Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

There was once a time when Han would have seen this as overkill. He knows that in the past he would have tried to give some of these people a chance to change or even to see if they could be useful to him or someone else. But the current Han knows that there is no change for people like this. They aren’t like other chosen that kill for necessity, ever since he came to the Temple, they are the only group of people he found who kill for no reason. if he lets people like this go then he would just be a fool.

They are just monsters in human clothing, and he feels no remorse in ending them!

[Laser Beam] has been activated.

Ah, it’s been a while since I used this one. It almost feels nostalgic. Well, maybe not for them. It’s just going to hurt like a bitch.

Six magic circles opened up behind Han and the Alcatraz guild members immediately knew that it was big trouble. Some of them tried to run away immediately, but three of the eight gold Stars quickly came forward and tried to form a shield. The other gold Stars were still too stunned to understand what was going on and so they are a bit slow to join the group.


Han’s laser beam felt like a miniature sun. It wasn’t as strong as the Railgun, but the amount of heat that washed over the floor completely wiped out everything in its path! By the time that smoke cleared, the three gold Stars were black dried figures! They fell to the ground and the rest of the Alcatraz guild could only stop and stare.

Poloma’s hands were sweating. This man just killed three gold Stars at once!? With only a single skill!? What sort of power is this? Her shock was not small and the fear she was feeling right now went behind what a normal person can feel. She used to be afraid of the Alcatraz guild because they were so much stronger than her. They had more skills and their leaders were very powerful, but what would she then say about this Han. He was just toying with them!

The people that were the most shocked by all of these were those that had already met Han in the past. Fey and Ragnar couldn’t even move. It was like their feet were rooted to the ground! They thought they would come out here to have a glorious battle where some of them might die and the rest of them would be victorious, but then Han came and destroyed all their expectations! Isn’t this the simple restaurant owner that they were looking down on before? They couldn’t believe they thought he was the weakest in the Temple.

Leona knows she had felt something like this before. It was almost an instinct now for her to be afraid. This isn’t the first time she is facing someone like this, is it? What is this feeling of complete despair? I feel like I’ve had this directed at me before and I was almost killed!

Han has still not removed the mental command that he put on her. He was still going to do it, but for now all Leona could do was wonder why her body remembered this fear so personally!

Han, meanwhile, was on a rampage. Skill after skill. He killed and killed and killed. Han knows he should be at least a bit worried about the effects of this much killing on his morality. It might not be good for him to suddenly see human life like cattle. Ah, fuck it I won’t do that. I have the girls and I don’t think they’re going to ever let me fall that far.

Han’s shadow Hunters rose from the ground and began to charge the remaining Alcatraz guild members who had still not died from the skills. The five gold Stars managed to snap out from the shock a while ago and they were lucky enough to be stronger than the shadow Hunter. But their other guild members were not so lucky. By the time Han was done, only five of them remained!

[Laser beam] has been activated.



Make that two. Only two of them remain. Now, you two. What do I do with you? You look like you’ll piss your robes from the fear alone. Oh, shit, my Bloodlust is still active! I must’ve scared the hell out of the other guilds.

Han deactivated his Bloodlust and then turned back to the two remaining members of the Alcatraz guild. The captain and the vice-captain. A stupid thought passed through Han’s mind. Should he give them a chance? This made Han laugh in such a loud and insane way that everybody on the floor flinched! A chance!? What the fuck was he thinking!? If he even gave a single chance to his enemies then, is he not a fool!?

“Please give us a chance! We’ll disband and go back down to the former floors! You don’t have to kill us! We surrender!”

The leader could see that Han was waiting for something up there. Did he think about giving them a chance? This power isn’t something he can fight against on his own!

Han saw how everybody was looking at him and he finally spoke up.

“Fine, I’ll show you mercy. First, dissolve the Contract of Submission you made with these two guilds”

Han didn’t even get to finish talking before the leader quickly dissolved it. All he had to do was touch a spot on the Star on his hand and the contract was gone!

That was quick, Han thought. He didn’t even fight for it at all. His survival instincts must be on full throttle right now.

“Alright then, I think your quick action deserves at least some mercy from me. If you can survive this next attack and come out safely, then I’ll let you go and never bother you again.”

The leaders of the other guilds heard what Han said and they were livid! Why would he be sparing the lives of this monster? Does he not know what they have done!? Poloma was about to shout out to Han, but she suddenly froze.

Han didn’t use the laser beam, instead, he used something that he just got recently. Like he was told when he was coming to the Temple. Power is the only thing respected here. So he would show them what unparalleled power looks like.

[Volcanic Burial] has been activated

Everyone immediately knew that this skill was on a completely different level from all the other ones that Han had been using here! He wanted them to survive against this!? How!?

The leaders of both Rivera and Trinata quickly made their members move far back to avoid whatever was about to happen. They could feel the heat coming off from that skill and it was hotter than any volcano they have ever gone close to! This man is a mad man! He is using something like this for mercy!? Then what will punishment look like!?

The leaders of the Alcatraz guild looked up in fear as they saw a large space distort above them. They saw the amount of magma moving around inside that space and they knew that if this falls on top of them they will be dead for sure!josei

“Hey, give me some of it! Give me the stone so I can make a proper defense!”

The right-hand man quickly started asking the leader for mana stones. Those stones that were very expensive and couldn’t be bought anywhere. The leader of the guild has one of them and he had been saving them for a situation just like this one. He already planned to use the stone on his own so he can survive, but this idiot is trying to take it from him!? Are you mad?

“Get away from me! What kind of idiot will give up their only means of surviving to someone else!? Just stay there and die alone like trash! Let your leader survive! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of both your wife and children! Haha!”

The leader activated the mana stone at the same moment when Han brought down the magma! The right-hand man tried to put up a sloppy defense but it was like fire burning through tissue paper. He died before he could finish activating the skill! The leader, on the other hand, used the mana stone to improve his highest defensive skill [Will of Survival]. The skill was at level 220 and when he activated it with the mana stone it went all the way to level 2200!! This should be more than enough to stop any skill that was thrown at him! He will surely survive!

But unfortunately for him, the volcanic Burial was at level 3600. His skill didn’t stand a chance against it!


The leader screamed as he felt his defenses topple and break before he was buried in the magma. Han kept the skill activated for a bit longer to make sure that the man was actually dead before he cut it off. The silence filling the space was deafening. The only sound that could be heard was the harsh breaths of the people in Trinata and Rivera. Han turned around in the air and looked down on them and he finally understood why he was told to be careful with his power.

He could see it clearly in their eyes. They were terrified of what he did here.

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