Pokemon Master

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Anticipation

As it was the first day of training, and maybe Eevee needed a process of adaptation, Fang Yuan didn’t have the intention to make it hard, exercised a variety of basic qualities, and finally turned into physical training.

A little in the morning, a little in the afternoon, and a little in the evening, Eevee and Fang Yuan ran back and forth 100 times.

Fang Yuan was about to collapse and almost couldn’t stick to it, both of his legs were sore. However, in order to set an example for Eevee, he should never fall first, so Fang Yuan clenched his teeth and accompanied Eevee through the day.

After returning home…

Eevee was tired.

As there was no injury, and there was a rest time during the special training, it was not enough to send it to the Pokemon Center for recovery.

Fang Yuan gave it to eat an Oran berry which he had bought in advance to restore its physical strength and then Eevee drank plenty of milk to replenish its nutrition. After they finally took a hot bath, Eevee quickly rolled up on its silk scarf and went to sleep.

After exercising for the whole day, Eevee slept soundly. Although Fang Yuan was also very sleepy and tired, he still had to summarize today's special training results as well as plan for tomorrow's training.

"It's going on too slowly…"

Looking at the disorderly notes on the notebook, Fang Yuan felt a headache.

After 100 rounds, Eevee managed to take a round trip under 2 minutes, but it wasn't enough.

It was still too slow.

"We'll have to step it up tomorrow."

With that, Fang Yuan put down his notebook, threw himself on the bed, and also fell asleep.

The next day, as the sun rose, the alarm clock woke Fang Yuan and Eevee, who were sleeping soundly.

As soon as Fang Yuan woke up, he felt all his body sore. He then took a look at it Eevee, there was nothing wrong with this little guy, and was lively. It seems that the Oran berry has played its role.

Oran berry was a type of berry, produced from the secret realm. The secret realm has many plants with magical effects. Berry was one of the typical ones. The function of Oran berry was to restore the physical strength of the Pokemon. Although the recovery range was not large, it was enough for the low consumption special training of Eevee.josei

However, although Oran berry was the most artificially planted berry, its consumption was also large. So the price was not cheap and was more expensive than the most common berry. For Fang Yuan and Eevee, this special training was burning money.

And when they need to use the Pokemon center later, the cost would go up even further…

It could be said that they bet the vast majority of their wealth on the Young Phoenix King Cup.

This was also the reason why Fang Yuan was worried.

On this new day, according to the training schedule, Fang Yuan would take Eevee to the old place for training, but Eevee suddenly dozed off.

This retreat was obvious, yesterday work tired it out, and now it doesn’t want to repeat the boring training.


Fang Yuan looked at Eevee, who had shrunk into the silk scarf and rolled itself up. He pretended to be angry and said: “ You made an agreement with me.”

“You said you were going to take part in the Young Phoenix King Cup.”


As Fang Yuan’s words fell, Eevee slowly poked out its head and showed an expression of "I'm desperate too".

Enthusiasm was able to last for a day, it is already great, okay? Vee!

However, thinking of the agreement with Fang Yuan and the handsome colleagues in the movie, Eevee’s face changed a little as if it had made a most important decision, and then reluctantly jumped on Fang Yuan’s shoulder.

"That should be like it… We have to work hard today! Together!”

On this day, Fang Yuan and Eevee started the second round of special training, because there was no special emphasis like yesterday, so Eevee still unconsciously slowed down the speed to avoid the obstacle. Fang Yuan watched for a while and sighed.

Well, it looks like I need to use the killer move.

"Eevee, come here."

"Listen to me, in order to prevent you from slowing down subconsciously, we will change the starting method today."

"Vee?" Eevee was puzzled.

Fang Yuan drew a white line: “From here, use the ‘Tackle’ move to accelerate out, with the explosive force of Tackle gain acceleration and then from staring to end, do not slow down until you hit the obstacle, of course, if you can avoid it, that would be best.”


Fang Yuan made it very clear, Eevee’s fluke mentality was instantly shattered.

“Come on, look at this.” After that, Fang Yuan took out a white spray bottle from his backpack.

