Player who Returned 10,000 years Later

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Goddess’s Rage (2)

Chapter 321: Goddess’s Rage (2)

Holy shit, what?

Oh Kang-Woo, who had been scrunched up while clenching his chest, flinched. He was honestly a little confused.

Whats with the overreaction?

He had only just been selected as a Protector; although Gaia had swore on her Divinity that she would spare no support and love for him, it was a little out of nowhere.

Why does she love me so much?

It was as if he had been adopted, and his adoptive mother was showing him a little too much love as soon as he entered the household. Although it was not a bad feeling, he was still confused nonetheless.

Are you okay, my child?! Gaia approached Kang-Woo, who had collapsed on the floor in pain.

She was looking down at him on the verge of tears; no, she was actually crying a little.

What the actual fuck?

Kang-Woos eyes were filled with confusion, but continued his performance.

Cough! Cough! I-Im alright

How can you say that when youre like this?! Gaia embraced Kang-Woo while shouting, trembling while shedding tears. Please Please do not die I cannot lose another child after Alec.

It had been a while since Kang-Woo had heard that name. Everything made sense as soon as he heard it.

I guess shes the type to love the humans that she has chosen as Protectors to death.

If that was not the case, there was no way that she would mention Alec Osborne, who had died by the hands of Satan years ago. The fear in her voice, her genuine concern for her incarnation, Layla, as well as her attitude toward Kim Si-Hun all showed that she treated the humans that she had selected as Protectors as her real children.

So thats why she even went as far as to swear on her Divinity.

Kang-Woo did not quite know how deep of a meaning that held, but he felt like they had not been empty words. A portion of her Divinity would likely be annihilated if she were to break the vow.

She really decided to treat me like her own son. No wonder, considering everything I did for her.

In Gaias perspective, Kang-Woo was nothing short of her savior. She likely had great interest in him even before she had selected him as a Protector.

This is

Kang-Woo narrowed his eyes, lowering the ascending corners of his mouth with all his might.

... Amazing, isnt it?

Kang-Woo had seen her in a completely different light, other than simply being a troll. He was more than satisfied with becoming a retainer of a god, but she had even decided to treat him like her own child. It was honestly far better than what he had expected.

Kuh, who the fuck dared to call Lady Gaia a loser?!

He wanted to beat the shit out of the people who had dared to call Gaia useless. She was more perfect than his wildest dreams.

If thats the case

Kang-Woo needed to stir Gaia up even more.

Haaa, haaa, Kang-Woo panted heavily while clenching his chest. He took a deep breath in and slowly got up. ... Im fine now.

Gaia stared at him with sunken eyes. Why did you not say anything?

Kang-Woo remained silent.

Tell me, my child, she said, as if scolding him.

Kang-Woo smiled in a way that looked as if it would shatter into pieces at even the slightest touch.

I was scared of losing them. Kang-Woo averted Gaias gaze and stared at Si-Hun, who was staring at him in shock. I have gained too much.

Silence fell. With a grimace, Gaia shouted, You Idiot!


Gaia strongly flicked Kang-Woos forehead. She then continued with a hardened face, I will hold off on the mission of sending you to Aernor for now. I cannot leave such a dangerous mission in your hands in that state.

No, you must. Kang-Woo shook his head. He grabbed Gaias hands and stared at her with blazing eyes, speaking with certainty, I have to go.

Gaias eyes shook.

It will take months just to open a Gate leading to Aernor. We cannot delay it, Kang-Woo stated.

But you

Lady Gaia. Kang-Woo tightened his grip on her hands and said again, I have to go.

Gaia remained silent. She also knew very well that they had to go to Aernor to eliminate the Demon Gods corpse and acquire Aernors protection. If it had not been urgent, she would not have entrusted this mission to Si-Hun and Kang-Woo in the first place.

My child

Gaias eyes shook. She caressed Kang-Woos cheek and lowered her head before she said, I am truly sorry For having you shoulder such a heavy burden.

She wanted to chase away the demonic energy within Kang-Woo this instant, but the fact that there were still traces of demonic energy within him despite having been chosen as a Protector meant that it had already spread to the point of it being nearly irreversible. If she forcibly tried to eliminate the demonic energy by using her Divinity, Kang-Woos life would be put at risk. There was only one way to eliminate the demonic energy within him, and that was to kill Rakiel, the root source.

Gaia asked, her voice filled with bloodlust, The Constellation of Corruption is currently on Earth, correct?

Uriel answered, Yes. He is plotting some sort of scheme here on Earth.

