Plundering in the Apocalypse

Chapter 89 Fourth Floor!!

Chapter 89 Fourth Floor!!

As Shin and the group appeared on the fourth floor, they found themselves at the top of a cliff.

"What type of floor is this?" Simon asked, as he looked around to find anything.

"Isn't that an exit point?" Elena asked as looked at the portal behind them.

Shin used his appraisal to confirm.

[Exit Portal]

"Yes, it is," Shin affirmed.

"Let me search for monsters." Shin used his predator's eyes to focus, and the result surprised him.


"What happened?" Simon asked, seeing Shin's surprised look.

"Let m show you." Shin lead everyone to the edge of the cliff and the sight there made Elena and Alice knit their brows in disgust.

There were giant roaches everywhere. A few of them were climbing towards them. Elena manifested a huge icicle and shot at them.

Her attack wasn't able to kill that monster in a single attack. Although the icicle was huge. Seeing her attack fail, Alice smirked and seeing the grin on Alice's face, Elena started boiling in rage.

Shin used his appraisal.

[Giant Roach (Level 30 - 35)]

Shin pondered for a moment and shot a small electro bolt at the monster. The monster barely survived that attack.

Shin thought of an idea.

For some reason, seeing the smile on Shin's face gave Simin chills in his spine.

'What was that?' Simon shook his head in confusion.

"Acid attack." With Shin's command, huge balls of transparent acids formed in front of him.

Shin threw them toward the monsters and this compressed ball of acids did a terrifying job. Those shells weren't able to block the corrosion from the acids.

Shin again shot an Electro bolt at the place he had thrown the acid just now.

The attack reacted with the acid and started forming a white mist. It was corrosive.

The monster's bodies started deforming as they got in contact with the mist.

Everyone had their mouth agape at this scene.

Shin wasn't done, though. This time he had many balls of acids and shot them with many electro bolts. Soon the whole place was covered in corrosive white mist, as all the monsters were dying.

Shin used his gravity control to not let the mist rise and focused it on the monsters. The whole valley was being corroded.

A few minutes later. All the screams stopped as no monsters were left.

[You have killed 300 Giant Roaches]

[You have gained experience.]

[You have leveled up.]josei

[You have leveled up.]

[ +20 Bonus stats for leveling up.]

[Plunder activated]

[You have absorbed 20 stat points.]

[You have absorbed a new skill 'Mana Shield (E) X300']

"That was so badass, man," Simon said as he tap on Shin's shoulder.

"Yeah, Shin you were amazing." Elena didn't act like her usual self and complimented him.

"Shin is as cool as always," Alena said with a smug look.


[Congratulations on clearing the fourth floor. All the rewards will be distributed while exiting the Labrinth.]

[Please move to the next floor.]

"So where is the gate, Shin?" Elena asked as Shin had been the one to locate it every time.

"Oh, it's at the cliff over there," Shin answered as he pointed at the cliff opposite them about 100 meters distance.

This made Simon's excitement die down.

"How the hell are we going to reach there? The ground is too corrosive for us to travel." Simon muttered as he gulped, looking at the mist that was still there.

"Don't worry, we can think of a way," Elena replied to Simin. She didn't want Shin to blame himself after defeating all the monsters alone.

'Maybe I can use my Ice somehow. Can I make way for us?' Elena, who was trying to find a way, heard Shin's voice.

"Ok guys let's go to the next floor," Shin said casually to which Elena frowned. 'Does Shin have a way to get there?'

'I was worried about nothing. As expected of Shin.' She inwardly smiled in satisfaction. Of course, all this time she had kept her face calm and expressionless.

"Gravity control" as Shin activated his skill and used it. Everyone felt their feet leave the ground. They were floating.

"W-What?" The always composed Elena was not composed anymore.

Alice saw her face full of shock and disbelief and laughed inwardly.

"How are we flying?" Simon asked Shin as they were slowly getting close to the fifth-floor gate.

"We are not flying, we are floating." Shin corrected Simon while continuing his explanation.

"With my gravity control. I was able to make us float through the air."

Simon looked below the height, and that corrosive mist made him sweat.

Seeing Simon's worried expression, Shin said while giggling.

"Hehe, don't worry you won't fall," Shin assured Simon and continued, "Probably."

The doubt in Shin's voice scared Simon out of his wits.

Seeing Simon's scared face, Shin laughed more.

'Is he a demon or something?' Simon thought as he saw Shin smile at his misery.

Soon they arrived at the gate and entered the fifth floor.


Outside the labyrinth, Leonard had a blank look on his face. A few minutes ago when he saw the third engraving lit up. He was shocked, angry, and confused.

He couldn't believe that someone was able to clear the third floor. Which was also called the killer forest. Inside the forest, it was very difficult to navigate and without proper methods, killing all those monsters shouldn't be possible.

'Who could it be?' Even after thinking for a long time, he can't figure out who had the capabilities to clear those floors this early, when it had taken a few months in his previous lifetime.

While he was thinking, all that another engraving lit up. This time, his mind froze. The fourth floor had Giant roaches. They had such tough bodies that they can't be killed with bladed weapons. Only blunt weapons work on them. That too will take a few hits.

There should be 300 of them. It should have taken hours even for a team of 30 people. That too, with a lot of casualties. If they are not level 40, at the very least. It is possible with a team of D rank or above.

But the time taken was only a few minutes. Only S rank and above can do that.

Whatever may be the reason, but losing his chance of obtaining those rewards frustrated Leonard to no end.

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