Pokemon Master

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Going to Breeding House

Chapter 3 - Thinking as a trainer

Time passed by and in the blink of an eye, it was June 24.

It was officially summer vacation for Fang Yuan.

It was expected that he would be going to the public breeding house in a while to buy his beginner’s pokemon eggs.

To become a trainer in China, there are four requirements.

First, to be 16 years old, second was to pass the physical examination of trainers, third, to pay taxes annually, and fourth was to have a Pokemon.

Fang Yuan was just at the right age, and the physical examination was organized by the school and he met the standard. So, when he gets the pokemon egg, he could directly go to the pokemon center for payment and registration with the certificate of the breeding house.

Once the pokemon hatches and he activates the trainer ID, he could call himself a trainer.

Professional trainers have the right to use 95 percent of the public facilities in all countries free of charge. However, they needed to pass the difficult assessment of the Trainers Association to obtain the license, which was very demanding and therefore the treatment was very good.

The requirements to be a regular trainer were low, but the pay was not bad either.

The most important point was that at present society only the trainers could legally hold the Pokemon and the Pokeball.

In fact, just being eligible to enjoy the preferential services of facilities like Pokemon Center and friendly stores makes people who own Pokemon unable to refuse.

It could be said that the identity of an ordinary trainer was an essential pass. Otherwise, the pokemon will have nowhere to go for medical treatment if they are sick or injured. It should be known that private pokemon hospitals almost do not exist in China and all the medical services provided by Pokemon centers were under the monopoly of the Trainers Association.

In the past half a month, Fang Yuan has been trying to learn more, and at the same time, he has perfected the cultivation plan of grass-type pokemon that he formulated.

No one saw any change in Fang Yuan. Even his parents didn’t feel anything strange. After all, even with two memories, Fang Yuan was still himself.

“Son, are you ready? Don’t miss the appointment time.” Fang Yuan’s father shouted from the living room.

"Just a moment." In the bedroom, Fang Yuan put on his clothes and looked in the mirror to make himself look more natural.


There was a quick answer. Fang Yuan's father and mother who were waiting in the living room laughed at the same time. They could sense the excitement in Fang Yuan’s tone.

Fang Yuan’s parents didn’t have any holidays, but today they took leave together. The reason was very simple: to accompany Fang Yuan to the breeding house to buy and order a pokemon egg.

For Fang Yuan's age, he must be accompanied by a guardian.

And if no adult pays, Fang Yuan can't afford to buy it himself. His entire savings in the banks after getting new year’s money was only around 6000 yuan.

This little money could buy an ordinary pet, so he could just simply forget about buying a pokemon egg.

Fang Yuan was really very excited, after all, he had been waiting for this for half a month.

After Fang Yuan came out from the bedroom, the family no longer dawdled and set out directly.


There are five high schools in Pingcheng, among which the Trainers Association and the Ministry of Education jointly recognized that only Pingcheng No.1 High school was qualified to cultivate trainers. There were about 400 students in Pingcheng No.1 High School who would make an appointment in the breeding house these days and would choose a day to buy pokemon eggs.

On the street leading to the breeding house, there was a steady stream of parents taking their children there, and parents rushing back with their children carrying pokemon eggs.

Pingcheng was not a small city, but it's inevitable to meet acquaintances in this situation. Soon after going out, Fang Yuan immediately met someone he knew. She was a classmate of class 12 in her second year.

"Uncle Lin, Lin Jing." Fang Yuan grinned and stepped forward to greet them.

The man was dressed in casual clothes, and his age was about the same as Fang Yuan's parents. The girl next to him was pretty and had a heroic spirit and special temperament.

“Oh, it’s little Jing’s classmate, hello.” Uncle Lin replied with a smile.

Fang Yuan’s parents also met him several times in parent meetings; the two sides immediately started chatting politely after the meeting.

Fang Yuan also wanted to talk with Uncle Lin. However, seeing his parents talking enthusiastically, he could only helplessly look at his classmate.

This uncle Lin was a legend in Pingcheng. The captain of the Pingcheng Criminal Police squad, who cracked many cases of theft and murders using pokemon and was very famous in Pingcheng.

This was the first live professional trainer Fang Yuan met…

“Fang Yuan, guess what…”Ling Jing talked to Fang Yuan.

“Growlithe.” Fang Yuan said directly.

“You’re so boring.” Ling Jing said in a dull tone.

It was so uncomfortable to be guessed halfway.

“There is no need to guess…” Fang Yuan was too lazy to complain about it. This Lin Jing was raised by Uncle Lin like a policeman since she was a child and the whole class knows it. Moreover, the Growlithe and Arcanine were almost the standard for Police officers in China.

Growlithe are smart, brave, loyal, and have a keen sense of smell. As long as they have smelled it once, they will never forget it. They could also detect other’s emotions by smelling. They are known as the most suitable pokemon to be police dogs.

Although this kind of pokemon was very rare, it was easy to reserve one and afford it with Lin Jing's family's conditions.

The meeting with the schoolmate was only an accident. The two families walked some distance together on the way, but as they approached the breeding house, they had to separate because they needed to find their respective guides.

After the father and daughter left, Fang Yuan’s father suddenly touched his chin and said, “Son, do you plan to fall in love after graduation?”

“A waste of time,” Fang yuan calmly said.josei

"I think Lin Jing is very good." Fang yuan’s father said seriously.

“I’m afraid others would look down on your son.” Fang Yuan’s mother said.

“….” Fang yuan looked at the sky.

His parents are good, but a little out of tune. Ah, tired.


“You are number 51, Fang family?”

“We are.”

After arriving, Fang Yuan's father made a call, and soon a young man with glasses came out of the feeding house and greeted them with a smile.

After seeing this man, Fang Yuan’s spirit cheered up, finally started…

“Please follow me. By the way, my name is Bai Shi ” After finding the customer, the young man with glasses who came out of the breeding house smiled again.

Public breeding houses and Pokemon Centers were both affiliated with the Trainers Association. At present, in China, only public breeding houses could officially sell pokemon and pokemon eggs.

It was illegal to buy or sell pokemon through other channels.

It was worth mentioning that the owners and most of the employees of the breeding house were official breeders who have passed the assessment of the breeders association. They were proficient in the breeding knowledge of many elves, which naturally includes incubation and care.

Therefore, every Pokemon egg and Pokemon that was sold in public feeding houses would not have bad talent and would not have any disease, but naturally, the price will be a little higher.

It is said to be a “house”, but it was actually very big, similar to a public square with complete classification.

Following the other person in the process, the three of them listened to the introduction given by the young man and repeatedly nodded.

“Before coming here, I think Mr. Fang must have known about the kinds of pokemon eggs in our breeding house. I wonder if there is anyone you like.”

“We don’t understand it. The child will have to choose by himself. The school has taught him all things, he said he would personally want to see and check it.”

Fang Yuan’s mother said.

“That’s fine. Let the child decide for himself.” Bai Shi said.

Chapter 3 - Thinking as a trainer

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