Physician's Odyssey

Chapter 474 - The Mastermind of War

Chapter 474 - The Mastermind of War

Chapter 474 - The Mastermind of War

Translator: Thyaeria josei

Huo Kun felt uncomfortable staying with the Ye Family. Although he knew that he has blood relations to the Ye Family, he’s still ultimately an outsider.

When Ye Yifeng furiously stomped out, Huo Kun immediately went over and asked, “Mom, what did uncle say?”

Shaking her head, Ye Yifeng raged, “What else can he say? The Ni Family has already reneged on the wedding, and your cousins even suffered trying to stick up for you. According to your uncle, the Ye Family can’t fall out completely with the Ni Family.”

“How is that possible?” Huo Kun instantly became anxious. “I’ve pursued Ni Jingqiu for so many years, and she just shoved me aside with just a kick. I can’t possibly let this matter go!”

“Isn’t it all because of you to mess around with other women outside and even committing so many crimes? So what if we have money? It’s useless against that fiancée of yours!” Ye Yifeng glared at her son.

Huo Kun knew that his mother was looking down on him. After all, he had been with Ni Jingqiu for years, but he failed to do the deed with her.

“You think I don’t want to do it? Ni Jingqiu didn’t give me any chance!” Huo Kun helplessly replied.

“Since the wedding has already been called off, then let it rest. For a woman, she is even more affected by this incident than you. As for you, get yourself a new wife. Hasn’t Wang Jiajia been pursuing you? Although the Wang Family hasn’t been doing as well as the Ni Family, they’re also a prominent family. If you marry Wang Jiajia, she will be able to help your career.” Ye Yifeng said.

“Wang Jiajia...” Beads of sweat instantly started to appear on Huo Kun’s forehead as he rejected, “That woman is too ugly! She went to South Korea for so many surgeries, but she looks more and more terrible! Just spare me!”

Glaring at her son, Ye Yifeng roared, “Can’t you give me a peace of mind? There’s a future for us if you marry Wang Jiajia for the Huo Family to rise, and your uncle won’t look down on you. Do you understand?”

Recalling his cousin, Ye Ling’s contemptuous gaze when she looked at him, Huo Kun gnashed his teeth and nodded his head.

It was still alright if Wang Jiajia looked decent, but she’s simply intolerable!

For someone like Huo Kun, his women have always been beauties. So it was naturally unbearable for him to marry a dinosaur for the rest of his life.

Not to mention that Wang Jiajia was also famed for being unruly and willful.

Instantly, Huo Kun’s mood became depressed. Since his life will be terrible, then he might as well enjoy it at this moment. Thus, he took out his phone and called the woman he was talking to earlier as he entered his car.

Despite the sumptuous meal served at the Ni Family’s banquet, Qin Jingyu wasn’t satisfied, so he stopped by a street food stall and ordered three dishes along with two bottles of beer. When the dishes were served, an aromatic perfume blew from his rear.

“Sit!” Qin Jingyu said without turning his head.

When Rangure sat before Qin Jingyu, she had admiration dazzling in her eyes as she smiled. “I never expected that the famous Qin Jingyu would actually eat at a street food stall.”

Qin Jingyu curled his lips as he used his teeth to bite off the bottle’s cap and poured the beer into two cups.

“You’re getting bolder and bolder. You’re a spy, and you actually dare to show yourself so openly? Aren’t you afraid of being taken away?”

“It’s not the first time we’ve met, so is there a need to scare me?” Rangure chuckled.

As she spoke, she chugged down her cup and sighed in regret, “In terms of beer, my country’s Köstritzer is way better.”

Qin Jingyu gulped his cup down as well and said, “Our previous cooperation was smooth. Germany’s manufacturing is truly the best in the world. I’ve even been commended for the breakthrough in my research facility.”

Hearing his words, Rangure’s expression sank as she threw a tantrum, “I helped you, but you didn’t help me with the Cambell Pharmaceutical Company’s matter.”

Locking his brows, Qin Jingyu’s expression turned cold and snapped, “It’s because Hans has been too brash and alarmed the Shui and Cao Families. Furthermore, I’ve already warned you two years ago to stop your underground research facilities, but I never expected that you guys were still going through with it.”

“Haven’t we punished Hans for his arbitrary actions?” Rangure smiled.

Qin Jingyu was the fearsome power that the Shui and Cao Families spoke of. The reason why Hans had been acting so blatant was because of Qin Jingyu’s protection to the Iron Chariot.

Naturally, it was due to the intimate connection of interest between Qin Jingyu and the Iron Chariot.

When interest is involved, concessions can be given on some matters.

Qin Jingyu snorted. He was unhappy that this cunning German spy was more challenging to deal with than he had imagined.

However, Rangure was still useful to him. He’s currently trying to nurture his power beyond the country, and she’s undoubtedly his channel to Europe.

So despite knowing that Rangure was a spy and had been sending back information about China, Qin Jingyu made use of his relations to convince a few people to approve of her existence.

After all, having a spy in the open was better than having a spy in the dark.

Even if they got rid of Rangure, the Iron Chariot would still send more spies into China.

