Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 6 336 - A Proper Sound

Volume 6 336 - A Proper Sound

Volume 6 Chapter 336 - A Proper Sound

The moment the hand appeared, however, Yoruichi already started casting a kidou, "Bakudou no 37, Tsuriboshi (Suspending Star)!" A stretch of a star-shaped film with its tips anchored to various rocks appeared. However, everyone ignored what she's doing as what's happening to Ais is more important.

For a brief moment, everyone saw something appeared behind Ais. However, the monster inside the wall didn't care about that and slapped them with its whistling hand away, "Ais!!!" "Ais-san!!!" "No!!!"

They saw the figure which is suppose to be Ais flew across the 50th floor, almost breaking the sound barrier. Not even a split second later, 'Ais' landed on the cushion that Yoruichi prepared a few seconds ago.

However, the cushion instantly stretched to its limits and was punctured immediately. Although it's not obvious, it reduced the force 'Ais' is traveling by quite an amount. 'Ais' then landed on the wall, creating an explosion of earth and dust, "AIS!!!"

Just from the amount of force she landed, Finn, Riveria, Gareth and the rest knew that Ais is at least heavily injured. At worst, she's fatally injured or died instantly, "AIS!!!" The Loki Familia did their best to reach the place Ais landed and with Lefiya already crying her eyes out.

Contrary to the Loki Familia, however, Yoruichi only calmly called out, "You alive?"

A small shockwave erupted from the wall that blew away the dust, revealing 'Ais' fate, "Yep~. Though I probably broke some bone." The muddled voice of the strange man resounded.

The Loki Familia stopped on their tracks and where shocked at what they saw. Ais is currently had her eyes wide open in shock while he's being held by the cloaked man from behind who apparently cushioned her fall, 'When did he catch her?' All of them have the same question, but some of them remembered seeing something appearing behind Ais before she was attacked and couldn't imagine what kind of speed is needed for the unknown man, who's just talking with them, to suddenly arrive beside Ais, who's at least a few hundred meters away.

"Uhmm… Wallenstein-san? I'd really like to move now, but I can't do it if you don't move away first." Kisuke said to the still shocked Ais who came close to death. Since they're embedded in the wall, Ais has to move away first before Kisuke.

However, the moment before and after being slapped away is still replaying inside Ais head making her deaf to those around her. Seeing her not reacting and the monster is already half outside of the wall, Kisuke made a decision.

Without any hesitation, Kisuke grabbed her waist and threw her towards the rest of her companions, "Catch~!"

The entire Loki Familia was dumbfounded that someone would throw a maiden without any remorse. Tiona, the nearest among them, jumped in panic and caught the spinning Ais in mid-air and once they landed, she immediately checked her condition but didn't see anything very serious, "Ais! Ais!"

Finally, Ais recovered after Tione's repeated calling and the rest of the Loki Familia also arrived, "…Tione? Guys?"

Finn took a look at her condition and gave instructions to Lefiya, "Lefiya, give the rest of the Elixirs to Ais."

Lefiya nodded while wiping the tears on her face, "Ais-san, please drink this."

To reach Yoruichi's position, Kisuke has to walk pass by the Loki Familia and he reminded them once again, "If you want to leave, make it fast."

This reminder made them look back at the monster emerging but as they recognized the monster, they were shocked yet again, "W-Why…? Why is the Balor here!?" Riveria muttered as cold sweat started to pour out from her back as she can tell that this isn't the usual Balor that they knew.

The Balor is the Monster Rex of the 49th floor and the strongest Monster Rex ever discovered as of yet. Just like the Fomoires of the same floor, Balor is a goat-headed humanoid monster except for a few big differences. Contrary to 2-meter tall Fomoires, the Balor is a full 40-meter tall monster and while the former only has a pair of horns, the Balor has 4 pairs which made some of them sprout from its back. And the biggest difference is the presence of the Balor's third eye which is the leading cause of death for the top Adventurers despite knowing its powers.

However, the current one is very different from what they knew. This one is at least 10 meters taller than the one on the 49th floor. On top of that, it has black skin and gray fur contrary to the usual light brown skin and dark brown fur. However, the eye-catching change it has is the extra pair of horns on tow of its head which made the total count of 10 horns.

A few seconds later, the full form of the Balor is revealed along with its Landform weapon, a bone club, which is befitting of its size, "RAWRRRR!!!!!!"

Another piercing pain attacked Finn's left thumb, but even without that, he knew this different variant of Balor is bad news, "Riveria! Start casting your strongest defensive magic! Gareth, Ais, Tione, Tiona, Bete! Stand by for any incoming attack the rest of you, hurry it up with the essentials, and retreat!"

The members of the Loki Familia resumed taking down the camp, while the top executives nodded at Finn's command solemnly. Ais doesn't have any time to rest or think about what happened earlier and only looked at the monster nervously with her sword drawn out.

"Hey… Minotaur, Fomoire, and this guy… Couldn't they let out a more normal sound? Why do they sound like a tiger or a lion when they're just a cow and a goat?" An out of place comment was suddenly heard throughout the panicking Adventurers.

"I'm wondering about that too… But say, do you think we could become friends if I give it some of my high-quality hay grass?" Kisuke replied to Yoruichi's question while also asking something of his own.

"Hmm?… Probably?… Wait… Why the hell do you have hay-grass in your inventory!?"

"I told you, right~. I'm always ready for anything~!"

"Having a fucking grass is your inventory is beyond being ready!"

"Correction, I only have high-quality hay grass. By the way, I have several types like Alfalfa, Bahiagrass, Timothy, Bermuda, Orchard, Oat, and Straw."

"Stop the grass talk! I don't care!" Yoruichi held her forehead over her mask in frustration, "Anyway, you'll take care of that?"

"Yep~." Kisuke then started walking towards the Balor.

"Wait!" Tiona couldn't take it anymore and call out to him. Doing her best to ignore the nonsensical talk about grass, she asked Kisuke, "You're not retreating!? And you're going alone!? Why!?"

Kisuke stopped walking and turned to her, "It's probably our fault that that thing appeared, so we have to take responsibility. I'm a responsible man, after all."

"I don't get it! And even if you wanted to fight, why are you going alone!?"

"It's because we don't have much choice."

"But there are two of you!?" josei

"Well, there are two of them too."

"What do you… mean?" In the middle of Tiona's question, another part of the wall burst open and a skeletal dragon monster came out of it much faster than the Balor, "RAWWWR!!!!!!"

"T-the… Juggernaut!!?"

"Now that's the proper sound!" Chuckling, Yoruichi dashed towards the Juggernaut.

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