Pokemon Master

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Cultivation Notes

In the end, Fang Yuan and Eevee had decided to participate in the Young Phoenix King Cup.

Besides, their ambition was great.

Although it was not optimistic.

After that, the five members of the psychology club continued their trip for two more days in Shanghai. Altogether it was a four-day trip.

The first day… They played normally.

The second day,  Fang yuan and Eevee were alone, and Evee learned the Sand attack move.josei

In the next two days, they didn’t have any new harvest, but they learned more about Shanghai and spent a relatively ordinary time.

In this period Fang Yuan and Eevee also went to the nearest Dojos and watched from outside. It was limited to this, as outsiders were denied entry to the important venues.

However, he has to say that the atmosphere in Shanghai was much better than that in Pingcheng, as the trainer culture here was obviously more prosperous.

As expected the championship of the Young Phoenix King Cup was not easy to get….

“Let’s go home.”


On the afternoon of the fourth day, the group got on the maglev train to Pingcheng. They talked and laughed all the way, and Fang yuan has been repeatedly told to maintain the psychology club.

Naturally, Fang Yuan didn’t refuse. After all, after returning to Pincgheng, he could continue to study and do club activities…. As it was one of the legitimate reasons for escaping subjects which don’t have exams, he has done such things before.

"Fang Yuan, you should work hard and train with Eevee after going back."

"If you make it to the final 16, we'll be able to see you in the broadcast." Du Ai joked.

“Right, while training if there is something you don’t understand remember to ask us. We have already told you about all the training programs of the school.” Senior sister said.

Everyone smiled together, they didn’t have high expectations from Fang Yuan, unless… Eevee evolves within a month.

This was the only possibility that several people have explored out.

No matter what to say, Eevee in people’s cognition was not suitable for fighting, and Eevee has just entered the growth period.

"All right… You just wait to see my heroism."

Let's not mention anything and brag out first, the specific results will depend on the situation.

The relationship between the group was quite good and they joked with each other. This kind of relationship was common in high school. After the group disperses and goes to different cities to study in university, the relationship would gradually become a little unfamiliar.

They arrived at Pingcheng and it was time to leave. Little Eevee, lying on Fang Yuan’s shoulder, watched others leave.

Fang Yuan sighed, he did not stay out for a long time and went straight home. Although he was only out for four days, he still felt comfortable living at home. Fang Yuan couldn't imagine how he would be going to spend his university life.

“But thinking that little Eevee will be accompanying me, makes me feel better.”

Fang Yuan sighed, no matter how the environment around him changes, at least Eevee would always be with him.

He and Eevee soon arrived home, there was still no one at home, but Fang Yuan was used to it. After changing clothes, he immediately hurried to the bedroom.

As for little Eevee…it stayed in the living room to watch TV.

Fang Yuan now had a big task to do, which was to decide how far he could go in the Young Phoenix King Cup.

In the last two days, Fang Yuan summed up a special training program. He combined his own understanding, knowledge of game and animation, as well as some actual situations, and sorted out a training template.

Everyone knows that training without purpose is inefficient, and Fang Yuan was certainly more clear about it.

Those cultivation plans have been noted in the mobile phone by Fang Yuan. What he had to do now was to use the computer and notes to summarize them in detail.

“With the Phoenix King Cup as the target, Eevee and I will face many types of opponents, maybe rock type, ghost type, or Psychic types. These attributes are very difficult to deal with. With Eevee’s small body, if I want to defeat those tricky pokemon, I must conduct comprehensive training…”

Fang Yuan thought.

The actual combat strength of the Pokemon depends on the level of basic quality and the mastery of moves.

This was the result of Fang Yuan's careful division.

The so-called basic quality includes physical strength, body strength, speed, explosive power, coordination ability, etc. Some Pokemon also focus on mental training.

Physical strength affects the Pokemon’s ability to fight continuously.

Body strength affects the Pokemon’s ability to resist attacks, as well as their own ability to attack. For example, the level of body strength has a great influence on the power of Tackle. In addition, some Pokemon’s body parts also have the effect of storing energy.

As for speed, it is a very broad concept. The reaction speed, movement speed, and energy gathering speed of Pokemon all belonged to the speed category.

The explosive power was also a very important factor according to different Pokemon and how it was cultivated, and as for the Coordination ability, Fang Yuan considered it essential.

There was a profession in animation called Pokemon Coordinators, which this world doesn’t have. This profession was different from traditional trainers. They focus on improving the appearance and the mental state of Pokemon. In addition, they practice gorgeous combat and hone their coordination. As a result, the top coordinators can combine characteristics of the Pokemon and flexibly use a large number of moves, or to put it more intuitively, coordination could also be described as control.

The control of body movement, the control of energy, the control of the move forms…

It was closely related to the previous several basic qualities,  strong control of the body, would be able to bring a stronger explosive force, strong control of energy could result in faster moves!

“As described, if the basic quality was the foundation, then moves of the pokemon is then one or multi-way of sublimation of the basic quality, and is fundamental for deciding the outcome of the battle.”

This principle was also very simple. Harden could strengthen the body strength of the pokemon and bring out the strong defense. Agility could strengthen the movement speed of the pokemon and bring strong mobility,

As for why moves could decide the outcome of battles because it was the main attack means of the Pokemon!

If you do not attack, you would never be able to win unless your opponent was exhausted.

The magical power possessed by Pokemons was usually the use of energy, and moves were the embodiment of all kinds of energy.

Blizzard….. Thunder… Fire Spin….Frenzy Plant….

Fang Yuan wrote down the key points in the notebook, all basic qualities couldn’t be left behind, but moves have to be selectively trained. After all, the pokemon’s energy was limited.

It was difficult to understand the move.

It was more difficult to master a move.

It was even more difficult to develop a move to its limit.

Eevee was just born recently. At present, its basic qualities were not up to standard. If it wants to reach the ordinary level, it still needs to continue to absorb nutrition and grow up slowly. At that time, some of its basic qualities would naturally improve. And some of the basic qualities which were still not qualified could be made up with training.

However, now time was running out, Fang Yuan has to take a shortcut.

“There is a place where I can train all the basic qualities and at the same time help Eevee understand new moves, but I don’t know if I can go there now…”

“If I can, then I will save a lot of time.”

Fang Yuan attaches great importance to the special training program. He plans to discuss this matter with his parents when they come back.

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