Pokemon Master

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Interest Development Plan

In the afternoon, Fang Yuan and Eevee were watching the battle with great interest.

After coming back, Eevee was still remembering about the battle, but it was too difficult to let Eevee fight now.

Growl, Tackle, Tailwhip…these were the only moves that currently Eevee has control of.

Eevee was indeed not suitable for fighting. For example, the Nidoran they saw before has poison in its whole body, Eevee who could only tackle wouldn’t be its opponent at all and instead would put Eevee in a dangerous situation.

Although the gentle temperament of Eevee has brought Fang Yuan the convenience to raise it easily, if he wants to let Eevee possess outstanding strength without evolution then it would not be easy. This was a test for fang yuan.

In the evening, Fang Yuan’s parents got off work. At this time, Eevee had finished drinking the last milk of the day and was absorbing nutrition, as it slept again after returning back, it was still in high spirits.

After Fang Yuan’s mother entered the door, she immediately held Eevee and looked at it affectionately. And called, “good baby” “good baby” which made Fang Yuan have a black line.

In the face of his parents ‘taking love by force’, Fang Yuan said … there was nothing he could do.

(TN: Here in this context ‘Taking love by force’ meant that Fang yuan’s parents forcibly took his lovely Eevee. )

However, it was a happy thing that his parents liked Eevee. Eevee knew that they were family members of Fang Yuan and behaved well.

Seeing Evee behave well, Fang Yuan finally thought about what to do next.

As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. Although Eevee was not violent and warlike like Spearow and Beedrill, if it developed appropriate interest, perhaps it could achieve the same effect.

From the experience of the afternoon, little Eevee does not seem averse to battle and instead was very curious about it. This may be taken as the entry point.

The next day.

Fang Yuan decisively chose to stay at home, and Eevee was also together…watching movies while drinking milk.

This is life.

However, they weren’t watching just to kill time.

Fang Yuan chose movies with great care. They watched together first a movie called, “Eevee’s adventure”

With the advent of Pokemon, movies around the world have greatly changed, this movie was a typical example. It was a very famous adventure movie, it tells the story of a wandering Eevee who meets a passionate trainer. The two after becoming partners mistakenly enter into the secret realm. In the story, Eevee and the trainer encounter many dangers, but with Eeevee’s repeated bravery and wisdom, they fought with evil pokemon, the two protagonists narrowly escape out and established a deep friendship.

Because it was a media work, this Eevee showed very good combat ability, and has fought against countless powerful pokemon flexibly, and was extremely handsome. When Fang Yuan and Eevee were watching, Fang Yuan found that his Eevee was indeed attracted to the movie and showed a yearning expression.

It was like this: ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

Seeing Eevee’s expression, Fang Yuan knew that he was doing things correctly. Although he could train Eevee as soon as it was able to and Eevee would not refuse, the efficiency certainly would be low. It was better to cultivate Eevee’s interest first and let Eevee have the desire to become stronger.

From children's movies like “Eevee’s Adventure” and “The incredible maze: Pikachu rescue team” to the replay of the World Pokemon League conference, these two guys tried out a variety of different themes in a single day.

Compared with “Eevee’s adventure”. The league battle was more fierce, high intensity, and more real. This classic battle made even Fang Yuan’s blood boil, let alone Eevee who has been inspired by movies and Tv series.

“Vee~ Vee~”

Fang Yuan leaned on the sofa, Eevee would sometimes lay in his arms and watch, and sometimes would roll in the silk scarf and watch, in this way, one day passed.

The next day, Fang Yuan and Eevee had a simple morning run, and then again chose to stay at home.

It was difficult to calculate the number of films and tv series, the two no matter how much they watched couldn’t see all.

Although Fang Yuan would actively screen those that are suitable, he was still faced with a huge number of movies.


While watching the movie, a mobile phone notification came, Fang Yuan looked at the mobile phone and saw that it was from senior sister Tang Ying.

Senior sister: still watching movies with Eevee?

Reply to my older sister: Yes… Eevee seems to have fallen in love with this feeling.

Senior Sister: puff, okay, but remember to go out with Eevee and get some fresh air. By the way, are you free on the 1st? Our psychology club plans to go out and have fun together, we won’t have many chances to get together after school starts.

Reply to senior sister: Free, where will we be going?

Senior sister: A holiday place in Shanghai, a West Coast resort.

Fang Yuan thought it was fine and immediately made the appointment, there were still four days until the agreed date, it would be also good to take Eevee to play on the beach.

After all, they can’t stay at home all the time. Senior sister is correct

“Vee?” Eevee called.

“Oh.. the movie is over… next, next.”

“Forget it, I'll show you how to use the remote control.”

You are a mature Eevee now, it’s time you learn how to use remote control yourself.

Eevee: “…”


Speaking of which, Eevee was now three days old, and four days later, almost its newborn period would end and it would then enter its growth period.

Pokemon has a very short newborn period and have a very long growth stage.josei

After entering the growth period, Eevee could start receiving training. Fang Yuan has already had a certain plan and decided to carry it out after he returned from the tour.

Senior sister suggested to Fang Yuan to wait till school starts and follow the school's training progress, but Fang Yuan felt that he would lag behind….

Follow the big troops and train hard….Pingcheng No1 high school was best in Pingcheng, but not in the whole country, and even if compared with key high schools in the province it would not be on top, so Fang Yuan still wanted to try by himself.

Although the new trainers of Pingchen No1 high school were elites in Pingcheng and several towns around Pingcheng, Pingcheng was not a big city after all. There was still a gap when compared to Shanghai and the Capital’s resource conditions. It could be seen from the number of professional trainers coming out of Shanghai, and they not only have trainers clubs, but there were various ancient dojo, battle halls, and private breeding houses. These could help the local newcomer trainer to rapidly grow. If Fang Yuan’s vision was only limited to Pingcheng, then he would be sorry for the knowledge in his head.

After Fang Yuan made the decision, he first talked about his trip with Eevee to his father and then discussed the arrangement of little Eevee.

His father soon agreed and gave expenses for food, drink, living, traveling, and play. To be honest, Fang Yuan’s parents were really not relieved to let Fang Yuan go out alone, it was thanks to the company of classmates that he was able to go, otherwise, Fang Yuan and Eevee could only wander around Pingcheng.

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