Political Marriage With a Friendly Enemy

Chapter 74

Chapter 74




My heart pounded with bewilderment and strange excitement as if my body was rising.


Before I knew it, the carriage had entered the Imperial Palace and was heading towards the main building. Turning my head lightly, I looked through the window at the main building. A sense of relief washed over me that I was finally home. However, there were still things that needed to be resolved.


‘Can I rest today?’


I wanted to take a bath. I had come in a horse-drawn carriage, which would not be considered a hardship compared to the soldiers, but I was still tired from the journey.


Neighhhh! I heard the sound of horses neighing, and soon their hooves, which had been making a stomping sound, stopped.


“We’ve arrived.”


I smiled at Kwanach’s low voice. This place that had been so unfamiliar to me at first felt like home.


It was where I should go back to. It was where I and Kwanach could stay comfortably. 


The carriage door opened and Kwanach got out first. He extended his hand towards me in front of the open door. I grabbed his hand and got out of the carriage. Gently, he stood beside me, holding my waist.


The moment his firm arm wrapped around me, I took a reflexive gulp.


“Oh …….”


I exhaled as I let out a small sigh. Even though he had just covered my waist, the mere fact that Kwanach’s huge body was attached to mine caused my body temperature to jump. A strange sensation rose from my toes.


‘What’s wrong with me ……?’


During the trip to the capital, Kwanach and I spent every spare moment kissing and touching each other’s bodies. I didn’t take off my clothes, but Kwanach’s hands squeezed my breasts and even went into my underskirt.


It was embarrassing. Even though I knew it, I couldn’t very well refuse Kwanach’s hand as it reached towards me.


His hands were hard, with battle scars in places. It was so hot. Every time his rough hands grazed my skin, my body tingled and my head melted.


After spending a few days like that, my body seemed to have become strange.


‘I’m thirsty.’


My forehead was also throbbing with pain. I glanced at Kwanach, twitching my fingertips. Whether he noticed my gaze, he turned his head and made eye contact with me.


Kwanach was calm. Even though in the carriage, he was impatient and excited, now he seemed relaxed.


‘I heard this is his first time too, how can he be so different?’


Kwanach led me gently towards the main building. I gulped and tried to regain my composure.


There were many eyes watching us. The knights and soldiers who had accompanied us were standing on either side of us. I walked step by step, trying not to be aware of the arm that was holding my waist firmly in place.


Kwanach walked me to my room. It was the room I hadn’t seen in a long time. It was still the same as when I had escaped from the secret passage. 


Marianne tried to follow from behind, but Kwanach beckoned her to stay back. Marianne bowed and retreated, and the door to the room slammed shut.


As soon as I heard the door slam, Kwanach yanked me to my feet.




As it was, my body came into Kwanach’s arms. His large left hand grabbed my chin. His lips immediately came straight to mine.


Hot lips covered mine. It was an urgent kiss. His tongue penetrated my mouth roughly and went from everywhere. I breathed heavily, held tightly by Kwanach.


With shaking hands, I gripped Kwanach’s waist tightly without even knowing it.


My chest was stuffy under the pressure of his body. I felt a numbness in my jaw where he had grabbed me. And heat rose through those senses.


We hugged and kissed each other for a while in the morning, and I was excited all over again, as if it was the first time.


Kwanach bit my lower lip gently with his teeth, and with his thick hand, he swept my back to just above my buttocks.




A strange sound leaked out of my mouth. A numbing force penetrated from the top of my head to my toes and gathered around my lower belly.


The kiss didn’t last as long as in the carriage. Kwanach fell slowly and sighed.


I opened my eyes. Right in front of me, I saw a handsome face.


Kwanach said in a voice that seemed to suppress his emotions.


“There’s a lot to process… …quite a lot.”


“Yes …….”


I replied faintly, unable to fully escape the haze. My lips tingled. Kwanach pressed my lower lip with his fingertips and then released it.


“First, you should get some rest. I’ll take care of the political affairs and come back.”


