Pokemon Master

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: New Move

On the third day after returning home.

Eevee finally overcame all the difficulties and was able to carry out special training with a serious attitude.

However, every time Eevee thought of being punished by the Fang Yuan for a week to not watch dramas, it would inexplicably feel sad.josei

Only when you lose something do you understand its value….

Eevee wants to watch dramas!’

Even if it's just for two hours a day, it's better to be snuggled up in bed with the silk scarf and phone.

Fang Yuan didn't expect that…The original intention was to let Eevee cultivate its interest in the battle by being influenced by it, but it was overturned so quickly.

Although Eevee has been influenced by it and wanted to be stronger, it actually brought another interest to it…

Whether it was movies, anime, TV series, or highlights of some events, it loves the feeling of watching a story through the screen.

Maybe because it didn't want to bargain with Fang Yuan. On the fourth day, Eevee, who couldn’t catch up with dramas, almost turned grief into motivation and trained more seriously.

Perhaps more importantly, Eevee doesn't want to make Fang Yuan unable to eat because of its laziness.

Therefore, the special training effect of this day was much better than that of yesterday. On the premise of not using the tackle move to gain explosive force, Eevee could now not only gallop more easily in the dense forest but also the speed has almost reached the limit of the normal state.

There was also the fact that, because of some success in special training,  Eevee was suddenly a little less afraid of special training.

At this time, it looked at the dense forest, just like watching the work of Sandshrew on the beach, with only a competitive heart.

Freed from the influence of Anticipation ability on its personality and mentality, Eevee changed back to the form Fang Yuan was familiar with, it was the competitive little Eevee.

On this day, they went to the Pokemon center as usual and finally left under the strange eyes of the female trainee nurse.

The fifth day.

Fang Yuan said to Eevee: “Next, we will begin the special training of Quick Attack move.”

"Vee!" Eevee was full of confidence, although it was not clear what Fang Yuan was talking about.

"The day before yesterday, you had already experienced the Tackle move, right?"

Eevee nodded.

At that time, Eevee’s movement was timid, and did not dare to sprint at high speed in the dense forest. Fang Yuan simply let it start with Tackle, and then did not allow it to slow down, and even if Eevee wanted to stop, it was very difficult.

Facts have proved that this was really effective, Eevee was badly hit.

However, after Eevee’s mentality changed, they did not use this method again and resumed the original special training content, letting Eevee do ordinary sprints. After all, the special training should follow the gradual process.

“If the Tackle just allows you to get an explosive force when you start, speed up rapidly, and hit the target in a short time, then Quick Attack lets you use the Tackle to attack the target at a very fast speed continuously.”

"Quick Attack requires a lot more stamina, strength, power, and coordination, but once you master it, you can use it to gain faster movement speed."

Eevee was starting to understand.

“So next, we need to carry out the special training content of the day before yesterday again, continuously use Tackle to sprint and run in the dense forest, and avoid obstacles at the same time. If you can gradually adapt, then you will not be far from learning how to apply Quick attack.”

In such a dense place… continuously use Tackle?!

Eevee had psychologically prepared, but was still taken aback and then looked at Fang Yuan with suspicious eyes.

"Cough… What is with that expression!"

Fang Yuan blushed a little. Although he came up with the training content of Quick attack, it was absolutely reliable.

Eevee turned its head, showed the expression that I believe you, and ran to the white line.

On the fourth day of training that was yesterday, Eevee was able to travel smoothly in the dense forest at its normal speed. Now it also wants to see if it could push its limits and complete the journey faster.

With Fang Yuan's command, Eevee’s body was filled with white light, turned into a white shadow, and dashed out. After a few seconds, the white light disappeared, which was a sign of energy dissipation. From here it could be seen that if it was in a battle, Eevee’s Tackle could only be used to attack an opponent at close range. If the opponent was too far away from it, the Tackle would fail before it even touches the target.

After a while, Fang Yuan stopped the timer.

Eevee failed.

When the energy of the Tackle dissipates, it condenses energy again and uses the Tackle. In this way, Eevee could continue to burst out strength to sprint.  but it was clear that Eevee could not control the speed of the sprint, and soon it hit the tree, just like on the third day.

Fortunately, after two days of training, Eevee was no longer a crying child. After getting up from the ground, Eevee just shook the dust off its body and started running again. Its body strength was much stronger than at the beginning.

Sure enough, thick skin is formed after beating….

Due to the need to use moves back and forth, the consumption of Eevee was very large, so this special training could not be carried out all day. The process of learning new moves was very difficult, and Fang yuan didn’t rush for quick success. Tried out once, let Eevee then change to ordinary physical training or let it rest.

The training lasted about three more days.

On the seventh day of their special training in this dense forest, Eevee has made significant changes.

Its manipulation of energy has gone up to a higher level, and the physical strength it trained was enough to keep it moving at a high speed for a longer time.  The accumulated experience of hundreds of times hitting the tree trunk has also made it more proficient in Tackle moves, and did not feel so difficult to control the explosive force brought by Tackle.

The only thing missing was coordination.

However, this has not stopped Eevee from learning Quick attack.

After enough accumulation, Eevee naturally combined the special training results together and completed the Quick Attack move. Looking at Eevee, who was full of white light and kept running easily in the open area, Fang Yuan almost burst into tears.

It was not easy, the Quick attack was more difficult than the Sand Attack. The understanding of the Sand Attack may have been a coincidence, but the Quick attack could be said to be the result of the sweat of Eevee.

After Eevee showed the move, Fang Yuan picked it up and said the words that touched Eevee most in the past few days.

"From tonight, I'll allow you to watch your phone for two hours…"

Eevee: (✪ω✪) I was waiting for this sentence.

Looking at Eevee’s expression, Fang Yuan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell what's wrong, so he could only scratch his head.

"Also, to celebrate, let's end today's special training."

Fang Yuan laughed, everything was going smoothly. If this momentum continues, there will be a good show at the Young Phoenix King Cup.

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