Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 344 Rebirth

Chapter 344 Rebirth

344 Rebirth

An army of fifteen-hundred soldiers, cultivators, and Immortals filled Clevedon Bay's waters, clad in swimming suits and trembling with their cleansing treasures in hand. The cool temperature of the water and air did not bother them; instead, the sight of the monstrous fish made them hesitate.

The shimmering barrier above the water illuminated below it, assuring them that no carnivorous fish were present, but it didn't bring much comfort.

The sharp scent of salt in the water constantly reminded them of their location — a place they desperately wanted to escape. They longed for a swift end to the ordeal so they could return to the gray, rocky shore that had seemed so unwelcoming before they entered the water.

Despite the fear, their eyes couldn't help but be drawn to a radiant brunette with wavy hair that they had seen many times before yet felt like they were seeing for the first time. She stood between the water and the fifteen hundred on shore to announce the day's events.

"Embracing anxiety about being in the water is wise, as it is usually perilous. However, today it is safe," Kylie reassured. "While that might not comfort everyone, you will soon forget your fears. So, hang on a little longer."

A mix of emotions, confusion, and unease spread among the crowd like a contagion. They didn't understand her words but captured her underlying message.

"We won't sugarcoat the cleansing process or how we'll handle it," Kylie warned. She explained the pain and discomfort of the cleansing and the sulfuric sludge that would seep from their pores in detail. Then she explained that the fifteen hundred on shore would spend a half hour using a wind technique to push the sludge past the barrier.

As a result, no one would focus on their embarrassment, fear, or mock others, as they would be too overwhelmed to think about trivial things. Lastly, she reminded those on shore that they'd be swimming in black sludge if they didn't clean the water. It was horrifying.

"While it will not be pleasant, you will feel better than you've ever felt before," Kylie beamed, captivating everyone with a radiant smile. "Your teeth will be whiter, your skin and hair will be smooth, and you will feel free using Qi. I guarantee it'll be worth it."

The crowd melted at her gentle enthusiasm, drawn to her words and her appearance. Those who were incredulous looked at the other harem members and Evalyn, each looking radiant. It gave everyone the same energy and enthusiasm they had from the start.

Kaze cleansed his partners earlier, as he didn't want anyone to see them excrete sludge, use four major cleansing treasures, or know that he healed and calmed them. He included Fey, claiming it was necessary due to her role in treasure production.

However, everyone else was in the water or on shore, including Jake and Veronica in the center of the cove.

"Begin Gentle Breeze," Kylie instructed. Those on shore complied, employing a basic wind technique that generated wind. The water grew choppy, but the superhumans barely noticed.

"This seems a bit... too easy," Veronica remarked, swimming at the center of the cove.

"W-What did you say?" Jake stammered, his arms folded around his chest.

Though he excelled at his people-oriented job in an official capacity, he was intensely self-conscious, reluctant to remove his shirt before anyone but Veronica.

The black-haired pixie's eyes widened, noticing his unnatural trembling. "It'll be okay, Jake," she reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I'll be here with you the entire time."josei

"T-That's the problem," he choked out. "You'll see me oozing sludge and never forget it."

"It goes both ways, Jake," Veronica giggled. "Besides, women have pressure to be beautiful. We give guys a lot more leeway."

He offered her a feeble, incredulous, yet grateful smile. "I-I suppose you're—"


Jake's entire field of vision blurred, melding the grays, golds, and blues of the rocks, barrier, and water into a hazy kaleidoscope of colors. A pungent scent of sulfur filled the air, eliciting an involuntary reaction from his body. Gasps echoed from the shore, and he felt those too. In that brief moment, he experienced auditory and olfactory-tactile synesthesia before the true intensity of the cleansing treasure kicked in.

"AhHhhHHhhhHHhhHhhH!" the people in the water screamed in a choir, consumed by a searing sensation that felt lethal. The terrifying shrieks paralyzed many on the shore, who only snapped out of their shock when the elites and leaders took action.

