Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 256

Chapter 256


Han’s character was like that of a wolf, and whenever he sees a rabbit, he would always want to corrupt it! This girl was no different from a rabbit to him! It also helped that she was extraordinarily beautiful! She had this royal air around her that was probably born from years and years of practice and lessons. Han could tell that she will probably have a perfect curtsey if she did one. Princess was the perfect word to use in describing her.

“What is this Quinthreath? I do not need to meet your family for them to continue living here. They can do whatever they want so long as they do not cause too much trouble. Why are you bringing them before me?”

Quinthreath didn’t say much. He just turned and touched his daughter on the back before pushing her forward slightly.

“King Han, it is my knowledge that there are many ways to enter an alliance. But none of them work as well as the marriage of a king to a partner from the allied family. And now to ensure that this alliance is sufficient, I offer you my daughter, Yana’s, hand in marriage,”

The amount of shock that passed through everyone’s faces was unbelievable! Han was shocked on the inside but he tried his best to keep it off his face. He could see how Quinthreath’s wife didn’t look very shocked by the news, it seems that she was also part of the decision to do this.

But Yana was shocked! No, she was even more than shocked! She looked like they just told her she would die tomorrow! She looked toward her father to see if he was joking or not and he narrowed his eyes at her before pushing her forward again! Don’t embarrass me, girl!

Yana’s mouth shook in fear as tears began to gather at the corner of her eyes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. She then turned back to Han as she walked forward with her head bowed.

“This one greets her future husband,”

Yana gave Han a perfect curtsey and Han sighed as he realized she was completely new to this idea. She must’ve felt like her life was taken away from her. But even if he didn’t like it, he couldn’t do anything about it. Quinthreath would never be at peace if Han were to say not to this offer. Han wanted peace and he would be hypocritical to say that he didn’t find this girl very beautiful. Quinthreath was betting his entire family’s safety of their daughter! It was cruel, but it was something common with how these people didn’t look surprised at all.

Han came down from the stage where his throne was and stood right in front of Yana. She shook slightly in nervousness but she tried her best to remain in the perfect curtsey. She couldn’t break her family’s heart by refusing this offer! She knows that if she doesn’t do this then her family will die!

Han took her face in his hand softly and brought it up till she was standing and looking at him. Yana’s face was right in front of his own, but she was still not looking him in the eyes. Instead, she looked at his nose just below his eyes as a sign of respect!

Han was right. This girl was truly beautiful. An amazing work of art that looked like something the artists of earth sculpted from stone! Her face was smooth and white and angled perfectly and her height was the perfect height for a woman! Not too tall or short! She had the typical horns on her head to show that she was a Dragonborn and they were purple like her hair.

“You are truly beautiful. Why would you make such a face when you are so beautiful? It is a loss to the world if you look like that without smiling,”

Yana grit her teeth as Han said this and she almost felt like cursing Han! How dare he ask her something like that!? Her entire life is about to be taken away from her snd this is what he asks her!? He wants her to smile for him!? What kind of brute is he!?

She decided to screw the consequences and she looked up into Han’s eyes and immediately she did she was mesmerized! They were a shade of black that made the night look pale in comparison! So dark and glasslike that she could see her reflection looking back at her! Yana couldn’t help herself when she blushed! She thought his eyes were beautiful! This King might be a brute, but he was truly beautiful. Like a prince from the fairy tales, her mother used to read to her.

But there was something wrong. Why wasn’t he smiling?

Yana expected to see at least a smile on his face since he is enjoying this too much. He is definitely the one that made her father give her out for marriage like this.

Han caressed her face slightly before looking back at Quinthreath and giving him a nod. He walked back to his throne and sat on it.

“I am not a monogamous man. I have many lovers and I have no intention of leaving them for just your one daughter. If you still wish to leave her to me then I swear to take care of her properly, but she will not have the only place in my heart. Do you still agree?”

Yana was irritated!? She wasn’t going to be the only woman with him!? Her mother and father were the only ones for each other for as long as she remembered and she also wanted a marriage like their own, so why are they making her do something like this!? She was sure that they will disagree and allow her to do what she wants!

“Of course, King Han! I’m sure my daughter has nothing against it! You are a great man and you will surely have many such lovers! Please, take care of my daughter!”

Yana felt her entire world crash down once her father said that! She closed her eyes as she bowed her head once again! She couldn’t believe he was selling her like a commodity!! She always told her father that she wanted to become a fighter. She knew she wasn’t as strong as most others because she didn’t have a system but she was sure she would not lose to any white star in this temple! So why was he just selling her off now!? Why was he ruining her life like this!?

Yana didn’t know that her father has already had many lovers in the past as well. She just didn’t know about it because her father was only with her mother when he was around her. He lived for two thousand years, woman! Do you think he stayed with only one woman for that long!?

She was still naive in this world. She didn’t know that people with power would always seek to dominate and that extended to even lovers!

Han waved his hand to show that he accepted the offer of an alliance and claps resounded across the entire room from everyone!

Han might have looked calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside, he was not very calm! He was wondering what the girls would say if they found out he got another girl without them even knowing her! They would probably agree to this, but Lily will try to kill this girl, won’t she?

“Lily is going to kill you,”

Han sighed once Gregory said this. Lily will definitely try something dangerous.

“Shut up, Gregory. This isn’t my fault!”

Gregory was standing at Han’s right hand and he had the blankest look on his face as he looked out into the crowd below while he whispered to Han. He was only keeping this face because he knew that if he even broke character once he wouldn’t stop laughing! How is it that Han can always land in situations like this without even trying!? This man is a legend!

“You know, I think her exact words were ‘Don’t bring back any skank from those top floor when you’re coming back'”

Gregory said what Lily said to Han when he was coming here and Han tsked in annoyance. He knew that Lily didn’t like people… at all. And people that were stronger than her, especially women, were always seen as threats since that Dealer incident a long time ago. If there is anything that will be a problem it will definitely be Lily. She will try to kill this Yana in two seconds flat!

Although, from the way she can stay on this floor without dying, Yana also has to be strong. Maybe a white star? Or even a gold star? Han couldn’t area start on Yana but he didn’t think Lily was strong enough to challenge Yana yet. Fuck it. Han will have to deal with that when he gets to that damn bridge.

But the one thing Han would never do is give Yana a seat beside him. He didn’t want to be disrespectful to her, but there was no way she deserves it. If there is anyone that deserves it, it is Rin. Han sighed. He had to be careful with how he handled this situation. If he isn’t careful then things can spiral out of control. He shook his head in annoyance. Didn’t I say I’ll deal with this later!?

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