Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

A huge spiked tail suddenly stretched out from the void, sweeping towards Gabriel’s rear silently, only producing a whistling sound when it was near. Gabriel could not dodge it at this distance, but she had no intention of dodging. Spinning around in place, she hit the tip of the tail that was about to hit the back of her head with her axe.

A cry of pain could be heard, as the tail that was incredibly hard had a small chunk of it cut off by the Edge of Order, this axe was too sharp! The huge tail suddenly retracted and disappeared, and Gabriel grunted and before dashing forward, slashing directly at the front of Sobek. This was a battle between warriors, a contest of pure brute strength, where there was no room for evasion.

Sobek swung his long whip to block the battle axe, and when the two powerful weapons hit each other, it was like two mountains colliding in the air, the sound of impact echoing over the Nile River for a long time. The tremendous impact caused both of them to fly backward, landing on the two banks of the Nile River respectively. Sobek’s expression was very ugly, and after landing he picked up the wounded Heqet before turning around and disappearing in flight.

With Gabriel’s current strength, together with the Edge of Order, it was definitely not an issue to fight either Heqet or Sobek alone. However, she would definitely not be able to defend herself against the combined attacks of both of them at the same time. But today’s situation was quite special, as these two divine emissaries had come from the source of the Nile River and had traveled great distances before arriving at this location. Even though Amon had fallen onto the riverbank exhausted, the two of them were not in much better condition either. So when Gabriel suddenly rushed out, the two could not resist her attacks and chose to flee immediately.

Gabriel landed on the river bank and finally saw Amon. Amon lay unconscious with disheveled long hair, while his clothes were tattered and dirty. One of his hands stretched out, as if to grab something, but could only hold the mud and water on the ground. Gabriel looked at the opposite bank and knew that the two divine emissaries had escaped. She also did not dare to stay here for long, as this place still belonged to the Ennead’s territory, so she immediately took Amon away with her.


How did Amon appear in this place and be pursued by the divine emissaries of the Ennead? In the past six months, he wandered around Ejypt, obsessively searching for Maria, who had long been gone, with a continuous heartache always accompanying him. When he gradually came to his senses, he tried to find Seth, but the last message left by Maria had made one thing clear, as long as the gods were not willing to see mortals, it was impossible for mortals to find him.

Amon was unwilling to accept all this, his tough character now becoming a stubbornness, and he actually went to the distant divine palace of the Ennead, Aeru. The location of Aeru was very secretive, and if there was no one leading the way, it could not be found, but Amon learned the secrets of this palace from Schrodinger’s spiritual imprint.

Aeru was not the real residence of the Ennead, and only Horus used to live here all year round. Its territory was immense. It was also the place where many gods and emissaries usually lived. Aeru was separated from the common world by a spatial magic formation, so Amon alone could not attack it by force, but he knew where the entrance was.

He flew into the divine palace with the rib of Osiris, the rib of the god of the underworld itself was a divine artifact, with the mark and aura of Osiris. When activated, it resembled an invisible spatial ship. After Amon had the ninth level of achievement, he could operate this ship, and just like that, he opened the entrance and directly entered Aeru, without even attracting the attention of the divine emissaries.

The most heavily guarded places were often the least alert. Since it was impossible for outsiders to enter or leave Aeru, and all the divine emissaries usually trained in their respective palaces when they were not carrying out their tasks, the presence of one more person in such a vast space was difficult to notice, if one was not deliberately searching for it.

Amon wandered like a ghost in that magical land looking for Seth, but Seth was not there. Although Bastet had long since left, her palace was still there, in a deep valley that had been abandoned, empty and deserted on all sides. Amon crashed headlong into Bastet’s palace, and only then did he fully regain his senses, realizing that he had perhaps done the most daring thing in the world. Why else would he be in Aeru right now?

There were dozens of divine emissaries in Aeru, and if they discovered him, it would be no different from Amon voluntarily surrendering himself to them! But Amon did not quietly slip out again like he did when he came in, as he did not give up his original intention of seeking revenge on Seth. Whether the gods of the Ennead were present or absent, nine magnificent palaces were still reserved for them in the most central valley of Aeru, the Valley of the Gods.

These nine palaces were distributed in an arc at the foot of the mountain. Horus was the tenth heavenly god in the Ennead divine system who transcended eternal life, and his palace was in the center of those nine palaces, symbolizing the status of the king of the gods.

Since Horus lost his kingship, he was nowhere to be found. The ten palaces in the Valley of the Gods were empty, and only Seth came occasionally. But there were emissaries who would still patrol the area regularly, and the Mirror of Ennead that could be used to observe the entire Aeru for any disturbances and anomalies had been placed in Seth’s palace. Through this divine mirror, the emissaries could directly call upon Seth, and Seth could also give his orders.

Since Amon had entered Aeru, he decided to take the risk to infiltrate Seth’s palace. He wanted to hide in this grand palace and wait for the right moment to assassinate Seth. Since Seth was badly injured and had fled to the divine kingdom, he would definitely not show himself easily. However, he was the king of the Ennead after all and would return to this place one day. Who would have thought that Amon would be waiting in his own palace, which was probably the most favorable environment to assassinate him at this moment!

