Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Once Han showed himself to the scientist, the scientist could only stare at Han like he was watching something out of this world! He got stronger! Han Luo actually got stronger!! After everything that he already did!? This man just keeps on surprising me more and more!

With only a single thought, the hand that was cut off from the scientist suddenly flew into the air and reattached itself. Han narrowed his eyes at this. Automatic repair? That means no matter how much I cut him up, will he be able to repair himself? I guess I’ll have to find out!

Hans brought his staff up and he immediately activated two skills at once!

[Deaths Playthings] has been activated!!

[Supernova] has been activated!!!

The scientist immediately felt hands climbing his body from below! Han’s skills [Deaths Playthings] would not be enough to trap the scientist for a long time and Han knew it! Even though the skill was twice as strong as usual because of the staff, the scientist was still more than capable of tearing through them with his aura alone! But they didn’t need to hold him for a long time! Just long enough for the other skill to activate!

The supernova was Han’s highest destructive skill. Han has used this skill once against the Alcatraz guild and that was only at 50% capacity! This time, Han used it at full power while also enhancing it with the staff!!

The scientist saw that Han was about to activate a dangerous skill and he quickly brought up his defense while immediately increasing his power to fifty percent! He did not have any intention of increasing his power more than this! If he increased his power more than this, then the entire floor would be destroyed!


The explosion that followed was large enough to be seen from every single part of the floor! Gregory and his dragon were flying away at a fast speed but they were still caught in the shockwave from the explosion and they were blasted away!josei

By the time the fire died down, the damage that was done would have been enough to destroy an entire continent on earth! Han whistled while looking down at the huge smoking crater under him. This thing is huge! I can’t even see the end of it!Â

But that scientist is still fine huh? Bummer.

It was obvious the scientist was hurt by the explosion because Han could see smoke coming out from his body and some of his injuries were healing at an astounding rate, but that was all! There were no missing limbs and no melted parts! It was like he just walked into a really hot sauna and came out with some blisters!

The scientist looked up in anger and Han could tell the bastard was pissed! Well, fuck you too! You’re the one that started this shit!

Han rose his hand into the air and another skill immediately activated! He wasn’t going to give this bastard a single chance to retaliate!

[Sword of Destruction] has been activated!!

A giant portal that was a hundred times larger than any portal that Han has ever opened before formed right over the head of the scientist! The scientist looked up as he realized that what was coming would be far more dangerous than the blast he had just survived so he rose his right hand into the air and coated his hand in white light!

The white light was a special power that he had. It could be formed into anything he wanted and he could also use it as an explosive to destroy anything in his path! But right now he was going to use it as a protective glove!

The sword of Destruction fell from the portal just like the last time, but this time it fell at more than two times the usual speed! Han expected it to stab straight into the scientist but he was shocked when the scientist caught the sword!

How did he catch it!? I couldn’t even touch that sword without it trying to corrupt my mind before! And now the sword is twice as strong as before so it should be twice as corruptive! Is it that thing surrounding his hands?

The scientist pressed his fingers down on the sword as he felt the sword slowly slipping out of his grasp to stab into his chest! He needed more power! This thing is not an ordinary sword! It was definitely made by one of the Celestials! The sword was trying to corrupt his mind but it couldn’t do it because Celestials have a stronger mental shield than the chosen!

The scientist grit his teeth and he immediately increased his power output from 50% to 60% and a large crack formed along the surface of the sword!!


Han now knew that the scientist was going to win this particular battle and he couldn’t let his weapon be destroyed so he quickly deactivated it and flew towards the scientist! If his skills weren’t good enough yet, then he would have to use physical force!

The scientist released a volley of white balls toward Han and they began to explode once Han came close to them! Each of them was as strong as a large-scale bomb and Han had to make sure he wasn’t blown to the side by the shockwaves! One of the bombs exploded right in front of Han and he simply decided to fuck it and fly right through the flames!

The fires didn’t hurt at all! Han was surprised because he knew that his defensive skills weren’t strong enough to protect him completely from something like that fire! That means that it is his own body that protected him! His body was now strong enough that it can protect Han better than the defensive skills he had right now!



Shit! I was distracted! Han cursed as he flew away because of the punch the scientist threw at him! Han was too busy trying to analyze everything and he got distracted! He had to stop trying to understand too much and just fight! Han stopped his flight and blasted toward the scientist again to continue the fight!

Right from the very beginning, it was obvious that Han was stronger! He was able to avoid most of the hits and bombs that the scientist threw at him while also using his skills to disorient the big guy! The scientist could also easily tell that he was the weaker one in the fight so he had to continue increasing his power output more and more as the fight went on. Every time he increased the power output, the floor would be destroyed some more and there would be more wildlife that dies. After the scientist released 85% of his power, Han finally started to feel like he was losing. He didn’t like it at all.


Gregory and his dragon finally found the portal leading to the next floor and he quickly went straight for it! There were some wild beasts around the area but Gregory completely ignored them! He had to go to the next floor before one of them decides to do something that would eventually destroy this entire floor! And for some reason, I just know that it’s going to be Han!!


Han knew that the scientist was already close to his limit, just a few more attacks would be enough to make this fight end! But Han didn’t expect the scientist to suddenly activate a skill! Han was shocked! How the hell does the scientist have skills!? It is only the Chosen who have skills! I have never heard from Yuuma that any of the celestials have skills!

[Undying Legion] has been activated!

Han was right. The Celestials did not have skills like the chosen, all of their power was from inside them and they didn’t need a system to use it, but the scientist was different. He wasn’t a scientist for nothing! He realized a long time ago that the chosen were very interesting and they grew at an astonishing rate. He was bored and also curious about what it would be like to also grow at such a fast pace and that was why he has been performing all the experiments on chosen! All the other Celestials thought he has been doing the experiments so he can understand the system more and try to improve on it, but all the scientist has been doing is making a system for himself!

The reason he wanted Han so badly is because he knew Han’s system was the strongest one out of all the chosen. The first time he met Han, he didn’t even expect much from a mere human, but this man has managed to destroy all of his expectations and surpass them! If he manages to get Han’s system then he will finally be able to perfect his own system!

The skill [Undying Legion] activated and Han grimaced as human figures began to crawl out of the ground! Han couldn’t help his disgust when he saw these things. They looked like rotten corpses! What kind of skill is this!?

The scientist chuckled as he finally got a chance to catch his breath. Han’s relentless attacks were starting to get on his nerves. He stepped back as his legion came in front of him.

“I hate to admit it, but as of right now you possess power that is on par with a Celestial. It is laudable. A mere human that I saw all those years ago being capable of fighting me like this. I should have taken you back then, maybe I wouldn’t have this sort of problem!”

The scientist knew he shouldn’t have been so curious about what Han would become. If he had taken him then this wouldn’t be happening. It was truly his greatest regret!

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