Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

The leader listened silently to everything that Han said just now. He could tell Han wasn’t lying and from what he felt he knew Han was more than strong enough to destroy him. He was really shocked when Han began to explain things calmly instead of just starting a fight. There weren’t many powerful people who wouldn’t just flex their power and then force their will on others. The leader now had some respect for Han.

“You still haven’t told me exactly what you want to do with my guild, but I understand that you are not lying when you say that you really need this guild. Before I answer you, I will need to consult our patron god!”

Han did a double take! He wasn’t expecting that sudden change in the subject.

“I’m sorry, your what?”

The leader blinked while wondering if Han did not hear him properly. Why is he acting like he is shocked by what I said?

“I said our patron god. I will have to consult and make sure that what you are saying is true”

Uh… What the fuck is this guy talking about? What does he mean by Patron god? Is it some sort of slang for a council, or is there something I am missing in all this? None of the other guilds in this Temple have ever said anything about patron gods. There can’t possibly be some supernatural entity guiding this one guild, can there? No, Han refuses to believe it! Won’t that just be cheating? Having a god on your side while all the other guilds have to work so hard is definitely not fair!

“Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but there are no patron gods in this Temple”

The leader laughed loudly as he finally understood. Of course, Han wouldn’t know about the patron god since she is the patron god for only the entire fiftieth floor after all. Only those in the two top guilds know about her because she has been protecting them ever since they came to this floor!

“Do not worry, your ignorance can be solved easily. Come, let me introduce you to our god. Maybe you can become a devote as well. It is said that she is the most beautiful of women and no one has ever laid eyes on her without falling in love at first sight. I am remiss to say that even I fell to her charm. Truly a wonderful thing she is”

Han squeezed his face in disgust as the old man showed him a lovey-dovey expression. That is disgusting. Please, get away from me and don’t touch me. Thank you. Aren’t you too old to be falling in love with ‘untouchable entities’? And who says I’m ignorant!? Hearing it from someone like you kinda hurts so please stop!


Han and the leader of the white Rose guild flew to another cave on the opposite side of the floor. It was large and had a natural spring flowing through the center of it. Blue gems were shining along the walls and some flowers had been planted in front of what looked like an altar.

Han couldn’t believe they were actually taking this so far! Was there really a god here? It would be strange if they did all this when they haven’t even seen an entity like a god, so they might be telling the truth!!

“Our god! Please show yourself and cure this man of his ignorance! I have come to seek your guidance and aid! Please help me know the path I am to take next!”

Han’s expression was completely blank as he watched the leader fall to his knees in front of the altar while joining his hands in reverence. He looked towards Han with an expression that said ‘kneel down!’ and Han glared right back with a ‘Fuck you!’ expression!

He won’t kneel before a being that he doesn’t even know anything about! And from how silent it is, doesn’t this god look like a fake. I can’t even believe I almost fell for this shit!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

That was the sound of the ground shaking and the leader looked up happily as a white light shone on the altar there. There was a pleasant voice that suddenly rang through the entire cave and Han could only stare in disbelief. Don’t tell me that there is actually a god here!

From the light shining on the alter, a body began to form slowly right before their eyes. Once the body was completed the figure there began to speak.

“So you have come before my presence to see guidance again? I am a benevolent god, so I will always grant you – KYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!”

The sudden shriek from the god sent the leader right down to his ass in shock! The god was looking at something behind him with obvious fear on her face! Why was she sweating!?josei

At first, Han was very shocked when he saw that there was actually a god in this Temple, but as the voice of the god slowly formed he couldn’t help the evil smile that started to form on his face! What the hell does this bitch think she’s doing!?

“Hello, Dyan – oomph!”

Dyana quickly shot off the altar and slammed her hand on top of Han’s mouth before he could say anything more! She couldn’t believe that he was already here! She thought that he would take at least one year before reaching this floor!

Han glared down at Dyana. He knew that this crazy woman would be on this floor but he didn’t expect her to be impersonating a god! What exactly was she trying to achieve here? Hey, don’t look at me with those pleading eyes. I’m not the one that has been fooling people all this while!

If there was a look for groveling on the ground then that is exactly what Dyana would be giving Han right now! She knew exactly what he wanted to do! She can’t have him ruin her reputation among these people by telling them the truth! Please shut up and let me salvage this!

“Uh… My god. I-Is everything alright?”

The leader was completely shocked and absolutely astounded by what he was seeing. Did the god and Han have some sort of relationship? Was Han also a worshiper of the god? Maybe the god hasn’t seen Han in a long time and so she was just happy to see him again?

The leader didn’t have it in him to think anything bad against his god, so he just tried to interpret everything in a way that made her seem good in his eyes!

“Uh, nothing is wrong. I was just… Surprised! Yes, I was surprised to see this man after so long of not meeting him. I wish to speak with him personally, you may leave and I will be sure to answer your prayers when I am ready”

The leader bowed his head in reverence before turning and leaving the cave. Once he was gone, Han removed Dyana’s hand from his mouth and smiled at her.


Dyana laughed nervously while moving away from Han. This is bad. Her ruse has only worked all this time because no one knows anything about her being a Celestial. If Han exposes her then it would not be good! What is he even doing here this early! Isn’t he climbing this tower too quickly!

“Y-You! What are you doing here! I thought you were still on the twelfth floor last month! No, forget about that. I still remember how you broke my weapon! Tell me, where did you put my weapon now?”

Dyana grabbed onto Han’s shirt and stood on her tiptoe as she glared up at him. Han looked away from her with a sweat drop and she felt her eye twitch! This man isn’t even going to apologize! You broke the weapon that took me years to create!

Han waved his hand to try and calm her down.

“Can’t we just forget about that weapon for a second and talk about you instead, Dyana-Sama. Tell me, how long have you been lying to the people on this floor? I know for sure that you’re no fucking god. You’re just leeching off them like a parasite aren’t you?”

Dyana recoiled like she had been slapped once Han said this! He hit the nail right on the head! She stumbled back and buried her face into her palm.Â

“Y-You wouldn’t understand”

Han deadpanned at her fake show. What was she trying to pull here? Don’t tell me that this woman has a good reason for this? No, she’s probably just faking it like usual. But Yuuma was right, Dyana is a crybaby!

Dyana mumbled something into her palm and even with his super-hearing, Han still couldn’t believe what he heard! He told her to say it like a normal person and she shouted it out!

“It’s boring up there okay? Boring! Boring! Everything is so boring!”

What the Fuck!?

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