Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Yuuma couldn’t convince Han against it, so she just brought out two orbs from behind her and put them on the table. She was able to separate the magic power from that magic globe into these two orbs and integrate them with a system each. If Han makes the two girls absorb the power inside the orbs, then the system should become a part of them. Well, either that or they could die from mana poisoning. It was all a matter of if they would be able to withstand it or not.

Once that was done with, Yuuma reminded Han about something.

“The next place you’re going to is the fiftieth floor, right? I know I haven’t been pestering you about it, but I hope you haven’t forgotten what you promised me”

Han scoffed while pouring her a drink. He was already used to Yuuma and her tendencies.

“Just drink this, you alcoholic. Didn’t I tell you that I had a plan? Just be ready to do your part when I give you the signal”

“Well yeah, but I can’t be too sure. It’s not like I don’t trust you, I just need to be sure. This is about the survival of my people. There aren’t many of us left, but I can’t risk the lives of the few remaining ones. Just tell me when you need me to help out. I’ll be ready”

Han nodded to her. He also hoped it would be safe to go beyond the fiftieth floor. All the information in this Temple was only about floor one to floor fifty, so going to the fifty-first floor was like going to a new world. He would be completely blind while going in. He had some information from Yuuma about what to expect, but she couldn’t give him too much since she hasn’t been there before. She only knows what people told her and what she managed to get from her time in the celestial plane.

But his plan was already close to being finished. Han just needed those two guilds on floor fifty. He needed all the leaders of all the guilds to come to a solid agreement before he would be able to implement what he wants. His plan wouldn’t work any other way.

The next day, Han finally decided that it was time for him to go and meet the leader of the White Rose guild that summoned him a long time ago. His trip to floor fifty was uneventful. Han was now a level 710 after he devoured those golems on Gregory’s world. He knew that even if he killed all the monsters here, he wouldn’t level up too many times. This was the bottleneck he had been expecting for quite a while now. He knew that a time would come when he would get too strong to be able to gain anything from these lower floors.

So Han just kept on combining skills and devouring some monsters as he went to the fiftieth floor, it was the best thing he could do now to gain any sort of boost.

[Host has combined [Palm Strike] and [Rapid Boost] to create [Rapid Palm Strike – 2000]]

[Host has combined [Lightning Armor] and [Armament of Troy] to create [Armament of Lightning – 1700]]

[Secret Skill [Devour] has been activated]

[Secret Skill [×10] has been activated]

By the time Han was on the fiftieth floor, he had used devour and ×10 more than a hundred times. But even with these two skills being used this much, he only leveled up three times and gained less than 2000 extra points in each attribute.