Their existence was a result of competition between countries, so it was impossible to block all of them out, especially for a top executive like Rangure. It was a mutual understanding between nations that her freedom wasn’t restricted.

Many times, secret cooperation between countries required someone like Rangure as the medium. Thus, spies weren’t something that would die the moment they appear in public nowadays.

“The war is ongoing in the Middle East, and they need more firearms. I’m here to give you money, so don’t be so fierce with me.” Rangure cast an alluring gaze at Qin Jingyu as she bumped his shank with her heels.

Qin Jingyu inwardly exclaimed that Rangure was truly a demoness. However, he remained indifferent and replied, “Your appetite is getting bigger now. The conflict in the Middle East is getting more serious under your incitement. Three years ago, an organisation occupied an oil field that produced thirty thousand barrels of oil a day, resulting in a great loss of several countries’ enterprises. Now, they have their eyes on another oil field? This has already touched the bottom line of many forces!”

“Although you guys have suffered loss from it, weren’t you guys compensated?” Rangure smiled and continued, “Furthermore, didn’t your large reserve of petroleum get smuggled from there as well? If you guys were the ones to develop it, the cost would definitely be much higher. Furthermore, I’m only asking you if you want to take this deal.”

“No one will reject free money.” Qin Jingyu smiled.

“It’s a deal, then. However, there were quite a few inferior products from the last deal, so you have to guarantee the quality this time and even throw in some of the latest weapons as compensation. After all, the quality of weapons determines the lives in war.” Rangure smiled with her lips pursed as she took out a piece of paper from her red leather purse and pushed it to Qin Jingyu. “Here’s the list of items!”

Casting two glances at the paper, Qin Jingyu memorised the entire list before he took out his lighter and lit it up to erase the evidence before asking, “When’s the deadline?”

“Naturally, as soon as possible!” Rangure added, “The faster it arrives, the faster we receive benefits!”

Nodding his head, Qin Jingyu replied, “Three days from now. I’ll have it all arranged, and we’ll deal at the same place.”

“Happy cooperation!” Rangure smiled as she stretched her hand out.

No one would imagine that a war that would soon be taking place in the Middle East would actually be a peaceful conversation between two people at a street food stall in China.

When Qin Jingyu shook her hand, he felt something ticklish on his palm. Rangure had purposely tickled his palm with her finger. When he pulled his hand back, he unhappily sneered, “You know that this tactic is useless against me!”

Licking her dry lips, Rangure complacently smiled. “I can’t help it. I can’t help being attracted to a man like you, and I’m feeling ticklish all over my body. Do you want to help me with it?”

Qin Jingyu knew that Rangure was tempting him on purpose, and his heart couldn’t help but shiver. As he breathed out, he ridiculed, “First put me in a mess and get a substitute to bluff your way through?”

Hearing his words, Rangure was briefly stunned before she smiled. “It looks like nothing can be hidden from your intelligence. But those tactics are meant for other sticking men. If Young Master Qin is interested, I will naturally serve you myself.”

However, Qin Jingyu knew that Rangure was just joking with him. With their status, there could never be anything between them.

After all, if anything happened between then, then not only would he be in trouble, even Rangure would be questioned by her organisation.

Thus, he diverted the topic, “Wang Guofeng is the seed that you guys are preparing to nurture, right? But he doesn’t seem to be capable.”

Shaking her finger, Rangure showed a smug smile. “There can be thousands of seeds, but only one has to grow into a towering tree.”

“Let me remind you again. This is China, so know your limits. If anything like the underground research facilities occurs again, I will definitely not let you off.” Qin Jingyu sneered.

“You will!” Rangure chugged down the cup again and continued, “Because I’m your money tree right now, and you will definitely protect me well as long as I’m still useful to you.”

All of a sudden, Su Tao’s figure appeared in Qin Jingyu’s mind, so he started, “Actually, there’s someone more suitable as a seed, and you can consider him.”

“For the head of China’s Dragon Group to suggest someone to me, it doesn’t seem to be anything good.” Rangure smiled after a brief stun.

“If you’re able to nurture Su Tao into your seed, then I will surely give you more benefits in our next transaction.” Qin Jingyu replied.

Looking at Qin Jingyu with a smile, Rangure sourly replied, “Your scheme is truly vicious! The moment he’s related to us, he would be blacklisted, and that would give you a reason to deal with him. But truthfully speaking, Su Tao is a good candidate. I’ve also once set my mind on him, but I shut it down after knowing that he wields the Fire Beacon. However, I understand your meaning. Since you don’t have any good impression of him, then I believe Wang Guofeng will cause endless trouble for him.”

“You’re a smart woman!” Qin Jingyu commented.

“Young Master Qin, thank you for your compliments!” When she finished, Rangure walked with her body swaying as she disappeared.

Qin Jingyu let out a complicated sigh. He had come in contact with many organisation elites, but only Rangure made him feel uncontrollable. That woman had an innate charm that could easily cause one to lose their sense of judgment.

After that, he started to deal with the dishes on the table. Although the portion was little, he ate in satisfaction and felt that he was living by enjoying such an urban taste in the city.

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