Political Marriage With a Friendly Enemy

Chapter 67

Chapter 67


It was an acidic cloud. A thick cloud of acidic smoke covered my plants, and with a grinding, rattling sound, the stems began to corrode.

‘D*mn it.’

I bit my lip as I felt the plant’s vitality waning. I hurried backwards, grabbing Marianne’s shoulders to avoid the effects of the smoke first.

‘I didn’t think he would bring the scrolls.’

He probably paid a huge amount of money to get it from a different race where magic still thrived. If it was such a powerful offensive magic, it couldn’t have been obtained on the human continent.

‘Does he have more scrolls?’

I think the money earned from the exclusive distribution of sclerosis medicine. It seemed like he used the money he raked in from the Gullier to buy magic scrolls to keep himself safe.

‘I don’t know much about offensive magic….’

And it was a magic that worked among this race, it was much stronger than the human one.

“Will I be able to defeat him?’

I was not used to combat. A weak sense of fear enveloped my body.

In my previous life, I had very rarely exerted myself, and even in this life, I only helped soldiers in the direction of strengthening their rear defenses.

Moreover, the opponent in front of me was a living person. Will I be able to attack him without hesitation and channel my attacks?

‘No, I have to.’

After a few moments of wavering feelings, I quickly found the answer. I had no choice. I had to deal with him.

There was a saying that it takes one legion to deal with a powerful wizard. It was an old saying now. It meant that it was rare to find an existence that could defeat a wizard one-on-one.

If I closed the distance and charged in, I had a chance to win, but there was no way my opponent would give up the distance. It would take a lot of sacrifice to get close.

Long-range attacks were less of a risk burden if they were suppressed at a distance. In other words, the person who could most effectively subdue Roman around here was none other than me.

The smoke from the scroll was slowly receding, and Roman stared at me with glowing eyes.

The distance between us was quite large, but I could read the murderous intent in his eyes.


Roman spoke in a low voice. The muscles in his face tightened and slowly began to disappear as the skin began to melt.

‘The transformation magic is broken.’

This was because he had used so much magic in such a short time to activate the powerful magic contained in the scroll.

A scroll that contained powerful high-level magic, such as the one Roman just used, took a lot of magic power from the chanters when it was activated.

Before I knew it, Roman’s outer skin melted and his true form appeared.

He had silver hair and purple eyes.

Roman smiled crookedly and said.

“You are that Princess who annoyed me…..Usphere Catatel. You’re the only person in existence who can do this kind of magic.”

Roman called my name correctly.

I flinched, but didn’t answer.

“Hey, do you know who I am?”

Roman didn’t think I knew who he really was. I stared at him, and in my head I tried to think of a way to attack him.

I didn’t know how many scrolls he had. If I attacked him recklessly, I would get tired first.

“What is it, by the way? Did you follow me all the way here dressed up as a man?…Oh, my god.”

“Yes, Roman.”

I finally opened my mouth quietly. It was my stern voice. Roman’s face grew cold as he heard his name called. His eyes wavered.

This quick-witted and clever man quickly put the puzzle together and realized the situation. He realized that he was now in a trap.

Isn’t it very strange that the Empress would come to the border region dressed like this? When he thought about it, Roman came up with an assumption.

This woman was not just a simple Empress. If such a powerful wizard had secretly followed him here, hiding her existence, she must be doing something secretly.

For example, catching a wizard on the run.

“What? Did you know I was here?”

Roman burst into laughter and gradually distorted his face.

“How did you know? How do you know I’m Roman and I was here?”

I said calmly, trying not to show my nervousness as I had no choice.

“It’s rather strange that you think I won’t find you. You are overconfident.”


“Just because you change your appearance doesn’t mean that your essence will change. How can you not get caught when you’re that horrible?”

Roman looked agitated, his face flushed. His eyes seemed to have turned red again.

“I should have removed you completely.”

“It’s your fault that you didn’t.”

“Shut up.”

“I know what you did. What kind of experiments did you do with the people who died of sclerosis?”

