced slightly and fixed his gaze on Cadie. "Any of that chicken left?"

Cadie shook her head slightly. "I've heard snake taste like chicken."

"No, it doesn't," Floyd's face showed a complete lack of concern. "Although, I've never tasted the feathered variety.

/Alpha: Pon: Don't bullshit us, boy... The only snake you've eaten is Lamia, and it wasn't cooked.

/Alpha: Nix: Heh... Uncooked Lamia... Brave lad.

/Alpha: Floyd: You're just a couple of bastards.

/Alpha: Nix: That's very hurtful.

/Alpha: Pon: Agreed.

/Alpha: Del: I don't get it.

/Alpha: Nix: Tell you later.


Three days went by quickly in Vespri, with Nix and Pon at the helm; the supply route within the Province was reconnected. Each city was required to provide puppet masters for the next. After the second day, Nix appointed Cadie as the Caravan Commander and left nearly all his lower-level Dire Wolf puppets in her charge.

After their final meeting with Felid Sah, the Vespri quest updated but then seemed to disappear from his quest log. Breach Commander Mtui opened a gate back to Haven, and just like that, Inferno returned home.

Nix, Pon, Del, and Floyd stepped off the platform within the Gemini Temple and unexpectedly ran into Semmi, Sindi, and Nihlus. Since placing the two inside of his last Titan puppets, Tai'Qui's kin had been flourishing.

The large white Titan Lion bowed its maned head respectfully. "Nix, the Titans await your command."

Nix spared a glance at the blonde officer who was smiling widely. "We talking about the Lion Titans or the Scorpion Titans?"

Semmi shook her head slightly. "All of them, Nix. The Falcons, Lions, and the Scorpion Clans have been restored. The Quest updated yesterday, you are to report to Tautius."

Nix opened up his quest log, there was only one. "I must have missed it. The damned Everspire Questline is gone. Perhaps we did something wrong?"

Semmi squeezed in between Pon and Nix, her blue eyes staring at the quest hud. "I noticed the same thing. Perhaps there is some connection to the Titan Quest?"

[Restoration of the Titan Clans] Report to Tautius, he is waiting in Eidengal.

/Inferno: Semmi: Guild meeting at the TOC, all available hands on deck for our progress update.

Semmi has joined Alpha. josei

Fajii has joined Alpha.

Nix turned toward the training yard when he noticed the message, the Scorched Earth Mage was flanked by a few of her Accoytles and Tai'Qui. She hugged him tight for a long moment before letting him go.

/Alpha: Nix: You seem much stronger.

/Alpha: Fajii: I am. Shae wants to speak with you, she's waiting for us at the TOC.

When Alpha team entered the TOC a few minutes later, nearly every member of Inferno was present. Shae was sitting next to Vooni and Rico, so Nix and his group joined them.

Shae kissed the side of his face when he sat down, she had noticed that Nix had brought Cadie into the guild. "We should talk about Fey."

Nix frowned slightly, the drakon had been on his mind quite a bit over the last few days. He left the third dragonling heart with Shae knowing that the salamander would keep an eye on her. "Did something happen?"

Shae nodded. "The third heart was the easiest, she entered the Temple of Flames this morning."

Nix considered the statement for a long moment while Semmi and Jun Li started the raid rosters. "So soon? Why didn't she wait?"

[Whisper: Shae to Nix] When Fey returned to Haven, Deidra immediately grabbed her and brought her to the Temple.

[Whisper: Nix to Shae] I'm sensing an issue.

[Whisper: Shae to Nix] She evolved into a Silver Dragon, apparently every dragon in felt it. Including the ones from Tembai Academy.

[Whisper: Nix to Shae] Let's get the War update, I'll deal with Tembai Academy later.

Jun Li raised a hand and quieted everyone down. Morti sat in the back with his parents, Ducky and Gil. With the exception of the small group of Titans, everyone else was a member of Inferno.

Jun Li started the meeting with a warm smile. "We received word from Gideon in Oasis, the Dhassi are down to their last Regional Lord. This one resides near the Su'Dhassi city of Phai. That means that all three planes are at the same point."

Semmi brought a large holo-map of Colonial. "In three days, we will take down Parux, in Jhabi. We believe this will cause the Colonial Planar Boss to spawn near Cyphix City. At this time, Inferno will act in concert with the available mid-tier guilds and take this boss down."

Unexpectedly, the entire room applauded the statement, there were lots of smiling faces all around. Just about everyone was tired of Deep Winter, even if Haven remained unaffected.

Semmi waited until the room quieted down before she continued. "While we are doing this, our friends in Oasis will take down the last Regional Lord causing the Oasis Planar Boss to spawn. The 12 Pillar Alliance will join the Dhassi in eliminating it."

Nix nodded to himself, he had been concerned that the Dhassi didn't have the necessary tanks to defeat the world boss. However, that wouldn't be an issue with the 12 Pillars present.

/Alpha: Nix: Keeping Alpha together for this one.

/Alpha: Wind: Perfect.

/Alpha: Pon: Damn straight, the band is back together.

/Alpha: Fajii: Band?

/Alpha: Semmi: Shush... We're having a meeting.

Semmi bit down on a smile and continued her briefing. "I suggest everyone takes a few days to relax. Clean up any loose ends, make sure your weapons and armor are at their best."

Jun Li glanced at Nix. "We'll post the raid sheet for the Parux fight and the Oasis World Boss tomorrow. Want to say anything, Nix?"

Nix nodded and stood up. "I'm fucking tired of this snow. Once Oasis and Colonial are cleared, we will converge on Everspire with all of our might. I don't have to tell anyone who is waiting for us. Like Semmi said, take a few days and be ready for several extended fights."

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