But Seth did not return for a long time, and even the divine emissaries in Aeru did not know where he had gone. Amon did not deliberately hide when he entered Aeru, but he was miraculously undiscovered. Alas, when he actually tried to hide this time, he was unexpectedly found.

Because the Ejyptian Empire wanted to build the shrine of Seth on the old site of the shrine of Isis in the city of Memphis, the emissaries came to the palace to report to Seth through the Mirror of Ennead. After operating the mirror to take a quick look at the situation in Aeru, they suddenly found that there was an outsider here, hiding in the palace of Seth!

At that time, four emissaries attacked him at the same time and the fierce battle that resulted even destroyed Seth’s palace, alerting the other divine emissaries in Aeru who were in the midst of training, who all rushed to the scene. Amon was not afraid of death, but he did not want to die here, he still had too many things to accomplish. So he fought his way out of Aeru before the crowd of emissaries could surround him completely.

There were seven or eight divine emissaries chasing after him, and Amon fought and retreated. He flew south for thousands of kilometers and lost most of the pursuing divine emissaries, only Heqet and Sobek were still in close pursuit. Amon broke out of the siege and fought a hard battle all the way, and after repelling many emissaries, he was seriously injured and exhausted before he could shake off the last two pursuers.

He fought with his last strength and flew to that remembered place on the banks of the Nile River. In fact, there was no need for Heqet and Sobek to fight anymore, as Amon fell from the clouds by himself. He struggled to fall on the section of the riverbank where he had fainted years ago, and soon darkness appeared in front of his eyes as if there were countless golden lights flashing in the void, and the dots of golden light were transformed into Maria’s figure.

Amon was aware that his life was about to end, and even if there were regrets and resentment, he did not feel a trace of pain, only seeing the approaching golden light. This feeling was so warm and happy, and he seemed to have returned to the most heartwarming scene that he had experienced in his life.

As Amon came towards the end of his life, he fell here once again, at the location of the turning point in his life. He should have died here that year if no accident had happened. That time, he was saved when he woke up still in a trance, and he opened his eyes to see the hazy figure of Ichor becoming clearer and clearer. This young girl seemed to have walked out from Amon’s memory, with a mysterious and mature noble air around her, and Amon looked straight into her eyes.


Amon murmured: “Icho, is that you? You look so beautiful, exactly as I imagined, I finally see you! …… Am I already dead? How can I see you here? This is not a gloomy underworld, is it another home for the soul? …… This, where exactly is this? What should I call it? If a name is given, could it be heaven?”

As he collapsed here once again, what he saw in his stupor was a faint golden glow, and Maria appeared before his eyes again. Almost without thinking, Amon looked at her and spoke the same words again. Then he stood up and walked toward the golden glow, opened his arms to hold Maria tightly in his arms, lowered his head to kiss her lips, and the two seemed to melt into one in the golden light.

However, from the eyes of an outsider, Amon who was cloaked in mud and water, was struggling to open his arms to embrace the earth. After Gabriel repelled Heqet and Sobek, the unconscious Amon was embracing Ichor in his soul.


Amon had a long dream, a dream in which he seemed to be crazy and obsessed, where he was pushed to make up for the regret of this life. The content of the dream may be absurd, but also sweet, just like the delusion in his meditation when he broke through the seventh level of achievement.

In his dream, Amon did the same thing as Bair years ago, taking away the Adoratrice of the Isis Shrine with him, and was pursued by the divine emissaries of the Ennead. The place where he escaped was the same as Bair, the huge mountain hollow cave of the Euphrates Valley. But that place had become the Garden of Eden, and after he fought off the pursuit of the emissaries, he brought Maria back to the Garden of Eden.

Maria was no longer the Adoratrice, the shrine in the distant city of Memphis had become the shrine of Seth, and the mission of the Adoratrice had come to an end. Amon lived with Maria in the Garden of Eden for many, many years…until one day, he was awakened by Gabriel!


It was a month later when Gabriel woke up Amon. She brought Amon to the western part of the Ejypt in a mountainous area, where the ravines were full of monsters, and the treacherous and deep cliffs were covered with caves of all sizes. Hiding here, almost no one could find them. This was the place where Gabriel had killed monsters many years ago, and it was very well-hidden, so she brought the unconscious Amon to recuperate.

After achieving the ninth level, in fact, one does not need to heal one’s injuries like ordinary people. Amon’s life force seemed to be endless, and if there was no additional damage to his body, he would only require time to recover. As for other means of healing, those would affect the speed of recovery and the degree of recovery.

Amon’s injuries were not that serious, he had rushed out of Aeru as fast as possible, and the battles along the way were only to shake off the pursuers, but the power consumption was very great, nearly emptying his power. And on the other hand, if the soul fell into an eternal dilemma, Amon may sleep forever until the end of that seemingly endless life.

Gabriel cast various healing magic arts on Amon, but could not help him recover from the wear and tear, and could only wait until Amon was no longer so weak before waking him up. Amon woke up lying there with his eyes open, looking at the rock wall at the top of the cave silently for a day and a night. Gabriel sat at the far end of the cave, but also did not say a word.

