Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 6 307 - Ultimate Weapon part 2

Volume 6 307 - Ultimate Weapon part 2

Volume 6 Chapter 307 - Ultimate Weapon part 2

Everyone in the pub, except of course from Yoruichi's group, were frozen from their spot with their mouths open as they watch Kisuke spray his 'weapon' towards the face of his rolling enemy with a large smile which now they rightfully assumed an evil one.

It took the Loki Familia a few seconds to react and the first one to move is the Amazoness sisters as they immediately jumped from the seats and instantly arrived at Kisuke's side. Within a split second, they both pointed the knife used for their food on his throat and shouted, "Stop!"

Kisuke immediately stopped but just as the sisters finished speaking, they were both startled when they suddenly felt a sharp object touching their throats. Before they knew it, Yoruichi and Kuroka are already behind Tione and Tiona respectively with their daggers across their throats.

The sisters shuddered as they didn't feel anything before the daggers threatened them and thought that it's an ambush from an enemy Familia. Even though they're Level 5s and their skin is a lot tougher than normal, they're not immune to blades and will still get hurt by sharp objects, so they didn't move and waited for the next development.

The rest of the Loki Familia stood up from their seat and even Mia became alert as nobody from them expected this kind of outcome.

The tension in the pub became suffocating that other Adventurers didn't even dare breathe loudly and the only noise that is being created is a scream of pain of the poor drunk mutt.

Kisuke slowly fixed his posture and raised his arms up. Tiona and Tione also moved as they kept their knives close to his throat. But despite all of this, Kisuke is still sporting the same grin and turned his head towards stunned Riveria, "How's that, Miss Referee? I won the bet~!" Kisuke said it in a jovial tone as if nothing is happening out of ordinary.

His words sent another wave of astonishment towards everyone, but thinking about it, he indeed won their bet and should be rewarded accordingly. However, he 'destroyed' his opponent's eyes, in which anyway you put it, going overboard.

Before Riveria could respond, however, someone ran through and stopped in front of Kisuke and faced the Loki Familia, "Wait! Please stop this! We'll apologize and will pay for the medical fee! So please let's just drop this here!" Hestia came in pleading.

Kisuke could only smile wryly when Hestia used herself to block the Loki Familia and even started pleading. With his free hand, he patted Hestia and said, "Hestia-sama. No need to worry~. That's not needed." josei

Hearing this, Loki frowned, "What do you mean by that? Although my child started the quarrel and I apologize for what he did, what you did is still too much. Isn't it just right for us to ask for some compensation?"

Finn, on the other hand, signaled Gareth with his eyes and Gareth nodded. He then took out a vial containing Elixir and started walking towards the writhing Bete, intending to pour it into his face.

But before he could do that, Kisuke spoke again, "Don't waste it. He's fine."

Gareth stopped his movements and looked towards Kisuke before turning his head towards Loki and the rest of her Familia also turned to her. Loki stared at Kisuke for a few seconds signaling Gareth to come back.

This instruction of her shocked all of them but Gareth choose to trust her Goddess. And a minute later, Bete stopped screaming and slowly opened his eyes and glared at Kisuke before pouncing on him, "You bastard!"

Before he could reach him, however, Ais made her move and pushed him to the floor, "Ais! Unhand me!"

Seeing him fine, Riveria sighed, "Ais, tie him up outside."

Ais nodded and dragged the intoxicated flailing wild dog outside.

Loki felt intrigued at these supposedly Level 1s, 'Where did the chibi get these kids?' But more than that, she's curious at Kisuke's 'Ultimate Weapon', "Can you let me take a look at that?"

Without hesitation, Kisuke tossed it towards Finn and he caught it. Finn observed the pepper spray for a few seconds before passing it to Loki.

Loki looked at the can of pepper spray carefully as she slowly walks towards a certain direction. She then stopped in front of Hestia and without any warning, she sprayed it on her eyes, "GYAAHHH!!! MY EYES!!! IT BURNS!!!"

This time, it's Hestia's turn to roll around. Seeing this, Loki started laughing out loud, "Ahahaha! This is some good stuff~! Hey Kisuke. Let me have this~!"


Everyone, even those from Loki Familia was dumbfounded at her actions and more so with Kisuke immediate response.

But unlike Bete, Hestia recovered only after ten seconds. A testament to the saying 'the Divines are pure.' The pepper compound was cleared from her eyes. However, instead of going after Loki, Hestia started protesting to Kisuke, "Why did you give it to her!?"

Of course, no amount of words could explain his actions so instead, he passed her another can of pepper spray he pulled from out of nowhere.

Hestia stared at it for a second before swiping it from his hand. Seeing this Loki took a step back with a panicked expression, "Oi, chibi… Let's talk this out…"

"Die!" They then started a game of chase, aiming the pepper spray at each other's face. However, due to them only having almost equivalent physical and dodging abilities, the only damage was the collateral damage.

Soon enough, a bunch of bulky Adventurers started cleaning the floor with their bodies as they experience Kisuke's 'Ultimate Weapon'.

"Aren't they such good friends~?" Kisuke muttered with a smile.

"Yep~. They get along well~." Yoruichi nodded in agreement.

'How is that getting along with each other!?' Is everyone's legitimate question over their statement as they watch Loki and Hestia decimate the brawny Adventurers with their war.

However, just as they thought it ended in quite a 'peaceful' mood, it happened.

Hestia dodged Loki's assault and in just the right time, Ais entered and took the full brunt of Loki's pepper spray, "Ah…"

Due to sudden burning pain assaulting her eyes, Ais couldn't help but cover her eyes and rub it. But due to that, it only worsens the pain and she could help but drop down to her knees.

The ever so stoic Ais Wallenstein, also known as the 'Sword Princess', is now silently screaming due to a weapon which is designed for little girls…

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