I see. Gaias eyes narrowed. Breathtaking energy flowed out from her and weighed down everything around her. Wings of Seraph, can I entrust you with the mission of locating Rakiel while I prepare the Gate leading to Aernor?

Of course. Uriel nodded without hesitation.

He had been searching for Rakiels traces whenever he had time, despite it not being his duty. He kneeled on one knee while spreading open his eight wings.

In exchange, I have a request, Uriel mentioned.

Speak, Gaia replied.

I would also like to go on the mission that you have entrusted to Kang-Woo, he said while looking in Kang-Woos direction.

I will allow it, Gaia answered without hesitation.

There was no reason for her to refuse a powerful and reliable being like Uriel to join the mission.josei

Constellation of Corruption Gaia mumbled while recalling Rakiel, who was hidden somewhere in this star.


I swear on my Divinity! I, Gaia, Goddess of the earth will bestow upon you the most horrifying and agonizing death imaginable!


Bloodlust blossomed from Gaias eyes.

The price you will pay for laying a hand on my child will not be cheap.

The rage of the goddess with top-rank Divinity shook the earth.


Pfft, huehuehuehuehue!

Kang-Woo unleashed the laughter that he had suppressed as soon as he came back home. He crouched while holding his stomach.

- The price you will pay for laying a hand on my child will not be cheap.

Shiiiet, Im falling in love.

He couldnt help but smile as he kept recalling Gaias words.

Its perfect.

The picture he had been hoping for had been fully painted.

The hero being corrupted by demonic energy, and the goddess trying to save him

It was now no longer weird that demonic energy could be felt from him; in other words, the chances of his true identity being found out had been lowered even further. His performance had even deepened her affection toward him.

That aside

Kang-Woo sighed from the moment that had freaked him out.

That was dangerous.

He regretted having trusted in his Ruler of Demonic Energy too much.

I cant believe she detected my demonic energy.

Despite having been extra careful in hiding it, he had still not been able to conceal it in its entirety.

I guess thats a god of the top rank for you.

Kang-Woo entered his room while clicking his tongue. Han Seol-Ah, Echidna and Halcyon seemed to have gone out somewhere.

Now, what to do?The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0/v3l--B1n.

Kang-Woo narrowed his eyes. Although he had managed to blame it on Rakiel, the problem was what he would do from now on.

I spammed this son of a bitch too much.

He had used Rakiels name a bit too many times, to the point that it was difficult to resolve everything that he had made up.

I think its about time I sell.

The Rakiel Coins value had risen as high as it possibly could. He was no longer in any situation to go all in on the Rakiel Coin.

But its a bit dangerous to sell since the real Rakiel is still alive.

Kang-Woos head was in jumbles. Although wiping his hands clean off from the persona was not difficult, it was a difficult decision to make, in the case that the real Rakiel were to appear one day.

For now Ill see how things go.

He was not in a rush. Rather, he would be able to gain even more of Gaias favor if he were to pretend to be even more dedicated to his duty without losing hope in such a situation.

Man, this is why you need good connections.

Kang-Woo couldnt feel any more reassured, now that he had the head god of Earth supporting him. He would no doubt have a bright future ahead of him as long as he used Gaia properly.

Ill trust you, Lady Gaia!

Kang-Woo clenched his fists and raised them up high into the sky.



Dust blew across a desolate land. Silence lingered between the distorted and split boulders. A being with ten black wings slowly got up.

... Rakiel, someone said from behind the being.

The being known as Rakiel slowly turned his head. There, a hideous monster whose face was covered in rotten mold was glaring at him.

Are you out of your mind?

Rakiel looked up at the sky dyed in darkness without a word. ... No, I have been out of my mind until now.

Hah! the monster chuckled, and then shouted, The Constellation of Corruption has gone mad after his seal had come undone! You bring shame to Lord Bauli!

Rakiel stared at the monster with sunken eyes. Constellation of Agony. No matter what you say, I will not change my mind.

He spread out his ten wings, and black lightning sparked between them. The monster known as the Constellation of Agony gritted his teeth.

You dare betray us?! he exclaimed in fury, but smirked moments later. Kehehe. Rakiel, even if you do return to the light, do you seriously believe anyone will listen to what you say?


Who would possibly trust the words of a fallen angel? Hm?! Your sin of corrupting hundreds of thousands of beings just to get your hands on Seraph will never lighten! the monster said mockingly.

Rakiel flew up with a heavy expression. ... I know.

He knew that he had committed an unforgivable sin.


Exactly because of that

I will atone for my sins.

Rakiel, who had flown up into the sky, disappeared into a blue Rift.

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