“I’ve prepared the medicine for you.”

Eevee: :(* ̄︿ ̄), I’m even more worried.

The special training still needs to continue. Eevee carefully prepared itself and began to use the Tackle move according to the requirements of Fang Yuan. As Eevee dashed out, it accelerated in the dense forest, and within a few seconds, it bumped into the tree with a bang. The strange tree in this forest was very hard. With Eevee’s small body, even if it uses the "Tackle" move, it could only leave a shallow white mark on the tree. It was impossible to knock it down, and now its impact was really not lethal.

At this time, Eevee was like a patty sticking on the tree trunk. As it slowly fell to the ground, Eevee almost cried out in pain and immediately looked back with tear-filled eyes.

Fang Yuan patted his forehead. Although he was ready to train Eevee’s body strength, when he saw that there was an accident on Eevee’s side, he immediately ran with the medicine.

He was now a little uneasy to let Eevee battle. Now it was like this when hitting the trunk, if it is hit by Flamethrower or Thunderbolt, it would kill little Eevee.

No wonder it was said that Eevee was not suitable for the battle, the experts do not lie.

Now Fang Yuan's problem was that although he had already made Eevee not so resistant to special training through movies and TV works, it was still difficult for it to overcome its fear of pain and tiredness. If it was replaced with a stubborn, irritable, warlike, and wild-natured pokemon as beginner pokemon there would be no problem like this, but the newcomer trainer who chooses gentle temperament Eevee like Fang Yuan was undoubtedly a hell level difficult start.

"Nothing can be done." In fact, Fang Yuan has gone through a lot of research and has also asked the seniors. The training intensity of Eevee was not very high. The adaptability of the Pokemon was stronger than the humans could imagine, but the current Eevee’s mentality has not been not yet changed, so he must be cruel.

In fact, …it was not just the mentality.

There was a reason why Fang Yuan’s start was harder than 99.9 percent of newcomer trainers.

Because earlier, he had vaguely discovered the ability of Eevee… It was Anticipation.

The ability was a special feature that every Pokemon has. For example, the overgrow ability, which increases the power of Pokemon’s grass-type moves, if it has less physical strength. Another example is Guts ability which increases the attack ability of pokemon when it is in an abnormal state like burn and poison.

Most of these abilities were good for Pokemon in a battle, but there were also some abilities that were bad for Pokemon, such as Truant and Slow Start. Flexible use of the Pokemon’s abilities could achieve unexpected results in the battle, and now the Anticipation of Eevee was like a double-edged sword.

At present, the abilities of Pokemon have not been fully explored, at least the Anticipation ability of Eevee was unpublished.

This Anticipation ability was of great tactical value in battle allowing Pokemon to detect and sense the opponent's dangerous moves in advance and use the subconscious perception of the body to reduce the danger.

However, the premise was that the Pokemon have mastered this ability.

Eevee, for example, apparently did not master the Anticipation ability, and now, the Anticipation ability was like a drag and has been affecting it.

Every time before it encounters danger…. For example, when it was about to hit a tree trunk, it would shrink back consciously, which was obviously because there was the Anticipation ability which it hadn't mastered.

The ability could also be regarded as a part of the Pokemon itself and the personality of Pokemon was affected by ability, which Fang Yuan didn't think was strange.

Therefore, if Fang Yuan wants to let Eevee overcome some of the psychological factors, he will also need to indirectly let it overcome the disadvantages brought by its ability.

This stump training method could be said to be hitting more birds with one arrow, because in Fang Yuan's special training program, in addition to basic qualities and moves, he also prepared to use this training method to help Eevee exercise its ability.

Just that it was a matter of the later stage. It could only be carried out after Eevee adapts to the current special training. The main content was to make it blindfolded and repeat the current special training.

It would no longer be relying on eyes, but the instinct brought by the Anticipation ability so that it could exercise the ability very well.

“Eevee….” Fang Yuan sprayed the medicine on Eevee, looked at the bruises that had disappeared almost instantly, and helplessly said: “There is a long way to go…”

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