Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Han grit his teeth and he continued flying! The broken wing hurt like a bitch but his Battle Continuity was keeping him going! He would make it to the next floor even if god himself was the one chasing him!

[Danger Sense] has been activated.

Han felt something tingle the back of his head to warn him about incoming danger. What the hell was that? Han looked down to see that female dragon from before! She was still in her human form and there was still a huge cut on her stomach but she had her mouth open and she was about to shoot dragon fire at him!

What the fuck is wrong with you people! Why can’t you just die when I kill you!? Just die and let me get away from this mad man behind me!

The dragon was on her last leg and she knew that she only had the strength for one more attack, but she will not let this man escape without injuring or even killing him! Her pride would be too hurt if this human did all this to her and she cannot even kill him!

She made this floor her territory and she has been preventing people from going to the next floor for centuries, and out of all the great beasts that she has slain, it is a human that beat her!? Impossible!! She will make sure that she does not lose to a mere human!!

[Dragons Breath]!!!

“Grim Reaper!!! Slash her soul!!”

What? The dragon fire missed Han by a mile as the dragon looked to her side and saw Gregory! she was shocked! Where was he hiding all this time!? Don’t tell me he was hiding in my shadow!!!

Gregory had his scythe drawn back at a wide-angle and there was a huge Grim Reaper behind him! Both Gregory and his Grim Reaper swung their scythes at the same time and the dragon could almost see it happening in slow motion. Gregory’s face was set in a look of absolute anger!!

She knew that she had to move but there was no strength in her legs to go anywhere! She used her last strength for that attack and she missed! This boy shouldn’t be able to hurt me! I might be weaker than him right now, but I can’t possibly be so weak that I can’t even defend against -!!!!



The dragon’s head flew off her body and blood sprayed everywhere!!! Gregory’s Grim Reaper didn’t care about the defenses you had when you were at your full power. So long as you are currently weaker than Gregory, even if you are stronger than him at full power, the Grim Reaper would harvest your soul!! The Grim Reapers powers go beyond just causing damage to the body!

Gregory was not supposed to get many points from his system because he killed an opponent that was already weak and dying, but his special skill [Absorb] immediately activated!

[Host has killed one White Star. The host has gained the active skill [Black Fire]. Host has gained the active skill [Dragon Familiar]. Host has leveled up many times]

Name – Gregory Magicus

Level – 700

Class – Nightwalker

Strength – 35300

Stamina – 35030(×2)

Agility – 44210(×2)

Intelligence – 11010

Free Points – 25000

Skills – [Dark Shadow – 220] [Dark Sword – 110] [Bloodlust – 220] [AntiMagic Body – 110] [Destructive Blast – 90] [Poisonous Blood – 105] [Grim Reaper – 190] [Eyes of Horos – 160] [Analyse – 90] [Flight – 160] [Danger Sense – 140] [Black Fire – 3000] [Dragon Familiar – 4500]

Gregory’s eyes widened at the skills he got! They were in the thousands!? What kind of power did that dragon have!? If I have this much, then the dragon must’ve had even more! So this is the sort of power than Han has? no wonder no-one can touch him in the lower floors! His power is more than a hundred Gold stars combined!

Han saw what happened and despite the situation, laughter almost bubbled out from his chest! You did well, Gregory! Now to finish dealing with my other problem! Han could see the portal in front of him. He could almost taste the freedom! But it wouldn’t be enough!

The scientist was faster than him and he will surely catch Han before he could get to the next floor! Han cursed in his head as he finally came to a decision. I don’t have a choice anymore! If the scientist wants me so badly then I’ll just give him exactly what he wants!! Han grabbed his left hand and pulled it right out of the socket with a sickening rip!!

Blood sprayed everywhere and the scientist’s eyes widened in dread! What was this idiot doing!?

“Don’t destroy my test subject, you fool!!!!!”

The scientist picked up speed and slammed into Han and Han’s smile widened as he looked down at the man! If you want me so bad then I’ll take you with me! Come! Let’s go to the next floor together you fucking bastard!!

Gregory was flying towards Han already to see if he could help him. But he wasn’t able to get there before they went to the next floor. He had to help Han on the next floor. Han had to know what Yuuma was talking about before and then he should have some sort of a plan!

Han and the scientist disappeared into the portal and Gregory didn’t waste any time chasing after them!


[Host has crossed into floor fifty one. The Host has gained a chance to gain a Class-Based Job. The class based job will be determined by the system. The system will now determine what Job is best for the Host. Calculating… Error detected… Calculation paused. System Update required. System Update Approved… System Updating…]

Han opened his eyes sluggishly and this screen was the first thing he saw. He looked around him and didn’t see either Gregory or the scientist. Did they get separated? Or maybe they are meant to do these things alone? Han could only guess that they would meet again after he is given his job and he goes to the fifty-first floor.

Han looked down at where his left arm once was. I can’t believe I tore off my own arm. Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll fix it as soon as I’m out of here. I only did it because that dragon poison was still inside the arm. Now that the arm is gone I should be able to use renewal to make the arm come back like nothing ever happened.

But the one question Han wanted the answer to was why Gregory wanted him to come here so badly. Han knew that Gregory probably got the message from Yuuma and that was why he sounded so sure that once Han comes here something is going to happen. But what is it? Han suddenly had an idea pass through his mind. Something he didn’t want to think about because the chances of it being true was very slim.

Did Yuuma manage to do it?

If Yuuma managed to carry out her part of the plan, then that means…

[System Update complete. By Celestial decree, the host has been granted all Administrative Control]

[By Gaining Administrative Control, the host has unlocked the full capabilities of the System. Searching system for administrative utilities. Four administrative utilities were discovered. Host possesses Four contracts of Submission and under these four contracts, the host has gained 817,210 followers]

Han tried to keep his heart steady as he read through everything the system put in front of him. It worked. He couldn’t believe that it worked!!

Han’s plan for all this while involved the contract of submission that he has been making the guilds sign. Han learned from Yuuma that the contract of submission was more than just a way for guilds to know they are under someone else. The leader of the Binaries was the one that made it a long time ago and it worked by giving him 10% of all EXP points collected by all of his followers! That means that as his followers were getting stronger then he was getting stronger too! It might not seem like a lot, but when you calculate it from over eight hundred thousand people along with his x10 boost, it is enormous.josei

Han signed the contract with four leaders! And since those four leaders were under Han, that means that everyone under those four leaders was also under Han! So Han had more than eight hundred thousand people under him.

Han couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped his lips and before he knew it he was holding his face while laughing! He didn’t know that a plan coming together would feel so good! It worked perfectly!!

[Updating all EXP gained since the host signed the contract. It will take a while, so please be patient… Updating…10%… 20%… 30%…]

Han didn’t even care how much time they took. He already waited this long, a few more minutes is nothing!

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