Within seconds, everyone forgot their fear, anxiety, and embarrassment. Jake barely registered the black sludge cascading down his body like a waterfall, darkening the water like an oil slick that didn't shimmer in the sunlight or the barrier's luminescent glow. The sensation was too overpowering, too all-encompassing to ignore.

For those on the shore, the ordeal was equally brutal. Technique after technique, they had to collaborate and devise strategies to maintain a continuous wind effect. The gruesome sludge pouring from every orifice of the cleansers’ bodies seeped like an endless faucet, turning the water a dystopian black and making breathing unbearable.

However, as the weakest of the senses, the sense of smell eventually succumbed to Qi deprivation, sweat, and despair. Soon, it faded into the background.

However, something remarkable began to happen.

Subtle at first but was clear and unmistakable.

Those in the water stopped screaming.

Their motions became effortless.

Breathing became natural.

And their skin glowed.

It was like a lamp.

With energy.



As the luminescence enveloped their bodies, the effort needed to push the sludge away lessened by half and then by fractions until, eventually, everyone had cultivated in shifts, and those in the water found tranquility. It was as if they had been reborn.

Time seemed to lose meaning in that surreal and serene environment as both groups overcame their anxiety, exhaustion, and pain.

"The cleansing is complete," Kylie announced, beaming with pride. "Let's give a round of applause for our brave participants."

Bewilderment rippled through the crowd. Applaud? For what? They didn't see any reason to celebrate. However, as some individuals started clapping reflexively, a spark of excitement grew and spread.

The clapping evolved into a rhythmic pulse, a drumbeat that resonated within their chests, fueling their enthusiasm and propelling them forward. Soon, the applause became contagious, intensifying as the newly cleansed soldiers and Immortals emerged from the water, their radiant skin, and beaming smiles on full display. Every movement felt more natural than ever before.

The extraordinary effects of the elixir were apparent, and it ignited a deep yearning within the onlookers to begin their own cleansing journey.

"Immortals and aspirants," Kylie addressed the crowd, "These individuals worked tirelessly to cleanse themselves for your benefit. Please, use a wind technique to purify the water for them."

Jake and Veronica turned to look at the water for the first time, their eyes widening in shock. While the water within the barrier appeared relatively clear, albeit murky, like an unclean pool, the area beyond the barrier was a sludge-filled nightmare. Everyone shuddered, glancing at their bodies in panic, worried they were still covered in filth. Miraculously, they were clean.

"Of course," Veronica agreed, breaking the silence. "I'll start; join in after me."

She positioned herself, surveying the water. "Gentle Breeze."


With a single wave of her hand and a basic technique, the entire cove that had just accommodated 1,500 people responded, generating massive waves in the center that crashed outward. No one could believe their eyes — especially Veronica.

"As you can see, you'll need to reacquaint yourselves with Qi control," Kaze remarked with a smirk, capturing everyone's attention as he materialized beside Veronica. "How does it feel to be reborn?"

"I-I... I didn't think... wow..." Veronica stammered.

Those who knew the charismatic and popular socialite couldn't help but laugh and giggle at her uncharacteristic loss for words.

"HELL YEAH!" Larkin yelled. "Give me some of that OP juice; let's goooooooooo!"

Spurred on by the jester's enthusiasm, the area burst into cheers and excitement. In unison, fifteen hundred people employed wind techniques to cleanse the water and acclimate to their newfound power. The results were spellbinding.

The cultivators observed the scene with astonishment. Only those willing to battle the Killian Empire could obtain treasures. However, those who did harbored doubts they'd come out on top.

After all, a mere seven nights remained before the spatial rift would open, allowing an army with centuries of experience to invade. However, witnessing the remarkable power growth resulting from a single cleansing made them realize victory was within reach. They were grateful for choosing to fight on the right side.

It gave them hope of a positive future where they could live without the unrelenting grind for basic power and sustenance.

Nevertheless, the path ahead was treacherous, and only a week remained.

There was no turning back. It was a race against the clock to build power and prepare before the Killian army arrived, and they prayed it would be enough.

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