Pokemon Master

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Visit

A day later.

Although the secret realm has been blocked by the Trainer Association in time, there were still many Pokemon who came outside through different dimensional channels….

Therefore, because Fang Yuan's grandparents were not at ease to continue to live in Nanwu Town, they were all received by Fang Yuan’s parents to Pingcheng.

Fang Yuan and Eevee naturally returned.

After he came back, he did not know how this story spread, the whole school got to know about it, even the school leaders personally came to his home to meet him.

In the class group.josei

Fang Yuan searched the chat records for a long time and found that it was spread from here, so he couldn’t help but @ culprit immediately.

Fang Yuan: @ Lin Jing

After a while…

Lin Jing: I'm sorry, I didn't control my mouth, (。ŏ_ŏ).

Lin Jing: I heard from my dad that the victim was a student from Pingcheng. I didn't expect it to be you. Are you okay?

Lin Jing: Now everybody can admire you, quickly say what you experienced in the secret realm.

Zhang Jiale: Fang Yuan is a corpse!

Li Mu: Fang Yuan is a corpse!

(TN: It is sometimes used as a joke for people suddenly appearing when they haven’t been around the social platform for a long time. It means a dead person has appeared.)

Repeat message X11.

Fang Yuan: …..There's something wrong. Let's slip away first.

Fang Yuan immediately turned off the group chat, and in a few seconds, several messages appeared continuously.

His phone has just been fixed and he doesn't want to be bombarded with messages right now.

Speaking of which, it seems that Lin Jing's father was also a professional trainer, but he doesn't know if the other party has gone to Nanwu Town this time.


"Keep the volume down. I'm going to do my homework."

Sitting relaxedly at the desk, Fang Yuan took a deep breath and shouted in the direction of the living room.

Eevee, who was watching TV in the living room, reluctantly turned the volume down :(눈‸눈)

"Next, let’s take a short day off. It could also be considered a holiday for me and Eevee. Is it better to do math homework or  Chinese homework?"

Fang Yuan looked at the two exercise books on the table.

Finally, he turned on the computer.

Let's make Eevee’s special training plan for tomorrow!

Suddenly, Eevee in the living room didn't know why it sneezed…

As the evening approached, with the sound of "Dong! Dong! Dong!" ", a tearful Eevee pressed the pause button on the remote control, don’t know what it was watching.


Fang Yuan also came out of the bedroom, a little puzzled, so who was it?


After saying that, Fang Yuan rushed over and opened the door.

The man standing outside the door was of medium height, with a well-proportioned waist, strong limbs, broad round shoulders, a high chest, and looked strong;  above all, his complexion was ugly, as though Fang Yuan owed him a great deal of money.

In response, Fang Yuan grinned, he was a little confused. Why he hadn’t noticed before that the other side looked so fierce.

"Brother Yang, why are you here?"

The uncle with an ugly complexion was Yang Han, the professional trainer who rescued him and Eevee from a secret realm by riding a Charizard.

"Looks like you're recovering well." Yang Han looked at Fang Yuan and Eevee who came over.

Their spirit looked much better now than before.

"Brother Yang, come in and sit down." Fang Yuan quickly said, and against his will called him elder brother. Old Yang's age almost caught up with his father, but still likes to pretend young, certainly single!

Inside, Fang Yuan searched left and right, but could not find any drinks to serve. They could only make a pot of boiling water.  However, the other party obviously did not come just to see Fang Yuan, so he didn't care about it

Sitting on the sofa, Yang Han looked at Fang Yuan and said, “The type of berry core has been analyzed. It is the Salac berry. The tree protected by that Pidgeot was also the Salac berry tree.”

"So fast?" Fang Yuan was stunned this has only been a day, well, actually not too fast.

“As the berry tree is fully protected by the Trainers Association,  the value of the core is not very great, but even so, as the discoverer of the Salac berry tree, I received a good merit value, which is very helpful for my promotion.” Yang Han finally showed a smile.

“It’s good that it has been useful. Right, the Pidgeot has been solved?” Fang Yuan asked.

"Don't worry, there's no danger in this secret realm now. This time’s secret realm is not that difficult. The most powerful pokemon was the Pidegot”

Saying this, Yang Han stared at Fang Yuan; “ Eevee ate the Salac berry right?”

Fang Yuan nodded.

“I heard from Old He that you and Eevee are going to participate in the Young Phoenix King Cup of Shanghai and that’s why you have been doing special training in that dense forest?”

"That's right."

Yang Han pondered for a while and said,

"Those cores were really useful to me. I owe you a favor. I'll keep my word, and you don't rush to refuse. I don’t like to dawdle on it, so I plan to return it as soon as possible,  but before that, I'll ask you a question."

"How did you and Eevee spend those hours in secret realms?"

Fang Yuan and Yi Bu are stunned and asked why………

Fang Yuan recalled, briefly describing their fight and flight experience.


He described it so vividly that Eevee shuddered as if he were in the scene again.

“Is it true?”


"Well, I'll give you two choices." Yang Han said: “In a few days, you will receive compensation for emotional damage. The first choice is that I will try my best to help you get more compensation. This money should be very helpful for you to cultivate Eevee.”

He heard about Fang Yuan’s matter from doctor He. For a new trainer who was reluctant to even use nutritional products, a large amount of consolation money could really play a significant role.

“Second,” Fang Yuan asked.

"In the period before the Young Phoenix King cup is held, I'll find someone to help you and Eevee to carry out a targeted special training. In addition, I'll give you a way to earn money, so that you can buy some nutritious products or training equipment for Eevee. To be honest, you and Eevee can't reach the end of  the Young Phoenix King Cup.”

“The situation in Shanghai is very different from that of Pingcheng.”

Yang Han finished and began to wait for Fang Yuan's answer.

"Then I'll take the second one." Fang Yuan immediately said.

"But Eevee and I have to train so we won’t have much time to work…"

"Who says you can't earn money while training?" Yang Han said: “New trainers like you there are not few. In order to make money, some of them would often fight those new trainers with good families on the public battlefield and used the money to bet in the fight. However, without strength, I don't recommend this way because it's very inefficient. The money won may not be enough for the cost of treatment and physical recovery. At most the gain would be some actual combat experience”

“Betting money.”Fang Yuan's eyes brightened.  How could he not think of it? After doing special training for so long, he was very confident of Eevee’s strength. It should not be a problem to deal with new trainers.

“Don't think about it. That way is a waste of time. You may not be able to find a suitable ‘business’' even after waiting for two or three days. I will introduce you to a more suitable job.” Yang Han said.

“Take this.” Yang Han handed a silver card to Fang Yuan.

On it ‘Xingyao Battle club’ was written with big characters.

Xing Yao Battle club…

Fang Yuan was shocked, this was one of the most famous battle clubs in China. There are many branches in different cities, and Pincgheng was no exception.

"Are you interested in the battle club as the sparring partner?"

"Over there, I will also arrange an experienced coach for you and Eevee to make up for your shortcomings. How is it?”

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