“How could you….”

The more I pushed, the darker the nervousness and impatience on Roman’s face became. Roman seemed to have never assumed that his plans would have leaked to the outside world.

But there was no such thing as a perfect secret. The plants clearly saw and remembered the ugly deeds that Roman had committed.

Only nature knew that he would use his cursed magic to contaminate the Goddess’s power and pollute the world.

“Who told you that? Diaquit? Did your brother tell you?”

“Yes, he did.”

Roman panicked and spat out his alliance with his own mouth. I had already guessed, but my heart pounded in my chest as I heard his confirmation.

‘Diaquit. Did you want to conquer the continent even with the power of someone like this?’

Was this the case in my previous life?

But in my previous life, victory eventually went to the Radon Empire. Of course, contrary to expectations, the Northern League put up a good fight for a long time against Kwanach.

I’m sure Diaquit held Romain’s hand in my previous life as well, ……… since the events that took place before my death hadn’t changed much.

If Roman had been so powerful and had conducted so many different experiments, why had he not been able to win the war?

Curiosity followed, and Roman muttered a cuss word.

“Everything was about to be completed… …It was perfect. They’re all in my hands……..”

One thought suddenly came to my mind.

About to be completed?

So he’s saying it’s not finished yet?

In the end, it might have been an experiment or something that failed.

Roman was proud, but his ambition had been broken along the way. His filthy, foul mind had made the whole continent suffer through several years of warfare without yielding any results.

“No, you will receive nothing.”

Roman’s lips twisted at my words.

“You are destined to leave this land with nothing but ugly pain. Roman, you are wrong.”

“What would you know, a beautiful princess, who was raised with love in a royal palace?”

Roman’s eyes were filled with resentment. I did not know why Roman was so broken, but I could at least sense that the roots of his twistedness were very deep.

“What do you think a woman like you, who grew up being loved by everyone, would know?”

“Not necessarily.”

I responded calmly.

At one time I was treated like an abandoned person, and it was only by my own will that I had stepped forward and used my power to do something that people would like.

Roman’s situation may have been crueler than mine, but he had no reason to treat me as a naive, carefree princess.

I had been trying to protect this world somehow.

I didn’t want people like Roman to push innocent people to their deaths. So that no more people had to live in death and pain.

So I didn’t want to hear that from Roman.

I grabbed a few more seeds and infused them with power. Not only the seeds on my palm, but also the ground I was stepping on seemed to resonate with me.

“Roman….. you’re done here.”

As expected, Roman took another scroll.

‘How many scrolls are there? I don’t know what that magic is right now…..’

I was scared, but I focused my mind. Hearing the commotion, Kwanach and his soldiers were able to come this way.

But I wanted to finish the fight before they arrived, in case the widespread magic injured them. I turned slightly and whispered to the bewildered Marianne.

“Marianne, stick close to me.”

Marianne staggered and grabbed my arm.

Kaaaa! The second scroll was torn apart by Roman’s hand.

Immediately, a huge crazy wind blew. It was almost as fierce as a typhoon. My eyes spontaneously closed. My hat was blown away by the wind, and my mustache, which had been tightly attached, also fell off. My wig, half disheveled, blocked my view, so I took it all off.

My hair, which was tied up in a single bun, loosened and fluttered in the wind and hit my face like a whip.

The crazy wind became less and less and turned into a whirlpool. Then the whirlpool came rushing towards me. It was big enough to swallow several people at once.

I finally regained my composure and rushed to grow plants to wrap around Marianne. Vines twined here and there, enveloping us like a greenhouse.josei

It was a temporary protective shield made of plants. In no time at all, the plants had covered us, but there were gaps because they were made in a hurry.

Marianne shouted, as if she was surprised by the green vines that instantly covered her vision.

“Ha, Your Majesty’s magic is much more amazing than the rumors……!”

But the surprise and admiration was short-lived.

Kannnnnn! With a roar, the whirlpool caused by Roman’s scroll collided head-on with the plant barrier.

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