Please Be Quiet And Take Off Your “Something”

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Never had she known a more solemn moment in her whole life.

Unable to face the “head” any longer, she looked even more down, and expected her eyes to meet the floor. But just then, like a camera that zoomed in to focus, his thing aggressively filled her vision.

That thing, that the man’s thick-boned and elongated fingers gripped resolutely… its ugliness was unmatched. As far as she could look back at her previous experiences, Na-Yool had never met a man with such an ugly long, huge… thing.

Not to mention, how could it look so unreservedly proud, despite being the one responsible for the humiliation, embarrassment, and indecency of the situation?

I don’t think I could even hold it in my han—

Such a nasty thing, why would I even? Why would I?!

As if she had seen the most hideous thing on Earth, Na-Yool feigned to shudder and lifted her head in an unnatural manner.

It was only then that her eyes met Si-Jin’s, frozen like a statue, a few seconds too late.



A chill passed them by. Si-Jin remained unfazed, seemingly composed as he always was. But Na-Yool could tell.

She could tell he searched for the right timing to nonchalantly put his junk back in place, in vain.

“… Well, first of all, I’m sorry.”


“Ugh, what should I say… Yeah, somewhat, I’m sorry.”


“Really, I am. I just…”


“It never crossed my mind that you would be, hmm, releasing some stress, here by yourself…”


“I swear, Mr. President, I had no intention to invade your private time, no, your intimacy I should say…”

“…Kim Na-Yool. Don’t you even know how to knock?”

“How could I not, Mr. President!”

His sarcasm was so embarrassing that she shot back an obsequious answer. Awkwardness floated in the air.

“Yes. Yes, of course I know. I did.” mumbled Na-Yool back.

Of course, she had not knocked, and besides, her actions were the result of a kind of somnambulism caused by overwork. But the pervert who was too busy masturbating to hear a thing need not know that. While she showed a submissive attitude, she inwardly beat Si-Jin’s dignity to the pulp.

From all the topics they could be discussing now, he wanted to argue about the knocking!

“Mr. President, you were so engrossed in your work that you could not hear it, that is all.”


“That… work.” she said, looking down on his unsightly lower half. Her eyes twitched under her lowered eyelids as she tried to somehow defiantly stare at his thing, but eventually failed.

She could not bring herself to get a proper look, but he probably did not notice. She raised her head with confidence as she pretended to not be affected.

As shameless as ever, Si-Jin was still composed, but a very thin crack in both his calm face and his “head”, could be seen. As she lifted her head higher, Na-Yool noticed both cracks getting wider. Even with a diminished field of vision, she had no trouble seeing the lower one slowly starting to shine.

In other words, she was unconsciously aware of the “sticky” situation they both were in.

“Aren’t you supposed to wait for an answer after knocking? So I waited.” She actually did not, but again, that pervert should not have blocked his ears in the first place.

“Why did you come in if you were waiting then?”josei

“I obviously thought that you were not in your office, and that I could quietly drop the documents and leave. It is late already, and I did not know if you had already left or not.”

Na-Yool shook her head in a “What else could I have done?” stance. Good, she lied smoothly. It was her first time feeling this confident in front of him. got you by the balls, I’m the one with the upper-hand, got it?

As she adopted an arrogant attitude, her feelings could be clearly conveyed to Sin-Jin. Si-Jin grinned as if it was nothing. But Na-Yool saw it. The faint flicker at the corners of his mouth.

“Is the company’s messenger system for decoration?”

“The more important the document is, I would rather you sign it in person. Analogue is best.”

It was the answer she had given to Si-Jin when he once asked “Why would you take the trouble to run around to do work you could do sitting comfortably at your desk?” to break her spirit. She remembered the dirty look he gave her, when she then dared to ask why he felt the need to harass people in their face. And how he pestered her even more after he persistently called for her.

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