Pokemon Master

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Sandcastle

“We are here!”

After getting off the maglev train, the small group boarded two more buses and finally arrived at the destination.

After entering the resort and taking a look at the reserved rooms, the group was satisfied and decided to have a meal together.

It was not until the afternoon that they officially began to relax.

Fang Yuan and Eevee stepped on the sand, and a soft and comfortable feeling was instantly transmitted to every part of their body and mind.

“How is it, Eevee”

Stepping barefoot on the sand which had the right temperature, Fang Yuan took a deep breath and suddenly felt refreshed….

The sea was azure blue and so was the sky, with the slight sea breeze blowing, it relaxed Fang yuan, and, most importantly, there was a group of big sisters in swimsuits.

“Vee vee~”

Eevee kept rolling in the sand because it was the first time it came to the beach, everything was new for it.

There were not just Fang yuan’s group but there were also many trainers and pokemon on the beach.

Staryu, Seel, Slowpoke, Oddish, Psyduck, Dratini… there were all kinds of pokemon

Wait a minute…



(TN: the internet term, refers to people who spend their money boldly. Here Fang Yuan is referring to the person who has Dratini.)

In addition, there were many adults and children on the beach. Some children were digging stones with shovels, some rolling up their sleeves were splashing each other with water, some were preparing to swim with a swimming tube, and some were building castles with sand!

When Eevee saw that another Eevee was also building a castle with sand, it immediately imitated it. With two small claws, it began to stir the sand around it. Interestingly, Eevee learned very quickly. Although it was the first time it did, it made a good sandcastle.

“Not bad.”josei

Fang Yuan simply sat down next to Eevee and watched it play attentively. The Eevee’s sandcastle was good, in Fang Yuan’s eyes, it was much more beautiful than the other Eevee.

After a while, Fang Yuan found out that the prototype of the castle was exactly like that which appeared in a movie yesterday… This little guy still remembered the emotions.

After completion, Eevee compared itself with the other party. This comparison made Eevee very proud. It blinked its eyes, looked left and right, then looked down again, and then raised its chin high. It seemed to be very satisfied with its own masterpiece.

However, when Eevee looked around again, it inadvertently caught a glimpse of a pokemon and a girl who were also playing with sand, and couldn’t help showing a hesitant expression.

It was a Sandshrew. The castle built by the other side was obviously more spectacular, which made Eevee look at its piled castle with some suspicion.  Fang Yuan followed Eevee’s eyes and saw the opposite party was ground-type pokemon. When playing with sand, it was excusable for Eevee to not be as good as it. But what Fang yuan didn't expect was when he was thinking, Eevee patted the castle with one paw. Then it started to pile up again as if to overhaul the other party, it tried to make something even more spectacular than the opponent.

“Vee vee!!”

While piling up the sand, Eevee asked Fang  Yuan to wait. Looking at Eevee’s serious expression, Fang Yuan grinned. How did he not find before that this little guy was so unyielding?

The sandcastle building, the simple game was no longer simple anymore, it made Eevee show serious expression for the first time. Fang Yuan was also very happy to see Eevee get serious, and so he did not hurry to do other things. He quietly accompanied Eevee, and watched it piling sand and perfecting it….

On the other side, after a little tour, the psychology group got together, found Fang Yuan, and said: “We took a look, now there are not many tourists in the ‘wave surf pool’. Let’s go there and play.”

"Eh… are you guys  building sandcastles?"

"Well, Eevee seems to be very interested. I'm sorry. Why don't you guys go first, I'll be accompanying Eevee here."

Lu Jie said: “it’s okay. Building sandcastles is also very interesting. Shall we join together? Let’s compete to see whose pokemon could build a better castle.”

Tang Ying said, "Good."

Then Meng Zicheng and Du Ai also accepted the suggestion, the pokemon around them immediately looked at Eevee and showed an eager expression to try the sandcastle building.

After getting permission, the pokemon of the group started to move one after another. Persian, Graveler, Gloom, Golbat all rushed towards the beach….

After competition; the work of Mengzi Cheng’s Graveler's was most exquisite, followed by Tang Ying’s Persian, little Eevee only ranked third. This comparison made little Eevee even more uncomfortable.

Ibrahimovic: Σ(° △ °|||)︴, It seems to have taken a hit

“Vee ..” Eevee let out a few losing groans, then looked at the sandcastle of Sandshrew again, which, even now, was the most spectacular one.

It seems to be fourth….

“Haha…” Fang Yuan rubbed Eevee’s head and said, “it doesn’t matter. I’ll bring you back tomorrow during the free activity time. We will try to make more and better castles.”

“Vee…” little Eevee nodded.

Fang Yuan exhaled, fortunately, his Eevee was sensible.

After tossing this matter aside, they began to walk towards the water park to play.

However, Fang Yuan has decided to come back with Eevee tomorrow. It was rare that little Eevee wanted to do something seriously.   Fang Yuan felt that as its trainer, he had no reason not to support it. Just as his parents supported his choices, he also wants to support little Eevee.

Even if it was just simple sand piling, it was necessary to let Eevee be happy and obtain a sense of achievement on the line.

And it just so happens that tomorrow the group decided to disperse and have free activity, which would allow Fang Yuan and Eevee to be alone.

When they arrived at the water park, the group began to play wildly, and the excitement of the amusement facilities allowed Eevee to temporarily change its mind.

However, the crazy play didn't make it forget the sandcastle matter. The next morning, little Eevee woke up earlier than Fang Yuan.

The little fellow hurriedly patted Fangyuan's face, making a confident expression. And shouted, “Vee Vee”, as if to remind Fang Yuan that it was time to fulfill the agreement.

"I know, I know."

Lying on the bed, Fang Yuan picked Eevee who was on his face, and yawned.

“Don’t worry, I will stay with you all day.” Fang Yuan said.

Beautiful free activity time, it was worth looking forward to,  although the senior sister invited him to go to another place to have fun, for Eevee’s sake, Fang Yuan declined.

Free time with senior sister was valuable and to be treasured, but for Eevee’s sake, both could be thrown away!

As it was still early, the temperature outside was not as warm as yesterday and so stepping on the beach felt a little cool, but it didn't affect Eevee’s enthusiasm. After running to yesterday’s place, it began to pile sand without saying any word.

It made sandcastles of the magnificent buildings that it saw in the movies.

Fang Yuan also found that Eevee’s memory was really good. It remembered the details of those buildings very clearly. He felt inferior to Eevee.

“Vee vee!” It wasn't long before it finished building the sandcastle. However, when it recalled yesterday's sandcastle of the opponent Sandshrew, it immediately shook its head in dissatisfaction and collapsed the castle again.

"Come on, take your time." Fang Yuan encouraged it.

Eevee also showed a resolute expression.

Time passed slowly.

One hour… Two hours… Three hours…

Fang Yuan was surprised, it has been such a long time and Eevee was still working hard.

The sandcastle that was built has made great progress, but compared with yesterday's work of the Sandshrew, there was still some gap, which also made Fang Yuan feel a little pity.

At this time, there were more people on the beach, and the temperature was gradually rising.  Fang Yuan stretched his waist and suddenly showed an unexpected expression because he saw yesterday's combination of the girl and Sandshrew.

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