Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

The atmosphere around the room was very tense. People were all trying to calm themselves as the zombies in the center of the room were standing still. Roland and Senna also moved back to allow the recruits to take the charge in this fight. It was a test for them, so it wouldn’t make sense if they weren’t the ones fighting. But if they are being overwhelmed, then it would be easy for Roland or Senna to help them.

The silence in the room stretched for a while before one of the people in the room suddenly shouted as she activated a wide area skill [Fireball] and shot it straight at the zombies.

Once the skill left her, it was like a dam broke and all hell broke loose in the room. People began to throw skill after skill at the zombies! Water lances! Ice spikes! Even lightening! They all threw their skills at astonishing speed and the large explosion made a huge dust cloud rise from the center of the field.

But then, after some time they finally stopped and one idiot dared to ask.

“Did… We get it?”

Han rolled his eyes. Talk about a fucking jinx!



The dust hadn’t even cleared up before the first zombie suddenly shot out and raced straight for them with a roar. Most of the people there had never seen an [Advanced Zombie] before coming here, so it was a complete shock to them when they saw the speed! This made one of them react too slowly and the zombie tore into him like butter!


The death of the first man there was what woke most of them up and the fighting started to become more intense! The zombies were relentless and their speed was frightening, but the people here were mostly silver stars and high-level bronze stars! They were more than capable of taking care of a single zombie on their own! But three zombies were a little much for them to handle and so the fighting was slowly going in the zombies’ favor!

Han didn’t have time to look at everyone so he focused on only his girls. Yue, Lily, and Rin had all split up and gone to fight against one or two zombies on their own. Han was a little surprised by this, he thought they would stick together. But it was good that they knew they needed to learn how to fight alone. Only Rin was good at fighting alone, for now, so maybe this was time for Yue and Lily to learn as well.

Yue was using her tentacles to fight two zombies at once and Han couldn’t deny he was impressed. Those tentacles had leveled up past two hundred already and they were now more than strong enough to pierce through a zombie’s body. Yue was using them to both keep the zombies away while piercing and stabbing them from a distance.

Lily used a new skill she gained the other day, [Frozen Domain], and created a space around her that was colder than anything Han ever felt before. Any zombie that came too close to her would lose a lot of its speed because of that area effect and it would be easy for Lily to use her ice to pierce them many times!


A zombie ran towards Han from the side, intending to bite him and Han put his hand out and grabbed its head.

[Erasure] has been activated.

The zombie suddenly turned to dust and Han dusted his hand on his trousers before turning back to the fight. Well, at least no one can say he didn’t help them out!

Roland’s face was stuck in an expression of shock as he saw what Han had just done! This man erased the zombie from existence! It was like there was no threat to him at all!

Roland kicked a rogue zombie back to the crowd fighting before he turned to Senna. He needed her to do something so they would know who this Han really was. There was too much mystery surrounding him and Roland was not going to let it continue!

How can a weak man destroy an entire [Advanced Zombie] like it was nothing!?

“Senna, do it,”

Senna looked towards Roland in shock once she heard him say this.

“Sir? N-Now? It’s not the best time right now. They’re still fighting!”

Roland frowned while facing the fight. He knew that it was dangerous, but he needed to know exactly how strong that Han was. This was the only way Roland could be sure Han would come out and help the people in fighting. If anything happened out of his calculations, then Roland would just deal with Han once and for all. Han may be stronger than he portrays himself to be, but there is no way he is more powerful than Roland. This was what Roland thought, at least.

“The fact that they are fighting will be all the more reason for him to rush in. I want to see what this man can do and this is the best way, so do it, or are you disobeying my order?”

The threat underneath Roland’s words was clear and Senna quickly obeyed his order.

What happened in the next few minutes was so shocking to everyone that they could do nothing but stand and stare. The first thing Senna did was activate a skill called [Homing]. It could draw hostility from the enemies to someone and make the enemies rush towards that person. Once the zombies noticed the skill they roared as they quickly ran towards Senna, but Senna was much faster.

She ran into the crowd of people and everybody jumped out of the way as she passed them quickly until she got to the spot where the three girls in Han’s group were fighting. She then quickly shot off the [Homing] skill and activated another one.

[Earthquake] has been activated.

The effects were instantaneous! The Homing skill was now making most of the zombies run towards the three girls and once Senna deactivated it and jumped out of the way, they kept on running straight ahead. But it was the earthquake that really sealed the deal. Roland wanted to see exactly what Han could do, and he knew that Han would only try his hardest when he is trying to save his group. So that earthquake just now disoriented the three girls and made them drop their guards at the last minute before the zombies could get to them.

They were defenseless.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?”

Leona shouted this in anger as she saw the underhanded tactics that her guild just carried out! Were they trying to kill those girls!? There are still more than twenty zombies left and they are all running straight for the girls!

Leona quickly tried to run in to help them but a hand caught hers and she turned back to see Vulcan looking down at her impassively. He narrowed his eyes and then shook his head.

“Don’t be the only fool in the room. Let it run its course. This is the way of the temple, only the strong survive,”

Leona’s face scrunched up in disgust as she looked around and saw that most of the fighters in the room were also calm, they didn’t even look like they intended to help at all. Instead, they were using the opportunity to rest! What the fuck is wrong with these people!? So they would sacrifice someone else just for a few seconds of rest!?

“Let go of me! It’s not too late! We can still help them!”josei

Leona tried to get free again, but Vulcan’s strength was greater than her own and she couldn’t make him budge. By the time he finally released her, it was already too late.




Leona couldn’t see the looks on the faces of the three girls as they were engulfed by the multiple zombies because there were just far too many of them. She knew there was no way they would be able to escape this so she just hoped they would have a quick death –




Leona suddenly felt her insides roll and squeeze before a large blob of blood burst out of her mouth. She fell to her hands and knees immediately and tried to take in deep breaths. W-What? What was going on? She felt like she was going to die. This feeling of oppression? It’s… The same one in felt in the field before! Han!

[Bloodlust] has been activated at maximum output.

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