Playing With Other Supernaturals

Volume 10 597 - A Little bit of Rest

Volume 10 597 - A Little bit of Rest

Volume 10 Chapter 597 - A Little bit of Rest

After being granted a Falna, Serafall, Akeno and Irina immediately noticed the ease of pressure around them ever since they came to this world. Although Magic Power was still tough to control for Akeno and Irina as Kisuke described, they're feeling a lot better.

"Congratulations, Artemis-sama, Himejima-san, Irina and Sera-tan," Kisuke congratulated them with a big smile.

"Thank you. Now I have a Familia to start again," Artemis smiled gently as she reminisced about her late children, 'I think I can change.'

Artemis then faced her new members and said, "Welcome to my Familia."

"Please take care of us," Akeno bowed to her.

"Happy to join~!" Irina chuckled.

"Let's get along, Arti-chan!" Serafall added with a big smile.

"Yes. I also look forward to your adventures. Please show me a beautiful story," replied Artemis.

Hestia then patted her back, "Now, now. Don't forget that even though we're two different Familias, I still consider everyone as a member of one bigger Familia. We'll adventure together, laugh together, decide together and tackle problems together."

Artemis nodded at her with a smile, "I know. Although this might not work with other Familias, I'm certain that we'll be fine."

"That's great!"

Satisfied with the outcome, Kisuke asked first, "Artemis-sama, Hestia-sama, do you have any questions regarding their statuses?"

Artemis and Hestia looked at each other and answered at the same time, "Lots of them."

"I figured."

However, Artemis immediately shook her head, "But I won't ask them now. I want to see my children in my own eyes first, without any influence from the system's judgment."

With a grin, Kisuke replied, "I see. That certainly is good. I'm not sure if you'll have a good time with us around, but I can assure you that it's at least it'll not be boring~!"

A fearless smile then painted Artemis' face, "Hah! Is that a challenge? If so, then bring it on!" A weird switch was flipped. josei

Hestia sighed, nevertheless, she's happy for her best friend.

"And what's the plan for now?" asked Aika.

"How about we first visit the graves of Artemis-sama's late children and pay respect?" Suggested Yoruichi.

"That's a good idea! Let's do that! Also please tell us the story about them," answered Serafall in an instant.

"Thank you. And I'm happy to tell you everyone's amazing story," replied Artemis with a satisfied and happy expression.

"Then after that, how about we go for a little trip as a celebration? It just so happens that Kuroka found a good spot in Melen. Kisuke would need some rest too, since I reckon that he didn't sleep at all when he was back home." added Yoruichi.

"I can vouch for that! I never saw this guy not doing anything!" interjected Serafall again.

"I don't really need it though? I can still keep going," answered Kisuke.

But Hestia didn't buy that and directly asked him, "Kisuke-kun. Tell me honestly. When was the last time you slept?"

Kisuke rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, "Hmm… If I recall correctly, it's not too long ago. Just two weeks ago."

Artemis and Hestia were speechless while the rest just sighed in resignation. A few seconds later, Hestia hollered, "Okay, everyone, dismissed! We're done for today and we'll continue this tomorrow! Everyone, go to sleep and take a rest!"

"Hmm? I'm just fine, though? I could go on for another week or two."

Hestia then glared at him, "You will sleep tonight! And no night activities! You'll rest!"

When they heard 'night activities' from Hestia's mouth, the newcomers immediately understood what it meant and felt a bit complicated. Seeing this, Yoruichi thought of something 'nice'.

Yoruichi knew that Kisuke wouldn't just take a break, and she's also a bit worried regarding his mental health. With that in mind, she formulated a plan.

"But-" Kisuke was about to reason with Hestia but Yoruichi interrupted him, "Huh? No night activities!? Then how is Sona-chan, who has been waiting for weeks, going to get through the night?!"

"Y-Yoruichi!? W-what are you talking about!?" exclaimed Sona with a red face.

However, hearing that, Kisuke shuddered, "You know what, Hestia-sama? I think you're right. I should take a break, so I'm taking my leave now. Goodnight~!" He then instantly disappeared from his spot and directly went to his room.

That reaction immediately made Sona realize what Yoruichi was trying to do and her guess was correct when the room instantly became cooler and a heavy and unfeeling voice resounded, "Ki-tan? Where are you going? You have some explaining to do," giving an eerie feeling to everyone who heard it.

Realizing the situation, everyone slowly backed away. However, Yoruichi signaled Sona to take it from here. Of course, Sona was not happy with the situation, but for her beloved to have a good night of rest, she's willing to sacrifice herself to the 'Devil'.

Hence, the shopkeeper got a good night of sleep thanks to the sacrifice of one of his lovers.




Early the next morning, everyone is already up. Thanks to Sona's efforts last night, she was able to calm Serafall down, but the latter stared daggers at Kisuke for the whole morning while muttering some curses. All the while, she thought that Sona's relationship with Kisuke was not beyond kisses but she was proven wrong when she asked Sona about it.

Although still feeling very complicated, Serafall had to accept it.

Kisuke, on the other hand, didn't approach her as he didn't want to poke the hornet's nest for no good reason.

Yoruichi also told Claire and Ophis that they're going to the beach today, so the former was pretty excited. But first, she had to receive her Falna.

Level 1

Basic Abilities:

STR: I-10

VIT: I-10

DEX: I-10

AGI: I-10

MANA: I-10

Extra Abilities

Holy Power: I-10


Belial Magic

Holy Magic


Blessings of the Infinite Dragon: (Description Unavailable)

Although much simpler and fewer in skills, the fact that the system couldn't describe what the skill could do was already saying everything about it. Now Hestia and Artemis became even more curious regarding Ophis's status but they promised not to give her their Falna.

With the early morning mist still around, the group first went to the First Graveyard where Adventurers of Orario who passed away lay their final rest. After a few minutes of walking, they reached the area where former members of the Artemis Familia were buried.

Artemis first talked to the former members and introduced the new ones, before offering a prayer for a good journey and thanked them for their efforts to selflessly stop an ancient monster they knew they couldn't fight.

"Let's go?" asked Kisuke.

Artemis nodded and turned around, "Let's go."

While exiting the city, everyone except for Hestia and Claire noticed the piercing glare coming from the tower. However, as Kisuke and Yoruichi had already first instructed, they all ignored it.

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