Pokemon Master

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: First Battle

Facing the Munchlax that turned into a ball, Fang Yuan gave a simple command.

"Eevee, approach it carefully, and use Sand Attack!"

Eevee was very smart, and after getting along with Fang Yuan day and night allowed it to understand the deep meaning of most of Fang Yuan's commands.

After the command was given, Eevee raised its forelegs slightly, and then lightly landed on the ground, just like that step by step, it slowly walked towards Munchlax who had turned into a ball.

Looking at Eevee who was walking like a noblewoman's pet, Liu Le's face changed and he became a little angry.

He didn't know that when Eevee was at its most relaxed state,  it was also at its most sensitive state of Anticipation ability.

Eevee walked very slowly, and every step created a lot of pressure in Liu Le's heart. The key point was that he still couldn't let the Munchlax take the initiative, because speed was not the advantage of the Munchlax.

So he was waiting; waiting for Eevee to approach Munchlax.

After a while, Eevee finally reached a distance that Liu Le thought was appropriate.

"Munchlax, Lick!"

Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment because Lick was a ghost-type move, and its effect on the Normal-type Eevee was minimal…

As long as this Liu Le was not stupid, then it means there was a trap.

Fang Yuan had already prepared for it, but he was still surprised by the change in Munchlax

The Munchlax that had turned into a ball, didn't know how it got a boost and rolled towards Eevee with white light. It was very fast, it looked similar to a Rollout move, but it was not.

"By using the Defence Curl to turn as a ball, and then using the force of the Lick move on the ground to give the body an acceleration, the Tackle move becomes like Rollout…"

"I said Old Liu, your child is obviously a genius."

Shan Mi said unexpectedly.

Although Liu Le's father didn't say anything, he was quite satisfied with Liu Le's cleverness. Of course, it would be nice if Liu Le's attitude could be more serious.

However, more surprises for Shan Mi were still to come.

Facing this sudden attack, Eevee's complexion didn't change a bit, and it jumped away flexibly. In its eyes, the increased speed of Munchlax was not worth mentioning.

"This Eevee has a good reaction speed, and its body is very flexible, therefore it could avoid crisis situations. It should be the result of targeted training." Shan Mi said.

Munchlax's attack did not stop. Liu Le knew that the speed of Munchlax was very slow, so he came up with such an attack mode.

Through the Defence Curl move, Munchlax curls into a ball, and because the mass of the ball was evenly and symmetrically distributed, the height of the center of gravity of the ball does not change on a horizontal surface, so much energy couldn’t be consumed. Therefore, if other external forces were ignored, once the ball starts rolling, it would keep rolling.

Although Munchlax suffers friction when attacking, it has no problem in maintaining a steady speed, and with the Lick move, it could push and change directions.

If you change to someone else…the outcome might have already been set.

Now Fang Yuan was convinced that the opponent's 19-consecutive victories weren’t just fluke, because this Munchlax had barely overcome the disadvantage of slow speed.

It's a pity that…

It met Eevee.

It met Eevee who could already use Quick Attack quite skillfully and could shuttle freely in the intricate dense forest.

It nimbly avoided the rolling impact of the Munchlax again and again, Eevee showed a sly smile, as if it was molesting Munchlax.

"Use Sand-Attack continuously." Fang Yuan immediately gave the order.

Although Munchlax made up for the shortcomings of speed, its next shortcoming was also exposed.

After turning into a ball, it was difficult for the Munchlax to see the direction clearly. Its attacks depended on head-on strength. As long as it wasn’t confronted directly, it was difficult for it to hurt Eevee.josei


Hearing the command, Eevee slammed the ground, and a lot of dust was lifted up.

As it moved, it created sand and dust, which made the air in the entire venue become dusty. At this time, it was more difficult for the Munchalx to determine the specific location of Eevee.


After a while, Munchlax let out an uncomfortable cry, then quickly stood up and looked around hurriedly.

It covered its mouth and nose, looking for Eevee's trace, but Eevee's skin color was very close to the color of the sand dust, so Munchlax could only attack indiscriminately.

"Calm down, Munchlax, Eevee is right in front of you, use Metronome." Liu Le said.

After Munchlax heard its trainer's order, it was no longer anxious, and its fingers swayed. The next moment, a layer of white light filled Munchlax's fist. The Metronome was a move that allowed Pokemon to use random moves. Right now, the Munchlax got a Mach Punch move.

"What kind of move is this…" Liu Le was taken aback.

The effect of Max Punch was very good. It belongs to the fighting type. It could greatly increase the speed of Munchalx’s punching speed, which was far more daunting to Eevee than the Tackle. It was a move that could counter the speed of Quick Attack. Although Liu Le was puzzled, it didn't affect him to find that the speed of the Munchlax's punches had become much faster.

Liu Le looked happy, he ordered Munchlax to attack, but he did not notice that the body of the Munchlax had become quite uncoordinated. At this time, the speed brought by Mach Punch was a disadvantage to the Munchlax. This speed was not something that the Munchlax could master, it could be said that it was to Fang Yuan’s intentions.

"Mach Punch… good luck, but it's still useless, Eevee, take the initiative and use Quick Attack."


Eevee smiled triumphantly, and the moment the Munchlax rushed out of the sand, it rushed to the side of the Munchlax and used its best Quick Attack.

When the Mach Punch was used, Eevee easily avoided it. The Munchlax subconsciously wanted to change the direction of its punch, but the awkward feeling of its body made it miss the best time to attack. At this time, Eevee had staggered its body and jumped behind it without hesitation. Eevee skillfully changed direction again by stepping on the ground, interfering with Munchlax's judgment, and aimed at the weakest part of Munchlax, the back neck.

Munchlax waved its Mach Punch indiscriminately,  it panted for breath, but never touched Eevee made it very upset.

Then the next Eevee issued a fatal blow.

With a "bang", the back of the neck of the Munchlax was severely injured, and its entire body swayed dizzy, and within a few seconds, it sat on the ground.

Eevee also landed at the same time but did not cancel its attack posture.

"What's going on?" Liu Le's eyes widened, and he didn't understand why the body of Munchlax became more sluggish than before.

"It's due to the Sand attack move. After Eevee used the Sand attack move continuously, not only had the air filled with dust but the ground was also covered with a layer of sand. When the Munchlax was rolling, its body hair, which could even hide food, was covered with sand, which is the main reason for its discomfort and dullness.” Fang Yuan explained.

It’s finished……

The referee glanced at the status of the Munchlax and announced the result directly: "Munchlax lost the ability to fight, so the winner is Fang Yuan."


"It looks like the outcome has been decided. This Fang Yuan really surprised me. In addition to physical strength, this Eevee’s basic qualities have been trained to a higher level than Munchlax, especially in terms of speed. Far surpassing the Munchlax, but what surprised me the most was that this kid did not directly rely on this advantage, but chose to continue to broaden the scope. This is a fairly safe approach." In the audience, Shan Mi said.

"Why do you say that?" Liu Le’s father looked at Shan Mi.

"I originally thought that Sand Attack was just to interfere with the Munchlax's sight, but I didn't expect that he would use this method to make the sand accumulate in the Munchlax's hair… For the Munchlax, having the body hair full of sand was definitely not a comfortable thing, it would stimulate its fat, affect its senses, and make it lose the rhythm of the battle."

"Okay, let's go down."

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