Kwanach slowly relaxed his arms that were gripping my waist. There was a small gap between us. As I fell away from Kwanach’s hot, firm body, I felt my crumbling rationality slowly return to its place.


I adjusted my neck a couple of times and looked at Kwanach. His gaze was intense as he looked down at me. The heat tried to rise again, but I tried not to be aware of it.


I regained my mind and opened my mouth.


“What about Jaxor and Roman?”


“I’ve put them in an underground prison. We’re going to start questioning them in earnest tomorrow.”


“Can I see them tomorrow, too? I’m curious about Roman’s experiments.”


We have Roman in custody, but not all questions have been answered yet. We still had to find out what kind of experiment Roman was doing, who else was helping him do it, and to what extent Diaquit was involved.


Kwanach pondered for a moment, then nodded.


“You are the only one who can find out about it, so okay.”


Normally, he would have stopped me out of concern for me, but surprisingly, he accepted my suggestion willingly. I guess that was how much he trusted and relied on me now. It made me happy.


“Do not relax while you are facing them, for it may be dangerous.”


“Yes. Don’t worry. Didn’t you see my magic?”


Kwanach gave a small laugh when I joked. But he didn’t deny what I said.


“Well then…….”


Kwanach stopped speaking for a moment, reached out and covered my cheeks with his hands. I felt a fervent heat in his palms. Kwanach stared at me, lowered his head and kissed my forehead.


“I’ll see you tonight.” (Kwanach)


The voice that followed was low and rough. The face that spat out the words was red.


Kwanach spun around and hurried out of the room. His walk was less relaxed than earlier. As I watched his back in a daze, I missed my chance to reply.


Only after Kwanach left the room in a hurry did I exhale the breath I had endured.




As soon as I recalled the word, my heart skipped a beat.


“Are we finally going to do it?”


I covered my face with my hands. In an instant, my legs lost their strength and I almost wobbled. I could clearly feel my heart beating.


Kwanach already told me that we would have our first night when we returned to the Imperial palace, but it didn’t feel real. 


Inwardly, I wondered if a kiss would be enough. Kwanach seemed to be happy the whole time in the carriage.


…… No, Kwanach was never satisfied. I could tell from the look he had just given me.


It’s a completely different face from the carriage. It was a pained expression, as if he had to suppress his desire.


I backed away and sat down on the edge of the bed. I put my hand on my steeply excited chest and swallowed my dry saliva.


“What should I do?”


What would it be like to have a physical relationship? I didn’t know how to do it properly, and there was nowhere to ask.


Should I just let Kwanach take care of everything like in the carriage? But I wanted to be prepared with a little advance knowledge.


I was told that unlike the north, the south was a bit more open-minded. Would the women in the South know a little more about nighttime intimacy? I was worried that Kwanach would see me as a child, not knowing anything about it.


If there was a place to go for help at times like this….




I called her, who was waiting outside the room.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Marianne walked in quickly and bowed her head. Her face still bore the scars from the border battle. Unlike me, whose body had healed oddly quickly.


“Please prepare a bath. I need to wash up.”




“And …….”


Marianne paused and looked at me as she quickly went to get ready.


“Is there anything else you want to order? Is there anything wrong with you?”


“Do I look like that?”


“Your face is very red.”


I gave a small cough and touched my cheek with my fingertip for no apparent reason.


“Oh, I’m not sick, but…. Actually, I have a question for you.”




I didn’t know how to speak, so I just bit my lips for a while. Then I whispered quietly in a small voice.


“Hold on, come a little closer.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Marianne approached me with impeccable posture and bowed her head.


“So, between husband and wife….”




My face seemed to be burning from the mere mention of the subject, but I was at a loss what to do tonight. I needed to know a little bit beforehand.


I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.


“The women in the South are, um… you know… do you know how they do their night duty?”




Marianne had a startled look on her face. She didn’t seem to understand why I was asking such a question to an unmarried woman.


It was obvious. She must have thought that I had already slept with Kwanach.


No one, not just Marianne, could imagine that we were still pre-relationship.




*‘Tonight’ is approaching……..next chapter 😂. The author is teasing you guys, not me, okay 🤣

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