Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 254

Chapter 254


Han came out of the back and saw the looks of wonder on the faces of everyone! Dyana was sitting beside Paravell, and Han could see that she had a line of drool moving down her chin! She was completely lost in the smell! She didn’t even know that Han had come out yet because she was trying to memorize this feeling!

Han had a tray in his hands and Rina came out after him with another tray. Han hit Dyana slightly on the head before putting a plate in front of her. Dyana snapped out from her daydream and saw the heavenly meal in front of her. For some time, she did nothing but stare at it like she was trying to memorize what it looked like. She turned it around and sighed lovingly!Â

She was going to marry Han! She swore it!

Han rolled his eyes at her antics before he and Rina dropped some food in front of all the other girls as well as the Guild leaders. Han wanted to give Rin a plate as well, but she declined with a strange look of irritation on her face. She whispered to him that she felt like puking and Han quickly took the food away once he realized that it was the reason!

Pregnancy was weird sometimes! How can you want to puke in front of good food like this!?

Rin smiled apologetically and Han smiled back at her before kissing her and moving away to give the others their plates. He would go make her something else later if she wanted him to. Once Han was done serving them all, he took off his apron and threw it to the side before sitting at the head of the table where the guild masters were.

They all waited for Han to start eating first out of respect. Han didn’t really care for things like that. I don’t need you to do small things like this to stroke my ego. He just waved his hands and told them to get on with it with a smile. They dug in like starved animals!

The only person that didn’t dig in was Dyana because she was still staring at her food like it was one of the wonders of the world. Han told her to start eating already! He had more at the back if she wanted to stare at some meat. She only giggled a little before joining them all to eat.

The leader of the White Rose guild was eating his food happily, but he was also shocked! He couldn’t believe that his god was just sitting at the table here as a normal person! And she is talking to Han as if she is his romantic partner! What exactly happened between these two that I don’t know about!?

Oh, wait. I have to tell them what happened!

“Leader, I think you might want to know. Some people came to look for my god on floor fifty recently. I don’t know who they were, but they didn’t have any Stars on their hands. I just thought you would like to know”

Han stopped eating once the leader of the White Rose said this and he looked toward Dyana and then Yuuma. He closed his eyes and sighed. He didn’t think the Celestials would be so eager to find them this quickly! No, he couldn’t say that. He might not think this is something big, but to the Celestials, this is the biggest thing that happened to them since the Temple was made!

They lost administrator control to me, and they will surely want to know who betrayed them. I have to put a lot of shadow hunters around here to ensure they don’t get anywhere close to the house without me knowing!

Han thanked the two leaders for not giving away anything about Dyana too easily. Paravell nodded. He knew it was futile, but he was proud that he didn’t just crack under the questions. The leader of the White Rose guild on the other hand chuckled low and looked away. He was so ashamed that he gave away everything! He would have surely caused them to catch Dyana if he had said anything that made them know about Han! But he didn’t, so that was okay.

The table became quiet again as people began to enjoy the food. Han could tell there was a strange air of expectation at the table, but Han knew that it would take someone really brave to finally break it. That person was Poloma. She dropped her spoon and just asked the question everyone has been dying to know

“How are the upper floors, Leader?”

Han hummed in interest as he tried to arrange his explanation properly. He rolled his spoon around a bit before he looked up at them. They looked like children waiting for their father to tell them a story!

Han smiled as he finally began to explain it. He started with the fiftieth floor and the dragon on it. He saw how Paravell held onto his missing hand once Han mentioned the dragon, but Han ignored it. Maybe it was just phantom pain from the experience Paravell had before. He explained how the dragon almost killed him, but he managed to get the upper hand in the end. Paravell seems really glad that the monster that took his arm was now dead. Han didn’t know why Paravell was so relieved. You really don’t have any right to be angry at that dragon. You wouldn’t have survived against monsters like Quinthreath if you went any further, it would have been a very painful experience if you went any further than that fiftieth floor. He went to a level that was too dangerous for him far too early and he lost his arm as a warning, I think it’s far better than you just dying!

The next thing Han spoke about was Quinthreath. Han left out all the information about the scientist because he didn’t want too many people to know about it. He would tell his girls later, but not the guild leaders. He then told them about the ranking system and what exactly the top ten were called.

Paravell rose his hand and asked Han what rank he was.

“Eighth rank. I was actually surprised because I expected it to be higher. Those people up there are real monsters for them to outrank me so easily”

Poloma took everything Han said and tried to assimilate it better. She didn’t think Han was lying to them, but she knew he wasn’t telling them everything. He must have his reasons, so I’ll just let it go. But what kind of monsters are up there exactly? I’m a level 150 and I’m considered one of the strongest on these lower floors. For Han to be only number eight up there, just how strong is he?

Poloma tried to use [Assimilation] on Han, but Hans [Mental Defence] immediately activated and repelled her aggressively! Poloma let out a small yell as she felt her brain pounding! Shit! What sort of defense does this man have!? It feels like my head is going to split open!

Han looked towards Poloma and smiled at her. If she wanted to know about his level, then she really only had to ask.

“If you’re so curious, you can just ask me. You’ll hurt yourself if you keep trying to view my status bar, Poloma”

Poloma blushed in embarrassment as she was found out and she politely asked Han what his level was. His answer made her heart shake in shock.

“Over seven thousand!!!?”


Paravell’s spoon fell to the table and his mouth opened in shock. He swallowed as he looked at his own status bar and his measly level of three hundred. What sort of person had a level that is that high!? And you’re telling me that there are ten other people with levels like this up on the higher floors!?

Han didn’t think his level would be giving them such a shock, but he felt some sort of pleasure when he saw how shocked Dyana was. At least she knows that her sacrifice wasn’t for nothing. He was this strong thanks to her!

“I’ll be going back up to the top floor soon. Gregory is taking care of things till I return and I don’t know how long he can stay away from killing someone, so I have to go and finish what I started. I want to make sure I can trust all of you here to be ready for me when I call on you. Remember that this is no longer a war of me versus you. We’re going against something much bigger We all need to come together so we can finish what I started. Do you understand?”

Han made sure all of them understood how serious this was. He knew they wouldn’t be the main forces in the fight against the celestials, but every single bit of help is important. He wouldn’t have them slacking off and making his plans fail.

Everyone there nodded to show they understood, and Han then gave them another order.

“Buy five houses around this restaurant and put twenty people you can trust from each guild into each house. I want them watching the restaurant at all times and protecting it no matter what”

Rin groaned from her place beside Lily. She knew that Han would do something like this! Just because she is pregnant doesn’t mean she can’t fight for herself! She was about to say something about it, but Han’s stare made her shut up immediately.

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