A day later, Amon finally spoke, sounding like he was talking to himself: “I seem to have had a dream and couldn’t help thinking about something after you woke me up. If I had been like Bair back then, maybe I wouldn’t be here today. Bair took away the Adoratrice back then, and although it ended that way, it should be something they were willing to endure.”

Gabriel said: “With your achievements, you should have long seen through the trials of the mortal world, and should not be caught in this kind of thinking. The human world is a flowing river, the foothold is the source, do not turn back to assume. Even if you assume, it is impossible. Lord Maria has her own faith, it is impossible for her to be taken away by you, and you can not force her will.”

Amon sighed. “You are right, but those tests do not exist only at the time of crossing, but also throughout. I now finally understand why the gods who have transcended eternal life can also fall. …Were you the one who saved me? Why did you appear in that place? This is too much of a coincidence!”

Gabriel: “It can’t be said to be a coincidence, it’s almost certain. Do you remember, before I approached you for the duel, the Adoratrice gave us a letter separately? She said in the letter that if you ever grieve a broken heart, she hoped I could protect you. I didn’t understand then why you still needed my protection, but today it’s clear! I couldn’t find you, so I went to that place by the Nile River and waited, and if you were immersed in memories, you would have gone to that place.”

Amon: “She is no longer the Adoratrice, the Goddess Isis and the Guardian Saint of Isis are both gone, for me she is Maria, Ichor Maria.”

Gabriel was silent for a moment before asking: “What Maria showed you up to the moment she unleashed Tiamat’s Wrath may have been too cruel, but do you know why she did that?”

Amon replied slowly: “I know very well, she wanted to tell me a lot of things, including the final testimony that she gave me at the end. But more importantly, she knows me, much better than I know her. As long as this incident happened, I would surely try to get to the bottom of it like a madman, going to all places in Ejypt to ask all kinds of people, and will never rest until I get the truth. That would be a great risk for me, so she rather let me see what happened with my own eyes.”

Gabriel nodded. “It should be so, if you do not know what happened, you would surely turn Memphis upside down. With your status in Ejypt, if you lose your mind, it would be no different from suicide. But even so, you still almost got killed. What happened to the two divine emissaries who tracked you?”

Amon sat up and recounted his experience of breaking into Aeru. As Gabriel listened, she was dumbfounded. This was not something that the calm Supreme General Amon would do, and it was nothing short of a miracle that Amon eventually managed to escape!

Gabriel finally turned around and asked: “You have broken into Aeru, and almost lost your life, what are you going to do next?”

Amon gritted his teeth and said: “Seth will not show up easily. I made such a huge commotion in Aeru, even destroying his palace, and he still managed to hold back from appearing. Seems that he is really badly injured, and whether he can recover his strength fully is still uncertain. If I wish to kill him, this is the best opportunity I have, I cannot let him recuperate in peace.”

Gabriel could not help but remind Amon: “You should also understand that if Seth is not willing to see you, you will not be able to find him!”

Amon raised his head, his gaze seemed to look through the mountain rocks to the distant sky. “I can find a way to force him to show himself, and even if I can’t force him to show himself, I will at least make him fall from the altar.”

Gabriel: “This is not your style! Even if you want to do so, you must wait until you recover your strength. To do something like breaking into Aeru again is simply seeking death pointlessly, and it is not something that Maria would want to see.”

Amon: “I know what to do, I will heal my wounds to recover my strongest power, then force Seth to show himself. Even if I have to make a mess out of the Ejyptian Empire, I will not give him a good time!”

Gabriel suddenly said sadly: “You seem to have changed! Your current state is very weak, but the aura flowing out when you said those words is incomparably strong. I believe you will become more and more powerful, but this is not the path you are pursuing, the farther you go, the farther you may be from your wishes.”<div class="adsbox"><script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script><ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-8519815186204299" data-ad-slot="6818495263" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins><script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push([]);</script>

Amon suddenly said with some agitation: “Why can’t I make a mistake? If this is wrong, then let me be wrong! One day I may have to go back to that altar or to pursue the realm of true transcendence of eternal life. But here and now, I am not God Amon, I am not the Supreme General, I am Amon!”


Rod Drick built a magic formation of vigilance for his residence and strengthened the security, and lived a very peaceful life for most of the year. Although he was not very old, as a hereditary city governor for a long time, he almost never made mistakes and was very good at planning for a rainy day as well as taking care of things personally. Over the years, although he did not achieve amazing merits like Golier or Amon, there was no lack of good deeds done by him. In the city of Cape and the Ejyptian Empire, his position was becoming more and more solid, and he was now a nearly irreplaceable city governor.

Seven months ago, when Gabriel suddenly visited late at night, Rod Drick knew that Supreme General Amon had infiltrated the Ejyptian Empire. From a personal point of view, he was also very worried about Amon, and also grieved the passing of Maria. Sometimes, while deep in thoughts in the late night, Rod Drick would also sigh, and felt that he should do something great so that he would not have lived in vain. However, after such feelings had passed, he still continued his job of being the governor of Cape.

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