Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

It took some time for Han to calm down after laughing and Gregory sighed at his childishness. Sometimes he wonders who is really the older one between them. But there is something that was still bugging Gregory.

“Did you notice how much they kept trying to pry into your personal life last night? Almost all of them were asking about you and what your life was like. I even heard them asking about the other girls”

Han nodded. He also noticed that the visitors seemed far too interested in him and what his life was like. Normally, people would just say that everyone was just curious about him since he was a new king. But it was too much. Han couldn’t get the feeling that something was wrong out of his mind throughout last night.

What made it even worse was the way Freya acted. She might have been a little drunk last night but there is no way she didn’t know exactly what she was doing. She intentionally tried to seduce Han for some reason.

“When you left, I saw Freya following after you. Did she do something to you? I don’t think she could harm you… But…”

Han waved away Gregory’s concern. It was fine since he dealt with Freya. It was just too bad that the woman already left to the upper floors with her people, Han wanted to ask her what exactly she was trying to do last night.

Han knew he couldn’t just force her to sign the contract of submission through a fight as he did for Quinthreath. Quinthreath was no longer a King and so everything was legal. But if Han did the same thing to Freya, then he would be declaring war on the other kings because of their agreement. They would all attack Han because they will automatically assume that he will want to go to war with them too. He did want to go to war with them, but he didn’t want them to know his next move yet! He needed to move carefully and hit them when they least expect it! He had a plan for all this and won’t let anything change his plans yet!

Han was scheduled to go to Freya’s land tomorrow morning so he could check out the things she wanted to show him. This was meant to be a diplomatic visit so Han could only take a limited number of people with him. Just like Freya, he would also take five hundred men and see what she would do. Even if that woman is planning something against Han, Han was still a one-man army with his Shadow Hunters. Han told Gregory to get the soldiers ready and Gregory nodded as he fell into his shadow and disappeared.


The floors above floor fifty had a simple system for the chosen living there. There weren’t as many people as those on the lower floors, but the few that were up there all knew that they had a higher chance to move into the Celestial plane. The system that the seven kings put into place allowed people to choose how they wanted to live. You can either be a soldier or an adventurer.

Most people decided they would rather move higher along with their kings and so they became soldiers They were the main forces of the king and they will be with the king till the end. These people always signed contracts of submission and it was almost like they were part of a guild. They served under the king, but in return, the king was responsible for their safety and promotion.

The other group of people was the adventurers. Unlike the soldiers who were sworn under a single king. The adventurers were like simple citizens of the country. They had a right to move from one floor to another as they get stronger or weaker.

The adventurers were the ones who still believed that they had a very high chance of gaining enough power to either become one of the kings or even to grow past them. But for an adventurer to enter the territory of a king, the king will first evaluate and decide if the adventurer deserved to be one of his subjects! If the king refuses you then you are not strong enough and you will be forced back down to your former floor!

The people there saw it as unfair treatment, it was obvious that the kings were favoring the soldiers over the adventurers, but they could do nothing about it! They were the weaker ones, so they had to obey the rules of the kings!

Gregory appeared on the fifty-seventh floor using his shadow travel after easily bypassing the guards at the portal. You see, there is a flaw to every system that people can always exploit. The flaw in the system up here is that very strong people can easily move across borders without ever being stopped by the soldiers at the portals. Especially the people that are Nightwalkers and Journeymen. These two classes allow people to move from floor to floor without ever having to be seen! If the soldiers cannot see them, then there is no way they can stop them!

But the kings knew of this loophole and allowed it to exist. If someone is strong enough to pass the portal without being seen, then they are surely strong enough to enter the floor. There is no need for them to look for permission if that is the case!

On the fifty-seventh floor, Gregory was walking along the street. He wore a simple black cloak over his black inner clothes and tried his best to stay in the dark as much as possible. This floor was very advanced in his opinion. Unlike Han’s floor which only had one large castle that housed all of the soldiers and adventurers, this floor has a lot of large buildings all around the place.

It looked like a typical town in his former kingdom! People were talking and walking all around the place, and he could even see some of the soldiers standing guard in front of some of the streets. It was like a typical medieval town!josei

Gregory shook his head. Focus Gregory, you can sightsee later. Gregory was sent here by Han to meet someone. Han would be arriving in a few moments and for some reason, Han knew that Freya would try to do something dangerous to him here. Han is so paranoid sometimes. Why would Freya even try something like that? She might seem suspicious, but she knew that Han is stronger than her. Nothing she can do will hurt him.

Gregory was sure that nothing would harm Han, but Han is his king and so he obeyed Han’s order. It wasn’t like it would change anything so long as Han wins in the end.

The person that Gregory was supposed to meet was a young woman who was wearing a cloak over her body. Han met her when Freya came to his own castle and Gregory remembers that this is the woman that handles Freya’s food. The one that kept on looking at Han even when Han didn’t notice her! How did Han even get this woman to agree to meet him? Gregory asked Han if he scared the woman into agreeing.Â

But that wasn’t the case at all. When Han was telling Gregory about this, Gregory could tell that Han felt dirty for some reason. Han didn’t enjoy what he did to get this woman to agree to this. He was playing with her heart and he felt dirty because of it. Han didn’t sleep with the woman, but he did something much worse. He made her assume that she had a chance with him. That was much worse in Han’s opinion and he knew he would have to cut her off before things got too heated.

Gregory didn’t see anything wrong with it since she was the enemy, but for some reason Han really hated doing things like this. Somewhere inside his heart, he just felt it was wrong. No one should play with an innocent woman’s heart

The woman was wearing a large cloak over her body as she walked toward Gregory, and she made sure that the person she was meeting was actually Gregory before she nodded to him. Gregory didn’t say a word to her since they didn’t want to attract any suspicion. He just stretched his hand to the side and the woman grabbed a red vial that he passed to her.

“Move out of the way! You’re standing in the way you scum!”

Gregory suddenly heard a loud voice before the sound of marching also came to him. It sounded like a lot of soldiers were moving down the road. Gregory turned and made sure that girl was gone before he moved to the side and hid a bit deeper into the shadow as he saw a convoy of soldiers leading a carriage through the road! That symbol! It’s the same one that Gregory saw on the ships that came to Han’s castle! This means that the person inside the carriage is Freya!

“Move out of the way now!”

The soldiers in front were pushing people out of the way to make sure they didn’t disturb the march while those in the back were keeping their eyes peeled for any sort of danger. Gregory didn’t bother hiding too much because he knew the only people that might be able to sense him were Freya and Esse and they were both inside the carriage, so he was fine!

They are probably going to welcome Han at the portal. Han should be arriving any moment now, right? I should probably go back and meet him. They will become suspicious if the second in command isn’t around with his king!


At the portal, Han arrived along with five hundred warriors behind him! The people at the gates became scared once they saw him! They have already been told by the king that they will be receiving a guest today, but they didn’t know that Han will come like this! He looks like he is here for war!

Han was wearing an all-black robe that royals would usually wear. He had the robe open to show the black shirt and trousers he wore inside and also all the different artifacts on his body. At that moment he looked like a true mage!

Han walked through the portal while ignoring the soldiers who gave him a shaky salute. He looked ahead with his [Almighty Overseer] and saw the carriage carrying King Freya. He could easily see inside the carriage and Freya must’ve noticed him because she gave him a smile from inside the carriage. Han didn’t bother smiling back as he waited for her to come.

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