Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 10 578 - Matured For A Little Bit

Volume 10 578 - Matured For A Little Bit

Volume 10 Chapter 578 - Matured For A Little Bit

"Indeed… You're partly Devil. I can clearly tell that. But that last form you took with your battle with Ares, it's not of a Devil nor is it of a Human… Yet, it's very Human… What are you?"

After Ajuka uttered that, a strange and awkward silence engulfed the room.

On the other hand, Kisuke's smile didn't change, and replied, "I wouldn't really know how to answer if you're going to ask me that."

However, deep inside, Kisuke was impressed. After all, even after showing such an inhuman form, he's the only one who called it 'very Human'. Even though he's of a Soul Race, which is the main source of his powers and unique abilities, unlike Yoruichi who came from a prestigious clan in Soul Society, Kisuke was originally a normal Human soul that arrived in Soul Society on a clean slate. Along with Zaraki, they are the only few Human originating Shinigamis that developed into extreme levels.

So when his Shinigami powers and Hollow powers exploded and mixed together, he actually got closer to his Human origin and it took over his Devil side in an instant, giving him the unusual form he took in his battle with Ares. At least, that's what he thought from his and Benihime's initial investigation.

'What is a human?' A question that he has never gotten a full answer to back then in his previous world, became even more prevalent when he arrived in this world, 'Sitting between everything, Shinigami, Hollow, Dragons, Fullbringers, is Human.' Kisuke's thoughts wandered for a bit until it was pulled back by Ajuka's reply.

"Then forget it. I'm only a bit curious," Ajuka immediately backed down.

A few more moments of silence prevailed before Grayfia feigned a cough and directed everyone, "Please, this way."

But Kisuke immediately refused by raising his hand, "Show me this Valerie Tepes first. That's the main reason I'm here anyway."

"Then follow me. I'll show you the way," Azazel proposed.

However, Kisuke just shook his head, "No need. Just let Issei do it. I also want to ask him a few questions in private."

Azazel looked at Issei and the latter also looked back and nodded at him, "Very well. We'll wait for you here."

Kisuke then suddenly passed an A4-sized paper with the fine print in it to Azazel before walking away with Issei, "What's this?" asked Azazel as he took a good look at the materials written on it.

As both of them stepped on the elevator, Kisuke answered with a large grin, "Payment~ Please prepare everything within 24 hours~ Thank you for your patronage~!"

"Hah!?" Azazel looked again at the paper before looking up to Kisuke, "But there are some really rare and expensive things in here!"

"Well, obviously. Those are things that I couldn't get hold of easily."

"B-but that isn't enough of a reason! This is still too much!"

"Don't worry about it. That's isn't just for the treatment of that Vampire, but also some important information that you may not be aware of."

Azazel's face became serious along with the other leaders, "Information?"

"It's not much but it's information on some things that could potentially destroy this world. Just that," The elevator's door closed and brought Kisuke and Issei up, leaving the group silenced.

The first one to break the silence was Sun Wukong, "What do you think he meant by that?" he asked as he smoked his pipe.

"Maybe more information regarding Rizevim's movements and plans," answered Sirzechs.

"Or maybe something he discovered when he stormed Mount Olympus," added Azazel. josei

"Probably something more beyond that. He doesn't strike me as someone who exaggerates themselves," commented Ajuka.

Serafall then interjected with an unusually serious tone, "I'm with Ajuka-chan… He's someone who wouldn't regard Great Red and Ophis's clash as world-ending. With that kind of tone, I presume that something else is at play here."

"Either way, it looks like the establishment of the DxD Team won't be enough to counter all the threats. Depending on the information he has, we have to come up with more drastic measures," Michael added, "For now, let's wait for him here. We already set aside ample time so there's no need to rush things."

Sirzechs then turned to Sun Wukong and asked, "What about you, Great Sage? What do you think?"

"Nothing… Nothing much… Though if I want to say something, it is that both Sakra and Rudra are very interested in him. Please keep that in mind as you deal with him."

"I see… Well, for now, let's all sit down."

In contrast, the majority of other people in the room don't have a single clue on what's going on and could only follow their leaders while speculating in their minds. But one of them couldn't help but mutter, "He really extorted Azazel…"

Hearing Rossweisse's words, Azazel could only sigh and lament. However, he was saved by Sirzechs who extended his helping hand, "Let me help you prepare it."

"I would really be glad if you could do that," Azazel immediately accepted his gesture and passed the paper to Sirzechs, which in turn, passed it to Grayfia, "Prepare the things that we have on hand right now."

"Understood. Then I'll leave first," Grayfia then teleported away.

"If there are some items that are hard to come by, we'll also help with it." Michael proposed.




Inside the elevator, Issei opened up a conversation, "Kisuke, where have you been all this time?"

"Well, somewhere far away. I still have to return there though."

"Haahh… So you can't tell me, huh?"

"Sorry about that, but I'll make sure to bring a souvenir next time I go home."

"Yeah, don't forget that. If possible, please include some porn books. If it's a faraway place, I'd really like to see it."

Kisuke chuckled, "Ahahaha, so you haven't changed, huh? Though I can see that you're a lot more mature now. Going out with Gremory-san?"

If it was the Issei he knew before, Issei would talk in a roundabout way before admitting it embarrassingly. However, the Issei right now gripped his hands while looking at it and said, "Yeah… That's why I have to work harder. It feels like I really need to ramp up my efforts due to increasingly difficult enemies as time goes on… And also after seeing you fight that God. I never knew you're that strong."

"Well, I have to have at least that much if I want to protect those who are important to me."

"Though the way you messed with them first is very like you."

Scratching his head, Kisuke replied sheepishly, "Iya~ Don't praise me so much, or I'll get embarrassed~"

Issei smiled wryly, "Though I want to say that you haven't changed, you feel different right now."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"No, I worded that wrong. You haven't changed… Maybe the same as you told me, you haven't changed but you also matured. Sounds weird, right? It's because you always seem so mature with everything happening around you, but if I were to point out something different, you're a lot more caring? No, that's also not it. It seems like you found something more important. That's what my guts are telling me," Issei couldn't exactly tell what changed in Kisuke, but he knew for sure that something was different about him.

"In the past, although you cared for a lot of things, you were also apathetic to most things. Right now, it seems that you can give some thought to the things you never cared for before. That's, at least, how I would explain it. Though it's not exactly right either."

Kisuke became quiet at his words for several moments before chuckling again, "Yoruichi told me something similar, so I guess you're right. I've also matured a bit."

The two of them reach the 5th basement floor where the medical facility was built.

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