Name – Han Luo

Level – 710

Strength – 48900

Stamina – 53540

Agility – 54000

Intelligence – 50030

Free Points – 27200josei

Skills – [Ultimate Critical Hit – 790] [Crowd Coercion – 660] [Critical thinking — 600] [Ultimate Blood Lust – 750] [Berserker – 10] [Mental Shield – 100] [Danger Sense – 250] [Hypnotic Aura – Max] [Mutation – 50] [Quick Burst – 100] [Body of Adamantine – 450] [Clairvoyance – 50(20 familiars)] [Telekinetics – 390] [Flight – 1000] [Ultimate Pyromania – 500] [Erasure – 1000] [Pain Nullification – 900] [Thunder Bolt – 1000] [Lightning Palm – 880] [Laser Beam- 600] [Armament of Lightning – 1700] [Roaring Meteorites – 400] [Frigid Tundra – 900] [Gravity Control – 1000] [Overcharge – 1000] [Autopilot – 1000] [Stealth Mode – 1000] [Hidden in Plain sight – 500] [Enhanced Senses – 700] [Mine – 200] [Atmospheric Dominion – 1600] [Battle Continuity – 1500] [Eagle Eyes – 1000] [Slash – 1600] [Flare – 900] [Shadow Hunter -1050] [Presence Concealment – 1500] [Ultimate Armor – 1900] [Gale Winds – 2000] [Sword Dance – 2600] [Rain of Swords – 1970] [Charisma – 500] [[Silent Steps – 1600] [Butcher – 1520] [Rapid Palm Strike – 2000] [Wide Marsh – 1200] [Earthquake -1600] [Stone Coffin -1720] [X-ray vision – 1100] [Penis Enlargement – 1900] [Rapid Thrust – 1000] [ Echolocation – 1800] [Assimilation – Max] [Dragons Breath – 1000] [Underdog Boost – 1200] [Electric Railgun – 1900] [Total Command – Max] [Almighty Overseer – 990] [Volcanic Burial – 3600] [Incite – 4100] [[Angel Wings – 4900] [Demon Pet] [Sword of Destruction – 5000] [Deaths Playthings – 3100] [Empty Dimension 4000] [Renewal – 5500] [Vine Control – 5500] [Supernova – 6000] [Strength Boost (×5)] [Protective Wall – 2900] [Physical Defences (×2)] [Will of Survival – 2200] [Halo Shield – 1900] [Underwater Breathing – 1000] [Poison Blood – 1100] [Psionic Blast – 2000]

This much power still wouldn’t be enough to do anything. Han was going to have to move things along faster.

The fiftieth floor was very bright. It was like sunlight was shining down on the ground from all directions even though there was no sun in the sky. Han landed in a forest landscape and once he appeared he saw that many people were waiting for him. It seems they knew he was coming.

Most of them were from the White Rose guild since they all wore white outfits, but some people were wearing red standing at the far back. They are probably from the Red Arrow Redemption guild. Once they saw Han, the people there vanished into the trees behind them to report to their leader.

Somebody coming to the fiftieth floor is big news for these people since the number of people who can make it here is very few. And for someone to come here alone is even rarer. People usually arrive up here in groups and they were always eager to join one of the two top guilds whenever they come.

But the white Rose guild didn’t even bother trying to recruit Han. They knew exactly who he was, everyone did, and it would be stupid of them to try and recruit the leader of two of the largest guilds in the Temple.

An escort quickly came up to Han and led him towards where the leaders of the guild were waiting. Han could only relate this floor setting to something like an elf forest. It was so peaceful, and the people here were all strangely serene. Like they were religious worshippers in a holy fellowship. It didn’t make Han feel any sort of calmness, it just weirded him out a lot.

But at least the forest was beautiful, that’s a plus for sure.

The place where the leaders were to meet was an open field. There were a lot of people surrounding five chairs in the center. In the chairs sat three men and two women. The women among them were both human, but two of the three men were Cyclops and the third man was a dragon born. The dragonborn was the one who stood up to welcome Han.

“Han Luo. Welcome. It’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow powerful chosen. Although you are a little bit late, it is fine”

Han shrugged as he walked towards the seats. There were a lot of people here and he could tell that most of them were gold and silver Stars. Was this something normal for every meeting or did they just not want him to do anything rash? Did they think they could actually threaten him with this many people?

“I’m not a fan of being summoned. I think you can understand. So tell me, what do you want?”

The leader smiled and someone else was about to speak up from behind him. It was the man who came to give the message to the girls on the day they fought off the mercenaries. He still had the white coat and hood on, and once Han saw it he narrowed his eyes.

“Hold on. Are you the one that came to summon me in the first place?”

The man hummed before he answered simply that he was the one. Han glared.

“So you’re the one that saw my girls being attacked and decided to ignore it? I have half a mind to take your head off right now”

The hooded man swallowed nervously. He knew the reputation that Han had, and no one has ever called Han a merciful man. The leader of the White Rose tried to diffuse the situation by raising his hand.

“Sorry, it’s my fault. I told him not to interfere with any issue he might see on the first floor. I didn’t think that something so drastic would occur on his visit. Please, forgive him”

Everyone waited nervously to see what Han would do next

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