Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 6 296 - A Dream... Not

Volume 6 296 - A Dream... Not

Volume 6 Chapter 296 - A Dream… Not

"Did a God of Earth used his Arcanum here?" Hestia asked in a stupefied manner after witnessing the one cubic kilometer, well lit, underground space with various rock formations in it.

"That didn't happen, Hestia-sama… It's just this guy's strange impulse to create a secret underground base wherever he is." Yoruichi explained to her from behind.

"Nonono! Even if you such a strange impulse, it's impossible to dig this much earth in a short amount of time!" Hestia, of course, protested at the explanation that didn't explain anything. She's very sure that a God just released his Godly Powers in here as that's the only possible way to create this space.

"I wanted to expand it further but it seems that it'll be too much for now and I'll hit the space around the Dungeon on the eastern side which is weird. I expanded the space westward so I can create an entrance outside of Orario." Kisuke muttered for everyone to hear it.

"Why are you trying to sound like you're the one who did this!?" Hestia shouted. Since everyone else is already used to this and most of the Mythical Factions in their previous world can do something similar, they didn't mind this space. However, they do pity the poor Goddess as her understanding of the world was about to get overturned. And the worst one who could do so is Kisuke with his strange, even for them, creations.

"Before everything else…" Kisuke ignored Hestia for now and set up his final preparations for this secret base. He raised both of his arms and from them, several complicated magic circles manifested in thin air with the smallest of being one meter in diameter while the largest being two meters in diameter.

"Hmmm… Controlling the Mana directly is indeed hard, so this will take some time." Kisuke spoke to others.

"How long are you talking about exactly?" Sona asked.

"Two minutes."

"That's not much time then, nya!" Kuroka wanted to kick him.

Sona fixed her glasses to get a better look at the magic circles that Kisuke is manipulating, "We Devils have innate ability to control magic with just our minds and wills, but seeing this amazing display, I couldn't help but think about the legendary mage, Merlin who adapted our magic for general use… Now that I think about it, I should stop relying on my innate ability and start studying magic seriously."

For the duration of two minutes, Hestia couldn't hear any discussion coming from behind her and could only stare at what is Kisuke doing with a blank expression, 'So this is a dream… And here I thought that I'll finally have my own Familia, but it turns out I'm just dreaming. If not for this ridiculous scene of multiple no chant magic spreading in front of me, I wouldn't have noticed! Hestia… It's time to wake up. You still have to go to work.' And from then, Hestia kept trying to 'wake herself up'.

Kisuke finished setting up multiple barriers that will protect and conceal this underground base. He then turned around and noticed that Hestia is mumbling to herself with her eyes closed, 'This Goddess is seriously thinking that this is a dream? It looks like our abilities were more ridiculous than we thought. We have to be careful more.'

When Hestia opened her eyes again, she saw another unfamiliar scene and said, "Eh? I'm still dreaming? I'll be late for my work if this goes on…"

Seeing this as a chance, Yoruichi suddenly pinched both of her cheeks and pulled it, "Hestia-sama… It's time for you to stop daydreaming. We still have a lot to talk about~."

"Ow ow ow! It hurts!…" Hestia then realized something, "Wait… It hurts!? Why!? Is this not a dream!?" josei

"It's not." Everyone replied to her question.

"…" Hestia looked at everyone who has a grinning expression and cold sweat started to appear on her back, "It's not?"

"It's not~!"

Hestia then slammed the table in front of her in agitation, "Then how is that possible!?… Ow ow ow…"

"Remember what we agreed on earlier? You have to keep our secrets~." Kisuke reminded her.

While nursing her hands, Hestia swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "I was so sure that you got some troublesome past or some wanted criminals that you wanted to hide in Orario…"

"Ahaha~ There's also that, but there are much more~."

"…Did I bite more than I can chew?"

Kisuke gave her his brightest smile and said, "You can't spit it out~."




"Ehem… So in summary, you came from a faraway land and was accidentally expelled from it. And now that you arrive at Orario, you immediately noticed that there is something different about the way you use magic and came looking for a God that will help you adapt to this strange land while also keeping your secrets. Did I get all of that right?" Hestia shortly narrated what she heard from Kisuke.


"Although you're still hiding a lot of things."


"… Seriously… You're troublesome… You don't lie but you also don't tell the whole truth… You might as well be lying!"

"So you're going back to words?"

"Of course not! On the contrary, I'll be happy to have children like you! We Gods came down to the Lower World because of eternal boredom! So unique children like you are welcomed by every Gods! More like, every God will try to fight to acquire you! So even if you don't tell me to keep your secret, I'll keep it and ask you to keep it from others as well so that I can keep you for myself!"

"Pretty blunt, aren't you, Hestia-sama?" Yoruichi chuckled and continued, "But you're in for another surprise."

"What? More secrets? Bring it on! Something like that is food for my wellbeing!" Hestia, however, will regret ever saying that.

"Let me introduce myself and others again. I'm Kisuke Urahara, this is Yoruichi Shihouin and this is Aika Kiryuu. We're humans."

Hestia nodded, "Wait, human? Yoruichi-kun is not an Amazoness but a human? I see… So five of you are humans and two are cat people."

Kisuke and Yoruichi only grinned and Kisuke continued his introduction, "This is Kuroka Tojou and Shirone Tojo. You can call the later by her nickname, Koneko. And both of them are Nekomata… More specifically, Nekoshous, a tribe from the Nekomata family."

Kuroka and Koneko were both shocked when they heard Kisuke and looked at each other. The next moment, however, they both smiled happily and choose to quietly accept it. Although they really wanted to tell Kisuke that he should remind them first before saying anything like that.

"Nekomata? They're clearly cat people… What are you… talking… about? Eh?" In the middle of her sentence, Kuroka and Koneko showed her their multiple tails.

Not letting her process everything yet, Kisuke continued, "This is Medusa, a being of Mana. But the closest definition of her I found in the books is a spirit."


"And finally, this is Sona Sitri… A Devil."


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